Part 43 (1/2)
”The next day you set off for home?”
”You and Carroll were always together?”
”You came home by the same trail and without any other explorations?”
Here Crawley hesitated a moment. ”Well, yes, except that we ran up a gulch to look at some rocks.”
”Oh! Did you find anything?”
”Well, we think so,” said Crawley pleasantly.
”You went both together up the gulch? You were never separated?”
”We went together, yes.”
”Any further questions, gentlemen?”
For a time there was no response, then Ike came slowly forward to the table and stood by Crawley's side.
”You did not go near that cache?”
”No,” said Crawley firmly.
”Are you mighty sure about that? Better be sure.”
”I am positive we did not go within twenty or thirty yards,” said Crawley defiantly.
”All right, Crawley,” drawled Ike, ”better have a pipe now.” And as he spoke he threw down a tobacco pouch on the table.
Crawley turned pale, gripped at the table to stead himself, gazed at the pouch lying before him for a few moments and then enquired in a voice that shook in spite of all that he could do: ”Who gave you--where did you get that?”
”It's yours, aint it? Got your name on, anyway,” said Ike. ”Where did you leave it?”
”Don't know,” said Crawley, turning green with terror.
”Gentlemen,” said Ike, addressing the crowd, ”I aint agoin' to make no speech to this jury, but I want to remark that this here blank reptile is a blank liar, and if he aint a murderer 'taint his fault. That there pouch of his,” continued Ike, putting a long forefinger down upon the article lying on the table, ”that there pouch of his was found by the 'Prospector,' as Perault calls him, beside that there empty cache.
That's all I have to say.” And Ike turned and walked slowly back to his seat.
In vain the trembling wretch tried first to bl.u.s.ter and then to explain. Carroll was again summoned and affirmed emphatically that he and Crawley had been separated for the greater part of one day, and that while together they had not approached Mr. Macgregor's camp.
”That will do, Carroll,” said Sinclair quietly. ”We believe you entirely, and I would like to say that for my part I am mighty glad that you are entirely freed from suspicion.”
”That's so, you bet!” came from the men on all sides, as one by one they stepped forward to shake Carroll warmly by the hand.
”Now, gentlemen,” said Sinclair, ”make your decision. This man,”
pointing to Crawley, ”is charged with a serious crime. What is your verdict?”