Part 26 (1/2)

”If you're going to help him, you must rest.” His voice was gentle in her ear, fluttering the loose hairs around it. ”Rest, Dawn.”

He was soaking past her skin, cell by cell, becoming a part of her, feeding off of her just as she fed off of him. And as much as she knew it was wrong to welcome him, she did, loving the joining too much, needing the comfort.

”Rest,” she said in agreement, tired of the struggle. ”Please.”

The request allowed him all the way in, her limbs heavy, shot through with s.e.xual yearning.

In victory, The Voice's essence swirled around her, scented with familiar mystery, tasting of things she recalled only in the back of her mind-things stored tightly away and mourned by her unconscious self. In the lone, unshrouded corner of the mirror, she could see her jeans-covered thigh, and nothing else.

Closing her eyes, she felt the tips of ghostly fingers running up and down her arms, pausing over her burns, then circ.u.mventing them. In the background, the hinges of the bookcase creaked, then stopped.

”I can keep us safe, Dawn,” he whispered, his voice mere inches from her ear. ”With your help, I can finally do it.”

With a heady thrust, he came into her.

Gasping, she tingled, her body like a shower of cinders. But this time, he was on the outside, too. Somehow, he was in both places at the same time, using the physical touch of his hands, his mouth.The pressure of his lips traveled to her neck. At his urging, she leaned her head to the side. She felt the silver-and-gem strands of her earring s.h.i.+ft, felt him pause as if memorizing it. Then she felt him against her throat, running his mouth over a vein, exploring the scent of her skin.

Languid, animal instinct got the better of her. She wanted to hurt him as much as he'd hurt her, wanted to punish, so she ground back against him, feeling the stiffness of an erection. With a swipe that seemed to play out in slow motion, she reached back, her fingernails catching a face. Or what felt like a face. Moisture-his blood-immediately dried under her nails.

He groaned against her ear, driving her to erotic madness, getting her damp, ready.

”I'm going to make you tell me everything,” she said.

He bit her ear, hard, eliciting another gasp from her. Then he laughed at her pain, knowing d.a.m.n well how much she liked it.

Insideandoutside, she thought. This isn't a mind probe. It's something...different.

Still, she wanted him within her, thrilled to the pulse of him under her skin. It drove her crazy to have a man in her veins, possessing her. She grabbed for his hair, intending to wrench him around. But he knew her too well.

Antic.i.p.ating her violence, he maneuvered her arm behind her back, arching her spine. Her distended nipples brushed against her bra, agonized and raw.

”b.a.s.t.a.r.d,” she said, a low, hungry wince telling him that she was lying.

Physically, he eased up on her, but, inside, he was now pooling around her stomach like a jet of warm cream, sliding downward, bathing her s.e.x. With warm, lapping strokes, his essence licked at her.

She cried out.

He laughed again.

In heightened response, she roughly reached behind her, feeling for his erection. When she found it, she rubbed, hard and slow.

Groaning, pus.h.i.+ng her forward until she bent at the waist, he buried his face against her neck, nipping. One hand entangled itself in her hair as he carefully undid her ponytail, proving just how much he could take of her torture without giving in. As she continued rubbing him, antic.i.p.ating the moment he'd glide into her, she felt the strands lift from the sensitive spot where neck met spine, felt the weight of him settling his mouth at her nape, forcing heat and tightness to pull at each other in her belly.

Exerting his control again, he deliberately removed her hand from him, guided it to her stomach, slipped her palm beneath her unders.h.i.+rt so she could touch her tender skin, trace the bared plane just above the line of her jeans.

Responding, she swelled, throbbed, grew even wetter.

G.o.d, the texture of his hands...The undulation of his mind swirling against her...

Suddenly, with a whoosh of cold air, his essence retreated from her body, then plunged back into her, making her stifle a scream because of the driving sensation, the simultaneous inner pressure of a nearing climax.

In his flurry of movement, the material shrouding the mirror had flared away, falling to the floor like wings guiding a raven to a landing.

Moaning in her haze, she looked into the mirror. She had to see him, see what he was doing to her.

But... She blinked, bucked back against him.

The mirror showed a woman flushed and writhing, her eyes pa.s.sion-flared, like one of the seductive portraits in The Voice's collection. Her s.h.i.+rt was twisted upward, showing her own hand rubbing her belly, moving as if it were being guided by another.

Her hair was flying free, suspended in air and wavering up and down as if held by fingers.

But there was no hand over her hand. No fingers in her hair. No one behind her.

He was there, but he wasn't there.

A flash of terror and excitement blinded her, seeping downward, through her skin, into the center of her, wet and furious. She started to slide downward, her knees unable to hold up any longer.

In the mirror, she was floating, her body braced by invisible hands that were holding her up.

”What the h.e.l.l are you?” she repeated.

Caught, he sought escape: her hair dropped, and the rest of the pressure lifted off of her body. Fighting for balance, Dawn stumbled around, reaching out to grip his arm, his shoulder...anything.


Popping out of her stupor, she frantically searched the room for any sign of him. Nowhere. The bookcase creaked, and she noticed that it had gone back to its original position, revealing only a dark slat between it and the wall.

Mirrors, she thought. What did movies say about vampires and mirrors?

Turning back around, she looked in the s.h.i.+ny surface again, seeing only herself, posture steeled with ire.


A frenetic breeze whipped around the room, a prelude to a storm. On the traces of the wind, she thought she heard a cry of fury that mirrored her own emotions.


Books tumbled out of the case as the wall crashed back into itself, closing up the slat.

”No...” She ran to the wall, pounded on it, tried to force it open, but she knew it was useless.

The Voice...Jonah...had left her.

She whipped around, using the bookcase to hold her up. As she tightened her fists by her side, she focused across the room on the mirror again.

But what she saw there made her do a double take.