Chapter 65 (1/2)

Chapter 65 – The fish that I caught myself is delicious desu

After returning to the village from cave, the Elder gathered adults and started a meeting at this house.

It looks like they are going to discuss after telling everyone the predecessor Haku's will in whether they should leave Haku to Laura or not.

「The meeting's result is undeniable. We cannot ignore predecessor-sama's will. We would really wish that the new Haku-sama would grow up in this village, but……the most important thing is Haku-sama's will. And so, to spend some time, we are going to fish in the river」(Misaki)

「Ohh, fis.h.i.+ng huh. That sounds good」(Laura)

「I want to eat grilled fish」(Anna)

「Fufufu, I shall show that Charlotte Gazard's fis.h.i.+ng skill is first-cla.s.s as well」


Haku's problem was resolved faster than expected and Laura was already cheerful because of that. And an invitation to play suddenly came as well.

Of course, her spirits would go up.

However, only the Great Sage seemed to be not in the mood for such thing.

「Ah〜, sorry. I'll return to where predecessor Haku is. I have lots of things to talk about too」

「……is that so. I understood. Well then, we shall fish's part as well!」

「Fufu, I'll look forward to it」

The Great Sage started walking towards the cave.

She was not someone who has a tall height, but today, she looked somewhat smaller.

「……we wors.h.i.+p Haku-sama, but for Great Sage-dono, Haku-sama is a friend with equal terms……I'm pretty sure that she has a lot more things, even compared to us」

Misaki also lined up with Maple and saw the Great Sage's back appearance.

I'm worried, but I cannot chase after her just because of that.

That is too insensitive.

And the other party is a legendary person that lived for near 300 years.

She probably does not need the 9-year-old Laura worrying about her.

It would be better just to go fis.h.i.+ng.

And so, the girls carried with them the fis.h.i.+ng poles that Misaki brought, and went to the Mezzel River.

The Mezzel River that the girls were used to seeing was very vast, but as expected of an upstream, it was very narrow.

But instead, it has a violent flow, and it is dangerous to fall because there are lots of rocks.

「If you overturn rocks around here, there should be insects or worms. If you use that as a bait, you can fish chars and landlocked salmon」

Anna had already started to drool just by hearing that explanation.

She was the first one to overturn a rock and fish in the river after putting a worm on the hook.

「Annsan, that's cheating, getting a head start! The t.i.tle of Fis.h.i.+ng Queen is mine desu wa!」

Laura searched for baits while tilting her head to what in the world a Fis.h.i.+ng Queen is.

Laura and the rest are girls, but they are aspiring adventurers. It is very easy for them to touch worms or insects.

And not to mention Misaki who grew up in the mountains, she skillfully placed an insect on her hook.

However, surprisingly, it seems that Haku is not got with worms.


The instant she saw a wriggling worm under the rocks, she raised a scream and clung onto Laura's arm.

She closed her eyes tightly and started trembling.

「It's okay, Haku. I'm absolutely sure that Haku is stronger than a worm」

「Pii〜, pii〜」

Haku would not leave Laura's side.

It looks like strength had nothing to do with it.

Well, even Laura, if she were told「you are stronger than a c.o.c.kroach so it should be fine」, she was sure that she would also shake her head.

She hates things that she hates.

「Look, Haku. Worm-san is already on the river you know. It's okay to open your eyes now」


Haku nervously opened her eyes and checked whether a worm is in there.

And with that, it seems like she got relieved. She climbed on Laura's body and relaxed her limbs, throwing them to a stretch after reaching the top of her head.

「Laursan's head is completely her home position」(Charlotte)

「Haku, she's like a hat」(Anna)

「How envious. I want Haku-sama to like me that much too」(Misaki)

Haku Hat was popular to everyone.

However, honestly, Laura feels that it's tiring to her neck, so she want someone to exchange places with her.

「Well then, Misaki-san. I shall lend you Haku Hat」

「Ohh, Lauraemon-dono, how generous!」

Laura took off Haku Hat and made Misaki wear it.

Misaki seemed very delighted being able to get the Haku Hat that she always wanted, but Haku herself showed an opposite reaction.


Haku quickly stood up as if her relaxed mode from earlier was a farce, spread her wings and returned to Laura's head.

It was at a speed that their eyes weren't able to follow.

They were even surprised about the fact that she could move so fast.

「Uu……it won't work after all if it is not Lauraemon-dono's head huh……」

「Ahaha……well, she should get independent from her parent when she gets bigger」

「I'll die if she lays on my head when she gets bigger」

Well, that's true.

「I caught one」

While Laura and Misaki were getting excited about the Haku Hat, Anna had caught a fish.

「Ku……Annsan, you're quite good. However, the next one shall be mine!」

Charlotte groaned, seriously frustrated.

However, it was Misaki's fis.h.i.+ng rod that caught the next fish.

And after that, it was Laura.


There was no way that the other girls would know even if she complained with a face that was about to cry.

Everything depends on the mood of fishes-san.

「Even so, it's good fis.h.i.+ng here huh. There was also lots of fishes in the lake near my family home, but I cannot fish this much」

With everyone's total, they were able to catch 21 fishes.

However, Charlotte was unable to catch even one fish. She seemed very sad about it and cried for real.


「Yosh, yosh」

Anna consoled the crying Charlotte by patting her head. It was a pleasing scene. What a beautiful friends.h.i.+p.

「……re? The fishes decreased?」

They should've gathered the fishes that everyone caught into one place.

But, even if they counted them, there were only 16 fishes.

Where did the other five go?

「Don't tell me……a thief?!」