Part 19 (1/2)

The en in these nitro bodies is by the use of Lunge's nitro the process is as follows:--Weigh out with the greatest care 06 gr bottle of about 15 cc capacity, and carefully add 10 cc of concentrated sulphuric acid from a pipette, and allow to stand until all the cotton is dissolved The nitrometer should be of a capacity 150 to 200 cc, and should contain a bulb of 100 cc capacity at the top, and should be fitted with a Greiner and Friederich's three-way tap When the nitro-cotton has entirely dissolved to a clear solution, raise the pressure tube of the nitro tube close up to the tap Open the tap in order to allow of the escape of any air bubbles, and clean the surface of the mercury and the inside of the cup with a small piece of filter paper Now close the tap, and pour the solution of the nitro-cotton into the cup Rinse out the bottle with 15 cc of sulphuric acid, contained in a pipette, pouring a little of the acid over the stopper of the weighing bottle in case some of the solution h to cause the solution to flow into the bulb of the htly opened When the solution has run in almost to the end, turn off the tap, wash down the sides of the bottle, and add to the cup of the nitrometer; allow it to flow in as before, and then wash down the sides of the cup with 10 cc of sulphuric acid, adding little by little, and allowing each portion added to flow into the bulb of the nitro the next portion

Great care is necessary to prevent air bubbles obtaining admission, and if the pressure tube is lowered too far, the acid will run with a rush and carry air along with it


The solution being all in the htly raised, and the tube containing the nitro-cotton solution shaken for ten minutes with considerable violence It is then replaced in the cla the pressure tube, and the whole apparatus allowed to stand for twenty as evolved to assu up close to the bulb of thetube At the end of the twenty minutes, the levels of thetubes are equalised, and the final adjust tube (very slightly), after first adding a little sulphuric acid to the cup, and observing whether the acid runs in or reat care When accurately adjusted, it should as in cubic centi tube Read also the therht of the barometer in millimetres The calculation is very sir tube = 1146 cc NO Barorun-cotton]

Since 1 cc NO = 06272for temperature and pressure by the formula

760 x (1 + _d_{2}) (_d_ = 003665), for temperature 15 = 80178,[A]


(1146 x 100 x 750 x 6272)/(8017 x 6) = 1122 per cent nitrogen

[Footnote A: See Table, page 244]

The nitrogen in nitro-glycerine may of course be determined by the nitrometer, but in this case it is better to take a ras, and therefore atube without a 100 cc bulb lycerine taken gave 325 cc NO Barometer, 761 mm

Temperature, 15 C


(325 x 100 x 761 x 6272)/(80178 x1048) = 1846 per cent N Theory = 1850 per cent

Professor Lunge has devised another foren deter tube, which is widened out in the raduated above and below into 1/10 cc The capacity of the whole apparatus is 130 cc; that of each portion of the tube being 30 cc, and of the bulb 70 cc The upper portion of the graduated tube serves to er volumes are read off on the lower part


FM Horn (_Zeitschrift fur angewandte Che 43) which he has found especially useful in the examination of smokeless powders The tap H is provided with a wide bore through which a weighed quantity of the powder is dropped bodily into the bulb K From 4 to 5 cc of sulphuric acid which has been heated to 30 C

are then added through the funnel T, the tap H being immediately closed

When the powder has dissolved--a process whichthe bulb very carefully--the thick solution is drawn into the nitrometer tube N, and the bulb rinsed several times with fresh acid, after which operation the analysis is proceeded with in the usual way

Dr Lunge'sa separate nitroas evolved to the one in which the reaction has taken place, the gas being transferred fro theas over by raising the pressure tube of the one containing the gas, the taps being open, I have found to be a great ias at 0 and 760 en

” 1343 ” nitric oxide

” 2820 ” (HNO_{3}) nitric acid

” 3805 ” (NaNO_{3}) sodium nitrate

” 4523 ” (KNO_{3}) potassium nitrate