Kenshi o Mezashite Nyūgaku Shitanoni Mahō Tekisei 9999 Nandesukedo! ? Chapter 6 (2/2)
(Uwa〜……I’m nervous. But, if I did it this serious and there’s only a disappointing magic that comes out, maybe I could use that as reason so they could let me enter the Warrior Department)
「W-Well then, Laura Edmonds, I will go!」
While receiving everyone’s sight, I stepped forward.
I reached out my palm towards the Flame Spirit, and focused my senses.
I should chant a spell.
I don’t know about its logic, I don’t have techniques, and I haven’t trained.
But on what I saw today, the way that Charlotte did, fits best.
I will imitate her.
The words after this, “I shall give my magic powers. Therefore, a contract. Crush my enemies”, if I’m correct.
But chanting it inside my head, I think that something is wrong with it.
That’s why, I arranged it in my own way.
「Devour my magic powers. Gather, Obey, Kneel down. I shall command you. Destroy all creations. Know who is the Kingーー」
The chants naturally and smoothly came out from my mouth, it was somehow very pompous. And very domineering.
If I say it this way to the spirits, I wonder if they would really do what I ask.
It was then, when Laura was making a doubt.
「Ah, Wait! Laura-san!! Stop!!!」
It was too late when Emilia tried to stop her.
From Laura’s palm, a cannon ball of light……no. Battering rams of light was shot.
The light covered all of the training grounds.
It was to bright that it is difficult to even open your eyes.
A heat wave hit my face.
The battering ram that Laura shot collided with the Flame Spirit, abolished it in an instant, and plunged to the defence barrier that is surrounded the training grounds just like that.
Earthquakes occurred.
The atmosphere trembled.
And the sky was torn.
「Ahhh!! Ahhhhhhh!!! Defence Barrier, Repair, Reinforce!! New Barrier Creation, Protect the students, Reinforce, Reinforce, Reinforce, Reinforceeeee!!!!!!」
Emilia screams, and uses different kinds of magic.
Laura, with only a glance, knew everything that she did.
It looked like she repaired the training ground’s barrier first, and reinforced it for a while so the explosion of the battering ram would not leak outside.
After that, she made a new barrier to protect all the students and Emilia herself, and used every magic power she had to reinforce it. She reinforced it, all that she can.
But, it wasn’t enough. There will probably a hole in the barrier that Emilia created, and many students might become casualties.
If it’s like that, then the main cause, Laura, should just reinforce the new barrier further.
She whispered, and put her magic powers in Emilia’s barrier.
Laura did it naturally, even though she didn’t know that it was a high-level technique, she infused her magic powers to another person’s magic.
And everyone had no scratch because of that.
The damage also didn’t go out.
But the wall that was supposed to be fire-proof, was burnt black.
If Emilia’s decision, and Laura’s Reinforce was late even for a second……Who knows what would’ve happened.
「Eh, are you serious……Eh, Laura-san, is already stronger than me? I, who is a Gyrdorea Adventurer School’s instructor and a A-Ranker Adventurer, and I, who have the honor of the t.i.tle “Dragon Killer” given by the Great Sage-sama……Eh, Eh? No way, there is no way……NONE!」
Emilia was mumbling, and then slapped her own cheeks.
It was only her who started moving, everyone other than her, stood their ground astonished.
Anybody couldn’t say a word.
And Laura, was looking at the palm of her handsーーExcited.
「That light, that power……with my own strength……?」
Father and mother will surely be angry.
But, I have felt it.
Kneading magic powers, and release it as strong as I could.
A feeling that I can’t feel with the sword, the power of ultimate destruction.
That, I might become addicted to it.
(No, stop it! I am Laura Edmonds. I’m a girl who dreams about being a swordsman!!)