Part 10 (1/2)

[Illustration: Fig 76]

The Connections We shall suppose that you have the interrupter of App

104, Fig 81 The ends of the primary coil (-- 137) are fastened under the screws of X and W, and those of the secondary coil to Y and Z

Connect one battery ith X and the other battery wire to the interrupter at S, Fig 81 Fasten the end of a stout wire to W, and leave the other end free to scrape along on the nails, Q, of the interrupter This will then open and close the primary circuit The handles (App 101) are connected with Y and Z, as explained in App 97

Use the battery of App 3 or 4


_144 Induction Coil_ Fig 77 If you wish to fasten your coil in an upright position the apparatus will look like Fig 77 The base -posts are like App 46 The coil is made as explained in App 96; but to have all the ends of the coils come out at the bottom, as shown, an even number of layers of ill be necessary It will be just as well to have an odd nu the wire ends down the side of the coil The coil is fastened to the base with screws, S, passing through a tin strip, T, which has a hole punched for the bolt T is squeezed between the regular nut on the bolt and an extra one on the underside of it See Fig 61 for suggestion of another ht The connections should be made with an outside interrupter, battery, and handles, as explained in App 98

[Illustration: Fig 77]


_145 Induction Coil_ Fig 78, 78-A, 78-B In case you wish towill be found practical It is eneral way as before, an auto added

The Core is aand 5/16 in in diae-bolt of the same dimensions, if you file away the square shoulder at the head end, so that it will be the same size as the body of the bolt Paste a piece of thick paper upon the head, so that A will strike the paper instead of the iron The Washers should be made around a spool that is fully 1 in in diameter (See -- 119) The core should be insulated with paraffine paper before winding on the primary coil (See App 88) The washers are 3-7/8 in apart, inside The winding of the coils should be done with App 93, or so 70,The base is 8 5 7/8 in The different parts are placed as shown The coil is fastened to the base as in App 97 For binding-posts see App 46

[Illustration: Fig 78]

146 The Pri 3 layers of No 24 insulated copper wire upon the insulated core One end, 6, is fastened to W (See -- 109), and the other end, 5, is held under the screw-head, R

Wind at least two layers of paraffined paper around this coil before winding on the secondary coil

147 The Secondary Coil (-- 138) is11 or 13 layers, each having about 200 turns This makes, in all, about 2,500 turns of fine wire If your winder works properly and the long core is strongly held by the winder-nut, you will have no trouble, although it takes a little time to wind on so many turns The ends of this coil, 7 and 8, are fastened to Y and Z, which are made like App 46 It will be found best to wrap a piece of thin paper around the coil after every 3 or 4 layers are wound on Thiseasier Protect the coil by covering it with thick paper The whole coil, when completed, is about 1 in in dia 78-A]

[Illustration: Fig 78-B]

148 The Autos 78, 78-A, 78-B) consists of several parts B, E, C is a piece of thin tin, all in one piece The part, B, is 1/4 in wide and 1-3/4 in long Its exact height above the base will depend upon the diameter of your coil For the coil here described, 1 in in dia 78-B for shape of B, E, C before bending it, and for its dihtly wound several turns of tin,the arainst the head of the bolt on account of residual netism (See text-book) A piece of thick paper pasted on the head for A to strike upon is best A will probably not get near enough to the bolt to strike it, but this will depend upon how you arrange the parts

D is a wooden piece, 1 in high, 1 in wide, and 3/8 or 1/2 in thick; it is nailed to the base Through its center is a hole for the screw-eye, S I, which is the regulating-screw F is a piece of copper, brass, or tin, 5/8 1-3/4 in It is held to the base by the screw, S, and is bent so that it presses tightly against S I Through F is a screw, R, to hold one end of the primary coil

149 Adjustment and Use The battery wires should be joined to W and X, and the handles to the secondary coil at Y and Z, unless a regulator (App 103) is used Let us consider the prih the prih 5, R, F, S I, B, E, and C The instant that the current passes, the bolt beconetized; this attracts A, which pulls B away fro the circuit B at once springs back to its forer attracted; the circuit is closed and the operation is rapidly repeated

B should press gently against S I, which must be screwed back and forth, until the best results are obtained While not in use A should be about 1/8 or 3/16 in from the bolt-head The armature, A, should vibrate back and forth very rapidly If this coil gives too ulator (App 103) between Y and one of the handles (App 101)


_150 Handles for Shocking Coils_ Fig 79 Ordinary sheet-tin ood handles Cut 2 pieces, each 6 4-1/2 in, and connect a stout copper wire to each This htly over the bare end of the wire, or by punching 4 or 5 holes through the tin, and weaving the wire back and forth through the holes Be sure that a tight and permanent connection is made The wires joined to the handles should be about No 20, and be 4 or 5 feet long

Roll the tin into a cylinder, so that the connection will be on the inside

[Illustration: Fig 79]