Part 10 (1/2)

Vampires. On top of everything else, she'd met vampires tonight. Wow, when hadshewon the Queen-for-a-Day lottery?

No more than a few minutes had pa.s.sed when she felt someone watching her on the left.

Tucking a stray hair behind her ear, she turned her head in the same motion, locking onto a man who hadn't been there when she'd ordered. He had short dark brown hair, a heavy brow that was, at the moment, knitted in concentration in front of him, and a cleft in his chin. It was the face of a tough, a man who didn't mind throwing punches or standing in the way of them. Under his dark s.h.i.+rt, she detected sinew and muscle, a body that wasn't stocky so much as retracted in preparation for attack.

He wasn't looking at her now, but Dawn knew he had been.

She played with the label of her drink, just for something to do. She wanted his attention again, longing for a distraction to improve her mood.

Waiting, waiting...she willed him to see her.

Nonchalantly, he did glance at her, then away. And in that one heartbeat of a second, her body crushed into itself, then burst back to form. The power of her reaction left her dizzy, dis...o...b..bulated...

G.o.d, she needed to feel a man against her. Her demons really needed to be exorcised if she could be rockedthiseasy.

Maury delivered a shot gla.s.s full of amber liquid to the man, but the stranger merely wrapped his long fingers around it, spinning it around as he chanced another glimpse at Dawn.

He didn't smile, didn't flirt. He just measured. Pale blue eyes, full lower lip...Dawn's pulse hammered away, chipping off the seconds of their silent introduction.

This drawn-out glance was miles from the carnal violence of his other, shorter gaze. Now, her body was gradually warming with sensual antic.i.p.ation, heating with fantasies of what she shouldn't do with a stranger.

She got out of her chair, slid into the one next to him. ”You're a new face around here.”

A beat pa.s.sed between them, loaded with possibility. His gaze brushed over her hair, her face. He didn't smile.

”I just started coming.” He turned to his drink, but didn't indulge in it.

Voice low, graveled. Hunger squeezed her lower belly.

”My name's Dawn.”

Now he did his drink. ”I know.”

She sat up in her chair.

So did he, facing her, reaching into his back pocket to take out a wallet. He flicked it open to a license.

Matthew Lonigan.

Private Investigator.

A granite laugh seized Dawn. ”Great. Another PI, huh? And here I thought...” She laughed again; it made her feel like less of an idiot. ”Why do I get the impression that this meeting isn't some chance encounter?”

”It's not.” He tucked the license back into his pocket. ”I heard that Frank Madison's daughter and a friend were hanging around here tonight. I've been doing the same thing ever since getting this case, so I came running.”

She didn't know what to say for a moment, but it wasn't only because of this cruel surprise. It was because she was embarra.s.sed to be rejected. He hadn't been coyly checking her out at all-not inthatway. If he was a PI, he no doubt had access to pictures of Frank's life, his family. He'd known what she looked like, and he'd honed right in on her.

”Who hired you, Matthew?” she asked. To save her ego, she stayed on her barstool, still hovering inches from his body, close enough to feel his skin p.r.i.c.kle. Close enough to scent the soap he'd used.

Something clean and mysterious, she thought. And it smelled way too d.a.m.ned good.

He sent her a glance that said he was aware of her intentions. Even so, he didn't move away. Uh-uh. In fact, his gaze drifted lower, over her chest, down, back up again.

”People call me Matt,” he said, ”and it's none of your business who hired me.”

”Frank's my dad.”

”And I'm not at liberty to divulge anything except to the person who's paying me.”

As if she didn't have enough questions, a whole new meteor shower of them came raining down on her. Who else in this world cared enough about Frank to have him tracked? And why would they want to find him?

As the PI watched Dawn, everything pressed in on her, weighing against her brain. She fought to keep the world out, just as she'd been doing half the night with all the mysteries that had swallowed her whole. She pushed right back, keeping her mind in the here and now.

”Come on,” she said. ”Tell me what you've found out.”

h.e.l.l, if he could interview her, she could interview him right back.

A laugh of disbelief forced a smile-a sidelong gesture of wry appreciation-out of him. ”You're a tenacious one.”

”I'm sick of not knowing. From dusk on, it's been...” She huffed out a breath, gripped her drink. ”Quite the adventure.”

”Welcome to detective work.”

When he bent closer to her, Dawn raised her eyebrows. Was he working her? Or had she miscalculated his true level of interest?

Didit go beyond detecting?

He skimmed his fingertips near the bandages over her burns. The faint contact woke up her nerve endings.

”What happened?” he asked.

Sure. Like she was going to spillthatstory. ”Just a stunt gone awry.”

”That's it, huh?” Matt Lonigan leaned over on the bar, fixing her in his sights, hunter to prey. ”I hear you tolerate pain pretty well.”

”Yup, my life's one long demolition derby.”

She took a slow sip from her drink. A trickle of ice sweat caught her chin, slid down her throat, past her s.h.i.+rt and between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Deliberately, she wiped the lingering moisture away from her mouth, taking great pleasure in how his gaze stayed on her lips.

Boyfriend was intrigued, all right, even if he was fighting tooth and nail to stay professional. Girls knew this kind of thing. It was one of the advantages of femininity, and Dawn had no qualms about using any of the tools in her a.r.s.enal.

Just as a final tease, she licked the corner of her mouth with the tip of her tongue.

Matt Lonigan's eyes went unfocused, but he turned his face away before Dawn could call him on it with a knowing grin. ”You were saying...?” His voice was more ragged than usual.

She rested her elbows on the bar in a pose that stretched her s.h.i.+rt over her chest. ”About what?”