Kenshi o Mezashite Nyūgaku Shitanoni Mahō Tekisei 9999 Nandesukedo! ? Chapter 30 (2/2)

There was a tremendous leeway there.


Anna groaned, and took a step backward.

「I am very sorry, Anna-san. Right now, I am only thinking of defeating Laura-san. Is this conceited?」

And Charlotte turned her sight to Laura.

*Zokuri*, her hair stood its ends.

She was really Charlotte Gazard, but I could see her as a different living creature.

「……Charlotte-san. How much training did you do」

「That is a secret. But, in this half month, I have the confidence that I really did my best」

“Her best”, however you think about it, those words are only with humbleness.

She surely had done things unimaginable.

If not, her presence would not change this much within half a month.

「I’m looking forward to it. But, Anna-san also had gotten stronger」

「I am sure that she had. However, I am the one who will win」

It was neither bragging, nor intimidation.

Natural things naturally. That’s right, she said that as if talking about the weather.

「……no one knows until the fight happens」

Anna whispered as if to squeeze that out.

But it is clear from the side the difference of their dimensions.

The differences between them was not this much before.

It isn’t good for Anna, but today’s tournament, it would not end peacefully.

Charlotte would single-handedly win and be against Laura.

It should be like that.

Just like how Charlotte was only thinking of defeating Laura, Laura also, she could only think of engaging Charlotte anymore.
