Volume 2 Chapter 41 (1/2)

Wortenia Senki Action 84760K 2022-07-22

Chapter 2 Episode 41

Editors: SniperIRL

Day 212 after being summoned to another world: (Princess Dilemma)

”... What should I do, I wonder...”

Princess Lupis directed her eyes toward the windows, looking at Pireaus royal city from her room.

The pure white dress which greatly exposes her chest highlighted her beauty.

She's the same person who wore armor and was revered as General Princess, but her appearance now is completely different.

However, the gloom in her eyes negated the brightness of her beauty.


A big sigh leaked out from her mouth.

Even though the bustling people in the town are so vibrant to the point of it reaching the castle.

Every citizen expected a new beginning with the civil war ended.

The civil war ended with Hodram death, slain by Elena Steiner's sword.

Hodram who was joined the true mastermind midway ends up being killed and become the scapegoat, while Duke Gerhardt survived. Although there are some indescribable parts, she was able to preserve the face of Rozeria Kingdom by having Hodram take all the responsibility.

The Civil war was already over some time ago, and one month has pa.s.sed.

However, Princess Lupis who should have been full of hope was instead buried in worry.

”Father... Am I suitable to become the leader of this country? I who is getting lost just because of thinking how to treat that man?”

Many times she had asked such question toward her dead father.

That being said, of course, the dead cannot reply with an answer.

She asked a question to her father who cannot answer.

Such behavior shows what kind of state of mind she has currently.


Again, deep sigh leaked from her mouth.

”Your Highness...”

Meltina looked at Princess Lupis’ figure in sorrow.

Along with the crowning of Lupis, she was being appointed as the leader of the royal guard knights.

Although originally she had to carry out her work, she still needs to accompany the princess as her a.s.sistant like usual.

(As expected... Having Mikhail end up under house arrest has become a hard blow for us... If it were me alone, I don't think I can support her highness...)

Speaking about intelligence, Meltina and Mikhail were no different.

However, having a life experience of 10 years more than Meltina, was unexpectedly not something to be trifled with.

And Mikhail also is more suited in influencing the knights.

Although the civil war has ended, the princess' power is still unstable.

It would be natural for her to want a trustworthy human around her.

However, one of such important persons is under house arrest.

After the civil war had ended, Duke Gerhardt handed over Mikhail to Lupis.

Naturally, Meltina and Lupis thought he can get back to work just like that, but it was impossible.

Separately, Ryouma never said anything.

In the beginning, Mikhail's punishment was being postponed.

The princess was going to overlooked his mistakes by offsetting it with his achievement during the civil war.

For his second mistake, Lupis and Mletina could not do anything other than pursuing Earl Bergston to make his faction stand as a bystander and not getting involved by giving unnecessary thought.

”You know... About Mikhail... Is it impossible for me to reinstate him? Is it fine if I just demote him? Can I solve his punishment with that?”

This time Meltina received a barrage of questions from Lupis.

It was already half a month since Mikhail under house arrest.

And the princess' question has been constantly repeated since then.

Meltina shook her head silently while sighing.

”No matter how much your highness wanted that, it would be impossible... Of course, I want to finish his house arrest punishment too, but...”

Meltina too wants to fulfill Lupis wish.

She does not think that Mikhail would be able to solve all the problem they had, but, since he's someone they both can trust, Meltina wants to reinstate him as well.

However, with the current situation, something like that was impossible.

The reason for that is it would make the others start questioning the princesses actions.

No matter how much the princess trusted him, she can't just reinstate someone who had failed twice.

The first failure can be solved by making Kyle take the responsibility, but, the second failure is deadly.

Although it was temporary, he had become a prisoner of war and also he ignored the orders of his superior officers.

Moreover, because of that, the plan to get rid of Duke Gerhardt fell apart..

Some executives have voiced of wanting him executed.

Even as a princess, it would be impossible to reinstate Mikhail without any punishment.

If she does that, it would be an act that can shake her regime, which has not yet found a solid foundation.

”I guess so huh... I'm sorry Meltina. For asking something unreasonable...”

Lupis also understands that as well.

The problem is despite her mind accepting some portion of her heart still unable to accept it.

