Part 13 (1/2)
_Fuller's Thistle_, or teasle _Dipsacus fullonu fustic Venetian Sue colour, which has not alls produced by the egg of an insect,--the fe, and the insect, when developed, pierces a hole and escapes Those gall nuts which are not pierced contain most tannic acid The best come frorains (Troy)
_Kilo Kilogramme_ Equals 2 lbs 32 oz
_Litre_ Nearly 1-3/4 pints
_Lixivitation_ The process of separating a soluble substance from an insoluble by the percolation of water
_Lixiviunated with alkaline salts extracted by lixivitation fro alkaline solution, especially one used for the purpose of washi+ng such as soda lye, soap lye
_Mercerised Cotton_ Cotton prepared by treating with a solution of caustic potash or soda or certain other che_ The operation of fulling cloth
_Myrobalans_ The fruit of several species of trees, growing in China and the East Indies, containing tannic acid (25-40 tannin)
_Oil of Vitriol_ Sulphuric acid
_Organzine_ Twisted raw silk from best cocoons, used for warp
_Pearl Ash_ Carbonate of potash
_Persian Berries_ The dried unripe fruit of various species of Rhanon
_Potassium Carbonate_ (Potashes) Carbonate of potash has been known since ancient times as a constituent of the ashes of land plants, from which it is obtained by extraction ater In ly resembles, can be used in its place
_Red spirits_ Tin Spirits Applied to tin enerally A solution of Stannous chloride
_Red woods_ Camwood, Barwood, Sanderswood (Santal, Sandal, Red Sanders), Brazil wood, Sapan wood, Peach-wood
_Roucou_ Anatta, Arnotto
_Saxon blue_ The dye o dissolved in oil of vitriol
_Scotch ell_ 372 inches
_Scour, to_ To wash
_Scroop_ The rustling property of silk
_Soda ash_ Carbonate of soda