Part 5 (1/2)

_U scruposa_ Rock Urceolaria Grows on rocks in hilly districts in England

_Usnea barbata_ Bearded Usnea Pennsylvania and South Ae

_U florida_ Flowering Usnea Pale greenish yellow or reddish brown

_U plicata_ Plaited Usnea On trees


_Alectoria jubata_ Horsehair Lichen, Rock hair On fir trees in England Pale greenish brown

_Borrera flavicans_ Yellow borrera On trees in Gere yellow

_Cetraria Islandica_ Iceland ood brown to boiling water, but this dye appears only to have been made available in Iceland

_Cetraria juniperina_ En-mossa On trees in Scandinavia

_Evernia flavicans_ Wolf's-bane evernia On trees in Scandinavia Gayrophora On rocks in Iceland Greenish brown Also G deusta

_G deusta_ Scorched-looking gyrophora On rocks in Scandinavia Linnaeus states that it furnishes a paint called ”Tousch”, much used in Sweden

_Lecanora candelaria_ Ljus massa On trees in Sweden

_Lecidea atro-virens_ Map lichen On rocks, Scandinavia

_Lepraria chlorina_ Brimstone coloured lepraria

Scandinavia, on rocks

_L Iolithus_ Viol-massa Sweden, on stones Gives stones the appearance of blood stains

_Parmelia o asserts it yields a purple dye, paler, but more per in stale lye, adding a little salt andit up into balls with li-land and Sweden, on trees, rocks, walls, palings Used to dye Easter eggs Used in Sweden for wool dyeing

_P physoides_ Dark crottle, Bjork-laf Found in Sweden, Scotland and Scandinavia, on rocks and trees

_Sticta pul, Hazel crottle, Rags Found on trees in England, Scotland, North of Ireland, Scandinavia It dyes wool orange and is said to have been used by the Herefordshi+re peasantry to dye stockings brown Soe coloured dyes, eg _S flava crocata, aurata_

_S scrobiculata_ Aik-raw, Oak rag Found on trees in Scotland and England


[Footnote D: Fro Properties of Lichens” _The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal_, July to October, 1855]