Meltina had no choice but sighing inside her mind.

”Well, Mikhail aside... What do you think about our other problem?”

Lupis switches the topic and asks Meltina.

Her problem is not just Mikhail, there's another person that she doesn't know what to do with.

”Mikos.h.i.+ba Ryouma is it... As I've expected, the n.o.bles and the knights would definitely disapprove it... If only we can give him a job as a unit leader for his achievement, but...”


Lupis grimaced after listening to Meltina's answer.

The problem she has other than Mikhail is about Mikos.h.i.+ba Ryouma.

If she follows the first contract they have, she supposedly helped him to prove his innocence, with the Rozeria Kingdom become their backing.

And after being proven innocent, they supposedly leave the country.

As soon as the civil war ended, Lupis have sent a letter explaining the situation to the local guilds as the princess of Rozeria Kingdom.

In this way, it has been already admitted that Mikos.h.i.+ba Ryouma and his colleagues have done nothing wrong.

The only dissatisfaction they had was for being unable to prove the guild leader from Wallace Heinkell’s wrong doings which cause him to escape any punishment, but such result is not a surprise.

If they follow Duke Gerhardt testimony, it seems like Kyle is the one who arranged everything.

And now with that Kyle getting killed by Ryouma, it is difficult for them to find someone with testimony and evidence.

And the neighboring guild masters could not pursue it further without any evidence.

In fact, there's a no way out of this anymore.

However, having Princess Lupis prove Ryouma's innocence, Princess Lupis has already fulfilled her promise to him.

Then no one can stop them if they want to leave.

But right now, they still remain in the royal castle.

That was because Lupis asked them to wait until her coronation is over.

”And the opinion from the knights are also still not good, regardless if they are from commoner or distinguished knight family.”


”As expected to give a man not the citizen of Rozeria Kingdom an important post they think it would be bad for us to do that... Well, I don't even have to ask for the reason why it would be bad... However, if we force him into the knight orders, indeed one important post would be reduced then... And for a human being who aimed at a higher post, and only to have the post getting s.n.a.t.c.hed by a foreigner, I think we have to consider what would the others think about this...”

Lupis’ face gets cloudy due to Meltina's statement.

Lupis is afraid of Mikos.h.i.+ba Ryouma.

The fear was growing to the point where it was overflowing from her heart, after all, he is the man who makes it possible for her to be the queen of the Rozeria Kingdom, making the person who was in a disadvantageous situation previously now stand in front of the coronation ceremony.

”He who only move for himself, I don't think I want to appoint him as a knight either... After all, he does not have any respect for the royalty nor loyalty to the Rozeria Kingdom itself... It is too dangerous to have him as a person who protects the royal family, at least that is what I thought as a knight.”

Evaluation regarding Mikos.h.i.+ba Ryouma’s ability is very high.

Such evaluation also comes from those who think negatively about him.

Thus if the princess is able to appoint him, he can get any job done as a knight.

However, when we asked how much confidence all of us have in him as a knight, everything went south.

As a knight, he has to protect the kingdom with his sword.

Military power is necessary for the king to control the domestic power.

But what if even the king do not have confidence with the person who holds the military?

Such situation would force them back into the era similar to the time when Hodram ruled the military.

The king might become the puppet and the country management becomes disturbed.

Right now Lupis has to rebuild the kingdom.

Nevertheless, she cannot just appoint someone with unknown origin to an important position within the knight orders.

Such opinion was not only voiced by her but also among the executive leaders within the kingdom.

”But... We can't let him out of the country like this! Absolutely not! What if another country manages to appoint him?!”

Lupis raises her voice.

This is what she was afraid of.

She is unable to give an important position to him.

However, what would happen if another country could?

”I know... I also agree with that... Your highness about that...”

Meltina hesitated to continue.

But Lupis is sensitive enough to understand what she wants to say.

”No! No matter how dire our current position is... We cannot do that!”

Meltina keeps silent due to Lupis clear rejection.

Silence ruled the atmosphere.

Meltina did not speak any words.

But what she was about to say had already been proposed by the others executive leaders, especially the n.o.bles.

And that suggestion is an a.s.sa.s.sination.