Volume 2, Part 1 Part 9 (1/2)

_Cat-fish_.--None of the fresh-water cat-fishes (of which no example is found in England) are what may be called sporting fish, but several may be caught with rod and line. There are several kinds in North America, and some of them are as heavy as 150 lb, but the most important is the wels (_Silurus glanis_) of the Danube and neighbouring waters. This is the largest European fresh-water fish, and it is credited with a weight of 300 lb or more. It is a bottom feeder and will take a fish-bait either alive or dead; it is said occasionally to run at a spinning bait when used very deep.

_Burbot_.--The burbot (_Lota vulgaris_) is the only fresh-water member of the cod family in Great Britain, and it is found only in a few slow-flowing rivers such as the Trent, and there not often, probably because it is a fish of sluggish habits which feeds only at night.

It reaches a weight of 3 lb or more, and will take most flesh or fish baits on the bottom. The burbot of America has similar characteristics.

_Sturgeon_.--The sturgeons, of which there are a good many species in Europe and America, are of no use to the angler. They are anadromous fishes of which little more can be said than that a specimen might take a bottom bait once in a way. In Russia they are sometimes caught on long lines armed with baited hooks, and occasionally an angler hooks one. Such a case was reported from California in _The Field_ of the 19th of August 1905.

_Shad_.--Two other anadromous fish deserve notice. The first is the shad, a herring-like fish of which two species, allice and twaite (_Clupea alosa_ and _C. finta_), ascend one or two British and several continental rivers in the spring. The twaite is the more common, and in the Severn, Wye and Teme it sometimes gives very fair sport to anglers, taking worm and occasionally fly or small spinning bait. It is a good fighter, and reaches a weight of about 3 lb. Its sheen when first caught is particularly beautiful. America also has shads.

_Flounder_.--The other is the flounder (_Pleuronectes flesus_), the only flat-fish which ascends British rivers. It is common a long way up such rivers as the Severn, far above tidal influence, and it will take almost any flesh-bait used on the bottom. A flounder of 1 lb is, in a river, a large one, but heavier examples are sometimes caught.

_Eel_.--The eel (_Anguilla vulgaris_) is regarded by the angler more as a nuisance than a sporting fish, but when of considerable size (and it often reaches a weight of 8 lb or more) it is a splendid fighter and stronger than almost any fish that swims. Its life history has long been disputed, but it is now accepted that it breeds in the sea and ascends rivers in its youth. It is found practically everywhere, and its occurrence in isolated ponds to which it has never been introduced by human agency has given rise to a theory that it travels overland as well as by water. The best baits for eels are worms and small fish, and the best time to use them is at night or in thundery or very wet weather.

_Sea Angling._

Sea angling is attended by almost as many refinements of tackle and method as fresh-water angling. The chief differences are differences of locality and the habits of the fish. To a certain extent sea angling may also be divided into three cla.s.ses--fis.h.i.+ng on the surface with the fly, at mid-water with spinning or other bait, and on the bottom; but the first method is only practicable at certain times and in certain places, and the others, from the great depths that often have to be sounded and the heavy weights that have to be used in searching them, necessitate shorter and stouter rods, larger reels and stronger tackle than fresh-water anglers employ. Also, of course, the sea-fisherman is liable to come into conflict with very large fish occasionally. In British waters the monster usually takes the form of a skate or halibut. A specimen of the former weighing 194 lb has been landed off the Irish coast with rod and line in recent years. In American waters there is a much greater opportunity of catching fish of this calibre.

_Great Game Fishes_.--There are several giants of the sea which are regularly pursued by American anglers, chief among them being the tarpon (_Tarpon atlanticus_) and the tuna or tunny (Thunnus thynnus), which have been taken on rod and line up to 223 lb and 251 lb respectively. Jew-fish and black sea-ba.s.s of over 400 lb have been taken on rod and line, and there are many other fine sporting fish of large size which give the angler exciting hours on the reefs of Florida, or the coasts of California, Texas or Mexico. Practically all of them are taken with a fish-bait either live or dead, and used stationary on the bottom or in mid-water trailed behind a boat.

