Kenshi o Mezashite Nyūgaku Shitanoni Mahō Tekisei 9999 Nandesukedo! ? Chapter 24 (2/2)

When I opened it, there was Anna who was wearing stuffed toy pajama.

「I’m free so I came to play」

「Oh〜, come in come in」

Laura who was happy having an excuse to skip studying.

「By the way, why are you in pajamas during noon time?」

「I should have told you that I only have the uniform and this as clothes」

「……when are you was.h.i.+ng them?」

「I wash them once every three days properly. And I ask for a Magic Department person to cast warm air. It would dry up with that in an instant」

「I see……」

It was Anna’s Formula’s wisdom.

It seems like Laura would not have the chance to test it.

「By the way, we are the topic within the school」



「Ahh……but, they haven’t found out that their ident.i.ty was us right?」

「For now. Mysterious stuffed toy trio, saving the Crimson s.h.i.+eld who was being attacked by Leviathan. To their ident.i.ties, places like cafeteria and training grounds are in a storm of debates」

「Fufufu……they would never think that we were the ones inside the stuffed toy!」

「Right. It was the perfect disguise」

Laura and Anna nodded very contentedly.

And there, there was a surprising person who came.

It was the instructor in the Magic Department, Emilia.

「Ahh, there you are. Ne〜Laura-san, Anna-san. And also……Charlotte-san isn’t here huh」

「Charlotte-san is training somewhere〜」

「I just thought of that. Yesterday, Charlotte-san also trained alone?

「No. We played with the three of us yesterday!」

「Is that so……by the way, did you hear about the Leviathan yesterday?」

「Yes! The mysterious stuffed toy trio, saved the Crimson s.h.i.+eld right! I wonder what kind of trio they are, I am really curious!」

That was a great performance for me, Laura praised herself.

With this, she should be completely tricked.

「The trio who names their selves as PajaRangers, it seems like they had the appearance of a dog, a cat, and a rabbit. And, Anna-san. You, you’re wearing a cat stuffed toy」

「W-What a coincidence」

Anna who was pointed that out, let out a rarely panicked voice.

「And also, on top of the bed, there’s a dog and rabbit stuffed toy」

「C-Coincidences really happen huh!」

Laura had a cold sweat.

But, there still should be ways to trick her. I used my brain in full rotation.

「……I just want to ask for future references, you two, did you seriously think it wouldn’t be found out? I mean, were you really trying to hide it?」

Emilia said with a sigh.

「I-I do not know what you are talking about……Emilia-sensei〜what are you doubting about……」

「Dunno, dunno」

「You two, your eyes are all over the place. Look at me properly!」

Emilia said with a strong tone.

*Bikuri*, Laura and Anna trembled.

This is, maybe, she found out from the start?

What a reasoning power.

As expected of an A-Rank Adventurer.

Laura was felt in horror.

「You know that there’s a school rule that you shouldn’t fight monsters higher than D-Rank right?」


「The Leviathan’s rank is?」

「It is B+ desu……」

Laura looked down, she gave up and just answered what she was asked.

Anna also, had a face dripping with sweat.

「Haaa〜……well, if you girls did not go after them the Crimson s.h.i.+eld would’ve probably been annihilated, and I know that you have enough powers to fight Leviathan, but. You should at least have efforts to hide it. As an instructor, being done a very blatant school violation is not easy to accept. I will let you by with the cuteness of the stuffed toy this time, but next time, do it that you wouldn’t be found out. I’m counting on you, really」

After saying that as if to beg, Emilia patted the two’s head then left the room.

*Patan*, when the doors closed, Laura and Anna let out a very deep sigh.

「We had been scolded」

「Un. We had」

「She told us to not get found out the next time」

「It means, silence all the witnesses?」

「Hiee〜……Emilia-sensei is a very scary person desu!」


Laura and Anna hugged each other trembling.

The path of becoming an adventurer is very harsh.
