Kenshi o Mezashite Nyūgaku Shitanoni Mahō Tekisei 9999 Nandesukedo! ? Chapter 16 (2/2)
When she thought about it, in the evaluation during school’s first day, Anna had the numbers 『Apt.i.tude with Defense Magic: 29』 and 『Apt.i.tude with Boost Magic: 31』.
Both of them are on the level that they won’t get through the Magic Department, but it’s not like she wouldn’t be able to use it at all.
But if Anna learns magic, Laura wouldn’t be able to win against her in the sword anymore.
No, if she was going to use magic, then I can also use magic, so the conditions are the same?
「Saying that……I learned the lesson that my Otou-san’s thinking was really biased. I grew up being told that even if I learned magic, it would only be a useless street performance. But Anna-san is trying to learn magic naturally, right. I was a little surprised desu」
「……normal people wouldn’t have that biased way of thinking」
「That’s right desu wa! Saying magic as a street performance, you have guts saying that in my face!」
Charlotte reddened her face, and *Bas.h.i.+n* hit the table.
「I was the one saying it! It was Otou-san’s words!」
「Whoever words those are, please don’t let it reach to my ears. My eardrums will rot!!」
Laura, “Charlotte-san also has an enough biased way of thinking〜”, thought.
「It’s famous that the house of Edmonds hate magicians in the world of adventurers. Especially Bruno Edmonds had the reputation that he’s the worst」
「Was it really like that after all? Ha〜……I also hated magic before I came to this school. If Charlotte-san and Emilia-sensei wasn’t here, who knows what would’ve happened. Ah, of course, it’s not like I had become to hate the sword」
「I know. By the way, Laura. There’s whipped cream in your cheek」
「Eh, really?」
「I’ll take it for you」
Anna said that and leaned her body, and reached out to Laura’s cheek.
But, quicker than that with an instant, Charlotte’s finger wiped away the whipped cream.
「Fufu……the whipped cream from Laura-san’s cheek……ufufu……」
While Charlotte smiled eerily, *Perori* she licked off the whipped cream.
「That’s sly. I was the first one to notice it」
Anna raised the voice of protest, but Charlotte wasn’t fazed.
「In times like this, the first one is the winner. And, the first one who became Laura’s friend, is me. It is not needed to think about which one have rights to take the whipped cream from Laura-san’s cheeks!!」
「If you’re going to say that, I am practicing the sword with Laura everyday. I should also have the rights」
「What if you practice together with the sword?! I am in the same cla.s.s with Laura, and we even have the same room in the dormitory desu wa!!」
「Gunu……what should I say back」
Anna who was normally expressionless, frowned and was sulking.
It looks like licking off the whipped cream from Laura’s cheeks, was a very important thing. But, Laura herself, didn’t knew if that was important or not.
「Well then. I am, still in the middle of self-training. So I will be excused around here」
「Eh〜. If it’s like that, let’s train together〜. Ah, that’s right. Would Charlotte-san also like to learn the sword?」
「That is a very interesting suggestion, but to the next opportunity」
「Is that so……then, please do your best!」
「Thank you very much. Laura-san and Anna-san also, do your best. Well then, have a nice day」
Charlotte returned the container of the strawberry parfait to the return window, and gallantly went out.
「A straightforward and cool person. Adult-like」
While scooping the last strawberry, Anna said her impression of Charlotte.
「I know right! Charlotte-san is a splendid person desu yo!」
「But, I think those blonde curls are weird. It was too much *GuruGuru*, my eyes also might roll」
「Eh〜. Isn’t that her good point〜. Every morning, she’s doing her best to set that you know〜」
「……she could’ve used that time to practice magic」
「FuFu〜. Charlotte-san is making that hairstyle using the power of magic desu!」
「What. Marvellous even as an enemy」
Charlotte was praised, and Laura got happy as if it was herself.
Her cheeks naturally softened.
「Does Laura like Charlotte?」
「Yes, I like her very much desu!」
「Is that so……what about me?」
「I also like Anna-san very much desu yo〜」
「Then it’s alright. You’re forgiven」
「……about what?」
「It’s nothing. Don’t mind it……ah, whipped cream on your cheek」
Anna reached out her hand, scooped the whipped cream, *Perori*.
「With this, equal with Charlotte」
「Ne〜, what are you talking about since earlier?」
「I told you, don’t mind it」
She was very curious about it. But it isn’t good to step into people’s privacy. Even Laura knew that much.
That’s why, she didn’t ask further……but Laura was really curious of what she’s curious about.