Part 11 (1/2)

Then again, in his present condition he'd probably not remember how to fly before he hit the ground. He looked round.

'You really care for these spurs, do you . . .?

There were many halls in Anderras Darion that could have accommodated the group which Gulda and Hawklan led in through the Great Gate, but Hawklan chose one of the courtyards. Ostensibly it was because the day was too fine to sit talking inside, even in the airy chambers of Anderras Darion, but in his heart he wanted an open sky and bright daylight to witness what was to be said. Time enough later for confinement and flickering shadows. This matter would not be resolved at one sitting.

Loman used his office as Castellan to make some semblance of a dignified escape from Gulda's scrutiny and soon apprentices were walking among the visitors with food and drink, galvanized as much by curiosity as by the unusual zealousness of their master.

Gulda dropped herself unceremoniously on to a large stone slab in the middle of the courtyard and, leaning forward until it looked as if she were going to tumble off, dropped her chin on to her two long hands which were folded over the top of her stick. 'I'll be listening,' she said to Hawklan, then her eyes closed. The Orthlundyn were a patient people, and Hawklan and Isloman had not been plied with questions after they had announced that all would be discussed fully in due course. But now, fed and a little rested, their concern and curiosity started to bubble out like water from a spring. Twice Hawklan raised his arms to try to quell the mounting hubbub, but to no avail. Then he noticed one of Gulda's long fingers start tapping the back of her other hand impatiently. Better I chastise them than you, he thought.

'Enough,' he shouted, his voice ringing round the courtyard and soaring up to the rooftops from where it bounced up into the sky.

High above, a scruffy black bundle tumbled out of a niche in the eaves of one of the taller towers.

'Enough,' shouted Hawklan again, jumping on to the stone slab beside Gulda. 'Sit down, everyone, please, sit down. Isloman and I will tell you what's happened, then we can all decide what to do.'

There was a note in his voice that forbade any remonstrance and the crowd fell silent.

'Sit down, my friends,' he repeated more gently. 'We've bad things to talk about as you know, and I suspect I've as many questions as you.'

A few minutes later, everyone seemed to have found somewhere to sit or lie, either on the chairs and benches that the apprentices had brought out, or on the soft lawns around the courtyard. Hawklan jumped to the ground and sat down next to the hunched black form of Gulda. He looked over the waiting faces.

Quietly and simply he told them everything that had happened to himself and the others since the visit of the tinker, omitting only the more unbelievable details of his experiences at the Gretmearc. He concluded with their parting from Idrace and Fel-Astian.

There was a long silence when he had finished as if the mountains themselves were listening. He felt he could almost hear the white clouds moving overhead and he resisted a temptation to look up and search for a Viladrien.

A small black disturbance, Gavor landed uncertainly on the stone by Hawklan's side and staggered slightly.

'Have they taken their dead with them?' asked one of the elders eventually, his voice sounding strange after the long silence.

'Yes,' replied Hawklan, slightly puzzled. 'And the bodies of the Fyordyn.'

There was a great deal of what seemed to be relieved head nodding from the crowd.

'I doubt they'll be tending their dead well,' said Hawklan, in a slightly injured tone. 'They've probably only taken them to hide them. To cover their tracks.'

This caused some tolerant amus.e.m.e.nt.

'Hawklan,' said one man kindly. 'You've been with us for twenty years or so, but in some ways you're still blind. No outlander can hide his pa.s.sing in Orthlund.' Hawklan gestured vaguely. 'Even so, that's probably why they've removed the dead. To avoid discovery rather than for respectful burial.'

'The dead return to the earth wherever they fall,' said another elder with a shrug. It seemed to Hawklan to be a peculiarly harsh remark, but it brought no response from the others except some more head nodding.

'But it's better that the murdered lie away from Orthlund,' concluded the man, to further agreement.

Hawklan felt alone again; separated from the deeper lives of these people.

Another spoke. 'The dead sing their new song now. We must look to the living.' The speaker was a frail old man from Wosod Heath. 'There can be no shadows without light.' Then, unexpectedly, 'Hawklan, what shall we do?'

Hawklan started. He had expected to tell his tale and then stand aside while the elders decided what to do if anything.

'I don't know,' he said after an uncertain delay. 'I'm a healer. I know little of your history and lore, less about Fyorlund, and nothing at all about Mandrocs. Just going to the Gretmearc was an adventure for me. I can't advise you.'

The man from Wosod Heath spoke again. 'No, Hawklan. You're more than a healer. It's a long time since you've been to Wosod and I can see the changes in you. And if the truth's told, you yourself must feel them. You'll pursue this Dan-Tor no matter what we decide, won't you?'

Hawklan remained silent, his head bowed.

The old man continued, 'A horror has been wrought on our land. There's a disease in Fyorlund which will spread ever outwards if it's not checked. You're our healer. Your time has come. Your inner sense of purpose will guide you truly. Tell us what to do. It will be right.'

Hawklan put his hand to his head and swayed slightly. For an instant he was back in the darkness again.

A terrible roaring filling his head, darkness everywhere, even the sky flickering black. And under his feet . . .? More than that . . . it was all his fault.

He felt unreasonably angry. He wanted no burden. He wanted the peace and tranquillity of the last twenty years. These people asked too much. They should not put their hopes in one man.

'No, no, no,' he burst out. 'I can't do it. I'm not a leader, you can't ask it of me. Whatever I am, I'm an outlander. I don't have your wisdom. I can heal most of your ills and hurts, but I don't understand you, not deep inside. I can't advise you. I . . .' His voice faded. 'I can't take this burden. Sometime, somewhere I've betrayed the trust of others.'

The remark brought no response from the quiet crowd. The old man rose shakily to his feet and, leaning on the arm of a young apprentice, he walked slowly forward. Shaking his head, he laid a compa.s.sionate hand on Hawklan's arm.

'No, Hawklan. It's not in you to betray. Perhaps, once, you failed. Stumbled under too heavy a load.

Maybe you, and others, paid some terrible price. Who can say? But no betrayal. Don't be afraid.' Hawklan looked from side to side as if for an escape. 'Perhaps nothing else will happen,' he said faintly, but the old man shook his head and smiled sadly.

'Even I can hear this illness crying out, Hawklan,' he said.

Hawklan twined his fingers together. 'It's wrong that you should place such faith in one person,' he said.

'We know that,' replied the old man. 'And no one's going to follow you blindly. But then othershave followed something or someone blindly and brought death to our land, and we've no choice. We love you. We wouldn't ask this of you if a choice existed.'

'I may stumble and fall again.'

The old man shrugged. 'If you fall, you fall. We share the guilt for having so burdened you.'

'But . . .'

'Thereis no one else, Hawklan.'

'Why? Why me?'

'You've answered that yourself by now I imagine.' It was Gulda's voice, cross and impatient still. 'This Dan-Tor wants you. Why he should is unknown, but he obviously won't rest until he has you, nor scruple to destroy your loved ones. You can't flee abandon them you must face him. None of these can do that for you.' Her stick swept the crowd in a broad purposeful arc.

'That's your immediate problem. But if you can't feel deeper things stirring then you're indeed a fool, and the Orthlundyn have been particularly ill-served by fate.'

Hawklan's mouth tightened grimly at Gulda's harsh and definitive delineation of his position.

'Yes,' he said angrily. 'But why me?' Banging his fist on his chest, he used the same words to ask a different question. Why should anyone go to such lengths to capture him?