Part 1 (1/2)
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
by P Gerald Sanford
In coive a brief but thoroughly practical account of the properties, manufacture, and methods of analysis of the various nitro-explosives now so largely used for ents; and it is believed that the account given of the elatine dynamites will be found more complete than in any similar work yet published in this country
For ures contained in the chapter on Sst others) the late Mr JD Dougall and Messrs AC Ponsonby and HM Chapard to Roburite to Messrs HA Krohn and WJ Orsentle the authorities which have been consulted in the general preparation of the work may be mentioned the _Journals_ of the Chemical Society, the Society of Chemical Industry, the United States Naval Institute, and the Royal Artillery Institution I have also referred to several volumes of the periodical publication _Arms and Explosives;_ to various papers by Sir Frederick Abel, Bart, FRS, and General Wardell, RA, on Gun-Cotton; to ”Modern Artillery,” by Capt
Lloyd, RN, and AG Hadcock, RA; to the late Colonel Cundill's ”Dictionary of Explosives”; as well as to the works of Messrs Eissler, Berthelot, and others
The illustrations have been prepared chiefly fros A feever, have been taken (by peres of _Ared in the text
_May 1896_
In the preparation of the Second Edition of this work, I have chiefly made use of the current technical journals, especially of the _Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry_ The source of ed
I am also indebted to severaltheir special products--a others the New Explosives Company Ltd; Messrs Curtis's and Harvey Ltd; The Schultze Gunpowder Company Ltd; and Mr WD Borland, FIC, of the EC Powder Company Ltd
To my friend Mr A Stanley Fox, FCS, of Faversham, my best thanks are also due for his help inout several references
The chapter on Sed and (as far as possible) brought up to date; but it has not always been possible to give the process of manufacture or even the composition, as these details have not, in several cases, been made public
LONDON, _June 1906_
The Nitro-Explosives--Substances that have been Nitrated--The Danger Area-- Systeer, and Melsens for the Protection of Buildings fro, &c
The reat advances during late years, and the various for the older for purposes and also for propulsive agents, under the for to the so-called High Explosives, and may be defined as any chemical compound possessed of explosive properties, or capable of co with metals to form an explosive compound, which is produced by the chemical action of nitric acid, either alone or mixed with sulphuric acid, upon any carbonaceous substance, whether such compound is mechanically mixed with other substances or not[A]
[Footnote A: Definition given in Order of Council, No 1, Explosives Act, 1875]