Volume 1 Chapter 14 (1/2)
TLN: I'm Fully BACK, university life is h.e.l.l, expect me posting all the delayed chapter within this month.
Chapter 1 E 14 - (Pursuers)
”Everyone, Due to the disturbance last time, a new order had been made!” <rolph>
Mid-day, during an intense sunlight, Rolph loud voice can be heard from the square in front of the castle gate.
”Sardina-sama, Seria-dono, Orlando-dono, and also this me, the commander, each of us will be allocated 30-40 person, and then we will divide, then search toward east and south border, the formation will be notified beforehand. Also, as everyone already knows, the culprit is someone from another world who had killed Gaies-sama. Thus, everyone should be exerting maximum caution. Well then, begin the preparation to move!” <rolph>
While the soldiers are being organized, Rolph remembered what had happened last night.
After Mikos.h.i.+ba Ryouma snake out from the castle gate.
Seria, Rolph, Orlando, Sardina, the four people are given the task to pursue him from the afternoon till night.
However, they could not find anyone wearing the castle guard armor who left the castle.
”What's going on?!” <seria>
Celia's angry voice roared in front of the castle gate of the imperial capital Ortomea.
The reason for her being like that is because, the imperial guard soldiers who had been scattered to all direction, have returned without any result.
No one is able to catch anyone; thus they all bow their head uniformly.
After all, the only clue they currently possess is that the person left the castle gate at 2 o'clock in the afternoon while wearing guard's armor.
The time it took for Seria and the others to get permission and organize the soldiers is 20 minutes.
Since then, it took them 10 hours to search until midnight, which bore no fruit.
”Calm down. Seria-dono.” <sardina>
”Sardina-sama...” <seria>
Seria then toned down her voice.
”Let's end this for today, after all; everyone already looks tired...” <sardina>
Sardina's eyes looked around.
No soldier blatantly said it, but, expression of acc.u.mulated fatigue can be seen from them.
”However... If the situation continues like this then...” <seria>
Seria tried to protest; however, Sardina does not back down.
”Even though we only do it around the imperial capital, it is dangerous if we do it in the middle of the night. We should reconsider other measures, and then start over tomorrow.” <sardina>
”Indeed. Just like Sardina-sama had said. We should end the work here for now. How about it? Seria-dono.” <rolph>
If Rolph said that, then there's no other words Seria can say.
It's just on her part that she is unable to accept that the criminal who murdered her blood relative still run at large.
”Orlando-dono, please escort Seria-dono to her mansion. Gaies-sama had just pa.s.sed away, and Seria-sama also just experienced her tough day as well.” <rolph>
”No. I can go home alone!” <seria>
Seria refused Rolph concern.
However, in the eyes of the surrounding people, they all realize that she's just bluffing.
”You should not overdo it you know, Seria-dono? Orlando-dono, please take care of Seria-dono.” <sardina>
”Understood!... Come Seria-dono...” <orlando>
Orlando immediately responded to Sardina's words; he then tried to hold Seria.
”Orlando! Let go of me! I can return alone!” <seria>
However, just when she pull her hand, Seria lost her balance and fell then collapsed.
Of course, that can be understood.
After all, she has been searching around for more than 10 hours without taking any break.
In the end, Orlando carried Seria back to her mansion.
”Sardina-sama. What do you think about all of this?” <rolph>
”Well no matter what anyone says, I guess this is impossible...” <sardina>
Toward Rolph question, Sardina immediately gives him her answer.
”As expected, it's impossible huh...” <rolph>
”The game of chasing is only valid in the first 10 minutes after the culprit left the castle gate.” <sardina>
”Still... even with everything being organized, this is considerably impossible to do.” <rolph>
Hearing Sardina's words, Rolph who took command shows bitter expression.
He can pridefully say he did his best, however, being unable to catch the criminals makes all the effort meaningless.
”I know. That's why I did not blame you particularly. Rolph-dono.” <sardina>
Sardina then moves her gaze toward the forest.
”In the first place, I was already feeling doubtful that we will be able to arrest the person inside the imperial capital. His face and age are also unknown you know? It would be still possible if he were to loiter around wearing the imperial guard armors....” <sardina>
”Does that mean he's no longer wearing the imperial guard armor?” <rolph>
”There's that possibility...” <sardina>
Sardina nodded answering Rolph question.
(If it were me, I would immediately change my clothes... after all, that what the pursuers will chase as well.) <sardina>
”So then, what shall we do after this?” <sardina>
”I guess the only way is for us to blockade the border...” <rolph>
Sardina shakes her head in disapproval.
”We will advance toward the border while searching as well. ” <sardina>
”But... Which border should we go?” <rolph>
Rolph concern is of course understandable.
For starter, Ortomea Empire is vast; it can be considered among five best countries in the continent.
However, because this country is landlocked, and being the aggressor to boot, all the nation in the surrounding are hostile.
This time we can organize search party around 150 people, this is because there are soldiers who have been stationed on the border defending against the neighboring countries, and we can't mobilize large Imperial Guard army because their primary duty is to protect the emperor and for grand mobilization.
The face and age of the target also unknown; thus the military man Rolph cannot propose human wave tactic.
”For now I can narrow down to two choices.”
Rolph looked at Sardina with a surprised expression.
”Two choices you say? Does Sardina-sama mean the east or south?”
The distance between imperial capital and the borders appeared on Rolph's mind.
Since she said two choices, then it is natural to think about the closest border which is the southern one, and the next closest to that, the eastern border.
”Indeed. However, it would be probably the east.”
”May I ask you the reason?'
Sardina then responded with a smile.
”If I have to say it then, it's just my intuition. However, I think it will hardly immediately happen.”
Sardina then turned to Rolph and said,
”After all the person is someone who manages to escape from the castle and shake off our pursuit.”
”Is that mean, Sardina-sama thought that the Otherworld person knows the geography...?”
Rolph expression while saying that were as if saying that's impossible.
”That's one of the possibility...”