Part 14 (1/2)
”What sort of conduct, then, is this?” answered Mrs. Fairbanks angrily.
”Have you encouraged your son?”
”Hush, mother,” said Shock, suddenly awakening to an understanding of what was happening, ”let me speak.”
The stern voice compelled silence. Shock was a new man to them all. He was thinking quickly now for his mother, for himself, but most of all for the girl he loved, who stood with face turned away and eyes cast down in intolerable humiliation.
”Mrs. Fairbanks,” said Shock, speaking slowly and with quiet dignity, ”if I have not spoken of love to your daughter, it is not because I have not loved her well and for long, but because I could not feel myself worthy of her. Hush, mother; I am not worthy of her, nor shall I ever be, not by reason of any difference in blood,--for there is no difference,--but because of what she is herself, so far above me. I have never spoken with my lips of love, and yet for many and many a day I have feared that my eyes, and all else that could speak, must have told her I loved her. And if it should be--for I will not pretend to misunderstand you--if it should be that it is possible she should ever love me, then there has come to me a joy greater than I could have hoped, and whatever may, come of it, this day is the happiest of my life.”
As Shock began to speak, Helen lifted her face, and as she listened her look of grief and shame fled, and in her eyes a light of joy began to dawn, then grew till it seemed to overflow in waves across her beautiful face. And as Shock continued his calm, manly words pride mingled in her joy, and her head lifted itself with a grace and dignity that matched that of the old lady standing by her side.
Mrs. Fairbanks stood fairly speechless at Shock's words and at the look of joy and pride she saw upon her daughter's face.
”This is absurd!” she cried at length. ”It's preposterous, and it must end now and forever. I forbid absolutely anything in the way of--of engagement or understanding. I will not have my daughter tie herself to a man with such prospects.”
”Wait, mother,” said Shock, putting his hand out toward the old lady, who was about to speak. ”Mrs. Fairbanks,” he continued quietly, ”far be it from me to take advantage of your daughter in any way, and I say to you here that she is as free now as when she came into this room. I shall not ask her to bind herself to me, but I will be false to myself, and false to her, if I do not say that I love her as dearly as man ever loved woman, and come what may, I shall love her till I die.”
The ring in Shock's voice as he spoke the last words thrilled everyone in the room.
”Ay, lad that you will,” said his mother proudly.
”Oh, aint he great,” whispered Brown to Betty, who in her excitement had drawn close to him. Betty responded with a look, but could not trust herself to speak.
The moment was pregnant with possibilities.
As Shock finished speaking, Helen, with an indescribable mingling of shy grace and calm strength, came and stood by his side. For the first time Shock lost control of himself. He flushed hotly, then grew pale, then with a slightly defiant look in his face, he put his arm lightly about her.
”Time for that train,” said Brown, who had slipped to the outer door.
”That is,” he continued in his briskest manner, ”if you're going.”
With a quick gasp Helen turned towards Shock. He tightened his arm about the girl, and putting his hand upon her shoulder, turned her face toward him and looked down into her face.
”Good-bye,” he said gently. ”Remember you are free, free as ever you were. I have no claim upon you, but don't forget that I will always love you. I will never forget you.”
”Good-bye, Shock,” she replied in a low, sweet tone, lifting her face to him. ”I will not forget. You know I will not forget.”
She slipped her arm around his neck, and while his great frame trembled with emotion she held him fast.
”I'll not forget,” she said again, the light in her great grey eyes quenched in a quick rush of tears. ”You know, Shock, I will not forget.” Her lips quivered piteously.
Then Shock cast restraint to the winds. ”No,” he cried aloud, ”you will not forget, thank G.o.d, you will not forget, and you are mine!”
He drew her close to him, held her a moment or two, looking into her eyes, and as she lay limp and clinging in his arms he kissed her on the brow, and then on the lips, and gave her to his mother.
”Here, mother,” he said, ”take her, be good to her, love her for my sake.”
He put his arms around his mother, kissed her twice, and was gone.
”He'll never get that train,” cried Betty.