Kenshi o Mezashite Nyūgaku Shitanoni Mahō Tekisei 9999 Nandesukedo! ? Chapter 29 (1/2)


In the 7th block, including Anna, there are three swordsmen. One spearman. One axeman. And five magicians.

In these then, only one can advance to the main tournament.

I am the strongest within the ten of us, Anna concluded.

If it was a one on one fight, I’m going to win for sure.

However, this is a battle royale.

No one knows what would happen in a skirmish.

In fact, even before it had started, there was an unrest in their air.

For some reason, every one of them was looking at Anna.

(This, is it……)

I’m being targeted.

Anna guessed, and together with the starting cue of the match, it changed to conviction.

The four who was from the Warrior Department attacked Anna at once. The five who was from the Magic Department used boost magic towards them.

“Let’s start the battle royale anew after the strongest, Anna, has dropped out”, they probably had planned before the start of the match.

But, they made her tell with how they looked.

While being grateful of that stupidity, Anna ran straight forward, and attacked the spearman that was in front of her.


Within the situation where everyone in the battle royale had become her enemy, Anna got fl.u.s.teredーーher opponents probably thought of that, but it’s too bad for them, she was ready before it had started.

And because of that, their side was the one who got fl.u.s.tered.

Parrying the spear of the spearman that was on panic with her sword, she hit with a tackle and shove towards the outside of the ring.

With this, Anna had escaped the encirclement.

She immediately turned around, and made a jump kick towards the head of the axeman. It was defeated with one blow.

「Ku! As expected of Anna! But, it’s still 7 vs 1!!」

Two of the swordsmen slashes at Anna from her left and right at the same time.

But, compared to Laura’s movements who she had always fought, it was too slow that she could make a yawn

With one sword, she drove back their two swords with ease.

However, Anna’s feet had stopped in an instant.

Waiting for that instant, the five magicians shot flame magic at the same time.

It was clear that they intended of getting the two swordsmen caught up on it.

It looks like the united front, it was nullified within the magicians.

Anna made a sweep and broke the balance of the pitiful swordsmen with her feet, and left them in the middle of herself and the flame magic.

The five b.a.l.l.s of fire that were shot, it hits the arena grounds and the swordsmen.

A crimson fire pillar raises.

The swordsmen who had their body in flames ran towards the outside of the ring while raising screams.

And then, the instructors immediately extinguished them with water magic, and casted recovery magic in addition.

Looking that at the side, Anna ran with zigzags, and charged towards the magician.

「S-So fast!」

Shouting that was the most what the magician was able to do.

Far from being able to aim at her, they couldn’t even chase her with their eyes.

Anna’s use of the muscle strengthening magic at full force.

Full swing with the large sword she holds with both of her hands.

With the length of the sword, four out of the five magicians were blown away.

They flew in the sky, and dives towards the audience seats.

But in front of the audience seats, the defense barrier that the instructors created were existing as an invisible wall.

The magicians, they collided with that invisible wall, bounced back and fell to the ground.

They probably had broken a few of their ribs, and also, maybe their organs might’ve been damaged.