Chapter 60 (2/2)

However, it was not the time for that.

「No, no, If I go to the Beastkin's village, wouldn't I be unable to return? After all, Haku needs to stay at the Beastkin's Village right?」

Misaki responds to Laura's protest with a cool face.

「Of course. Haku-sama will be brought up by a Beastkin」

「But, Haku won't leave my side you know. Won't I need to continue staying at the Beastkin's Village!」

「You will be treated warmly as a guest. It is alright」

「It's not alright! I'm a student here!」

It's okay right now because it's summer vacation, but I can't stay leisurely at the Beastkin's Village when the start.

Whether Haku would be brought up in school, or Haku would get independent from her parent.

It would be disastrous if the problem wasn't taken care of quickly.

「I will graduate together with Laursan desu wa. I shall now let her stay in the Beastkin's Village forever!」

「If Laura leaves, I won't have anyone to practice my sword with. No way, absolutely. We will follow her to the Beastkin's Village. And absolutely bring her back to school」


Laura was moved by her friends.h.i.+p with the two girls. Her heart felt very warm.

As I've thought, Gyrdorea Adventurer School is a great place.

Thank goodness I became a student here.

It would have been greater if there was no homework though.

「It's not like I will let you girls go by yourselves, I'll go with you as your guardian. I need to negotiate with the elders too」

「Ohh! It is great if is with us!」

「Fufu, I'm happy if you would say that」

The Great Sage seemed very happy being praised.

If so, I should ask her about the homework while we're at it.

「I want to ask something to that strong, kind If we go to the Beastkin's village right now, our summer vacation homework won't be on time, so……can you please ask Emilisensei to wait for our submission」

「Ara. You thought of such unscrupulous thing huh. It's alright, but for how long?」

「U〜n……please let her wait for a month!」

「Isn't a month a little too much? Horns would grow from Emilia's head you know」

「Uu……two weeks!」

「Does your homework really seems like it won't end?」

The Great Sage picked up the girl's notebooks scattered on top of the bed and flipped its pages.

And「Ara〜」, she whispered.

「You girls. You played during the whole summer vacation huh?」

「N-No……it's not like we were playing……we were busy on convincing Otou-san!」

「That is right. We did this and that to convince Laursan's Otou-san!」

「We discussed day and night, so there was no time for homeworks」

The three girls had their eyes swimming all over the place and desperately made excuses.

However, the Great Sage's eyes shone as if she saw through everything.

「Well, whatever. I'll do something about your homework's time limit, but……do it properly next time okay?」


We should be able to finish it with two weeks.

I can focus now on Haku's problem with this.

The most difficult task for Laura, her homework, was taken care of, so she felt relieved.

But in reality, it was not taken care of, but only postponed, but it is as good as finished for Laura.

「Rather than that, let's hurry up and depart de arimasu!」

Misaki moved her ears and tails while pouting.

It was Laura who almost cannot help herself to MofuMofu her.
