Volume 2, Slice 2 Part 14 (1/2)


Family 9. CYATHOPHYLLIDAE.--Solitary and colonial aporose corals.

Tabulae and vesicular endotheca present. Septa numerous, generally radial, seldom pinnate. Typical genera--_Cyathophyllum_, Goldfuss (Devonian and Carboniferous). _Moseleya_, Quelch (recent).

Family 10. ASTRAEIDAE.--Aporpse, mainly colonial corals, ma.s.sive, branching, or maeandroid. Septa radial; dissepiments present; an epitheca surrounds the base of ma.s.sive or maeandroid forms, but only surrounds individual corallites in simple or branching forms. Typical genera--_Goniastraea_, M. Edw. and H. _Heliastraea_, M. Edw. and H.

_Maeandrina_, Lam. _Coeloria_, M. Edw. and H. _Favia_, Oken.

Family 11. FUNGIDAE.--Solitary and colonial corals, with numerous radial septa united by synapticulae. Typical genera--_Lophoseris_, M.

Edw. and H. _Thamnastraea_, Le Sauvage. _Leptophyllia_, Reuss (Jura.s.sic and Cretaceous). _Fungia_, Dana. _Siderastraea_, Blainv.


Family 12. EUPSAMMIDAE.--Solitary or colonial perforate corals, branching, ma.s.sive, or encrusting. Septa radial; the primary septa usually compact, the remainder perforate. Theca perforate. Synapticula present in some genera. Typical genera--_Stephanophyllia_, Michelin.

_Eupsammia_, M. Edw. and H. _Astroides_, Blainv. _Rhodopsammia_, M.

Edw. and H. _Dendrophyllia_, M. Edw. and H.


Family 13. CYSTIPHYLLIDAE.--Solitary corals with rudimentary septa, and the calicle filled with vesicular endotheca.

Genera--_Cystiphyllum_, Lonsdale (Silurian and Devonian).

_Goniophyllum_, M. Edw. and H. (In this Silurian genus the calyx is provided with a movable operculum, consisting of four paired triangular pieces, the bases of each being attached to the sides of the calyx, and their apices meeting in the middle when the operculum is closed). _Calcecla_, Lam. (In this Devonian genus there is a single semicircular operculum furnished with a stout median septum and numerous feebly developed secondary septa. The calyx is triangular in section, pointed below, and the operculum is attached to it by hinge-like teeth.)

AUTHORITIES.--The following list contains only the names of the more important and more general works on the structure and cla.s.sification of corals and on coral reefs. For a fuller bibliography the works marked with an asterisk should be consulted: * A. Andres, _Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel_, ix. (1884); H.M. Bernard, ”Catalogue of Madreporarian Corals” in Brit. Museum, ii. (1896), iii. (1897); * G.C.

Bourne, ”Anthozoa,” in E. Ray Lankester's _Treatise on Zoology_, vol.

ii. (London, 1900); G. Brook, ”_Challenger_ Reports,” _Zoology_, x.x.xii. (1899) (_Antipatharia_); ”Cat. Madrep. Corals,” Brit. Museum, i. (1893); D.C. Danielssen, ”Report Norwegian North Atlantic Exploring Expedition,” _Zoology_, xix. (1890); J.E. Duerden, ”Some Results on the Morphology and Development of Recent and Fossil Corals,” _Rep.

Brit. a.s.sociation_, 1903, pp. 684-685; ”The Morphology of the Madreporaria,” _Biol. Bullet_, vii. pp. 79-104; P.M. Duncan, _Journ.

Linnean Soc._ xviii. (1885); P.H. Gosse, _Actinologia britannica_ (London, 1860); O. and R. Hertwig, _Die Actinien_ (Jena, 1879); R.

Hertwig, ”_Challenger_ Reports,” _Zoology_, vi. (1882) and xxvi.

(1888); * C.B. Klunzinger, _Die Korallthiere des Rothen Meeres_ (Berlin, 1877); * G. von Koch, _Fauna und Flora des Golfes van Neapel_, xv. (1887); _Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel_, ii. (1882) and xii.

(1897); _Palaeontographica_, xxix. (1883); (also many papers in the _Morphol. Jahrbuch_ from 1878 to 1898); F. Koby, ”Polypiers jura.s.siques de la Suisse,” _Mem. Soc. Palaeont. Suisse_, vii.-xvi.

(1880-1889); A. von Kolliker, ”Die Pennatuliden,” _Abh. d. Senck.

Naturf. Gesell_. vii.; * ”_Challenger_ Reports,” _Zoology_, i.

_Pennatulidae_ (1880); Koren and Danielssen, _Norske Nordhaus Exped., Alcyonida_ (1887); H. de Lacaze-Duthiers, _Hist. nat. du corail_ (Paris, 1864); H. Milne-Edwards and J. Haime, _Hist. nat. des coralliaires_ (Paris, 1857); H.N. Moseley, ”_Challenger_ Reports,”

_Zoology_, ii. (1881); H.A. Nicholson, _Palaeozoic Tabulate Corals_ (Edinburgh, 1879); M.M. Ogilvie, _Phil. Transactions_, clx.x.xvii.

(1896); E. Pratz, _Palaeontographica_, xxix. (1882); J.J. Quelch, ”_Challenger_ Reports,” _Zoology_, xvi. (1886); * P.S. Wright and Th.

Studer, ”_Challenger_ Reports,” _Zoology_, x.x.xi. (1889).

(G. C. B.)

ANTHRACENE (from the Greek [Greek: anthrax], coal), C14H10, a hydrocarbon obtained from the fraction of the coal-tar distillate boiling between 270 and 400 C. This high boiling fraction is allowed to stand for some days, when it partially solidifies. It is then separated in a centrifugal machine, the low melting-point impurities are removed by means of hot water, and the residue is finally hot-pressed.

The crude anthracene cake is purified by treatment with the higher pyridine bases, the operation being carried out in large steam-jacketed boilers. The whole ma.s.s dissolves on heating, and the anthracene crystallizes out on cooling. The crystallized anthracene is then removed by a centrifugal separator and the process of solution in the pyridine bases is repeated. Finally the anthracene is purified by sublimation.