_British Game Fishes_.--On a much smaller scale are the fishes most esteemed in British waters. The ba.s.s (_Labrax lupus_) heads the list as a plucky and rather difficult opponent. A fish of 10 lb is a large one, but fifteen-pounders have been taken. Small or ”school” ba.s.s up to 3 lb or 4 lb may sometimes be caught with the fly (generally a roughly constructed thing with big wings), and when they are really taking the sport is magnificent. In some few localities it is possible to cast for them from rocks with a salmon rod, but usually a boat is required. In other places ba.s.s may be caught from the sh.o.r.e with fish bait used on the bottom in quite shallow water. They may again sometimes be caught in mid-water, and in fact there are few methods and few lures employed in sea angling which will not account for them at times. The pollack (_Gadus pollachius_) and coal-fish (_Gadus virens_) come next in esteem. Both in some places reach a weight of 20 lb or more, and both when young will take a fly. Usually, however, the best sport is obtained by trailing some spinning-bait, such as an artificial or natural sand-eel, behind a boat. Sometimes, and especially for pollack, the bait must be kept near the bottom and heavy weights on the line are necessary; the coal-fish are more p.r.o.ne to come to the surface for feeding. The larger grey mullet (_Mugil capito_) is a great favourite with many anglers, as it is extremely difficult to hook, and when hooked fights strongly. Fis.h.i.+ng for mullet is more akin to fresh-water fis.h.i.+ng than any branch of sea-angling, and indeed can be carried on in almost fresh water, for the fish frequent harbours, estuaries and tidal pools. They can be caught close to the surface, at mid-water and at the bottom, and as a rule vegetable baits, such as boiled macaroni, or ragworms are found to answer best. Usually ground-baiting is necessary, and the finer the tackle used the greater is the chance of sport. Not a few anglers fish with a float as if for river fish. The fish runs up to about 8 lb in weight. The cod (_Gadus morhua_) grows larger and fights less gamely than any of the fish already mentioned. It is generally caught with bait used on the bottom from a boat, but in places codling, or young cod, give some sport to anglers fis.h.i.+ng from the sh.o.r.e. The mackerel (_s...o...b..r s...o...b..r_) gives the best sport to a bait, usually a strip of fish skin, trailed behind a boat fairly close to the surface, but it will sometimes feed on the bottom. Mackerel on light tackle are game fighters, though they do not usually much exceed 2 lb. Whiting and whiting-pout (_Gadus merlangus_ and _Gadus luscus_) both feed on or near the bottom, do not grow to any great size, and are best sought with fine tackle, usually an arrangement of three or four hooks at intervals above a lead which is called a ”paternoster.” If one or more of the hooks are on the bottom the tackle will do for different kinds of flat fish as well, flounders and dabs being the two species most often caught by anglers. The bream (_Pagellus centrodontus_) is another bottom-feeder which resembles the fresh-water bream both in appearance and habits. It is an early morning or rather a nocturnal fish, and grows to a weight of 3 lb or 4 lb. Occasionally it will feed in mid-water or even close to the surface. The conger eel (_Conger vulgaris_) is another night-feeder, which gives fine sport, as it grows to a great size, and is very powerful. Strong tackle is essential for conger fis.h.i.+ng, as so powerful an opponent in the darkness cannot be given any law. The bait must be on or near the bottom. There are, of course, many other fish which come to the angler's rod at times, but the list given is fairly complete as representing the species which are especially sought. Beside them are occasional (in some waters too frequent) captures such as dog-fish and sharks, skates and rays. Many of them run to a great size and give plenty of sport on a rod, though they are not as a rule welcomed.

Lastly, it must be mentioned that certain of the Salmonidae, smelts _(Osmerus eperla.n.u.s),_ sea-trout, occasionally brown trout, and still more occasionally salmon can be caught in salt water either in sea-lochs or at the mouths of rivers. Smelts are best fished for with tiny hooks tied on fine gut and baited with fragments of shrimp, ragworm, and other delicacies.

[v.02 p.0031]

MODERN AUTHORITIES AND REFERENCE BOOKS.--_History and Literature:_ Prof. A.N. Mayer, _Sport with Gun and Rod_ (New York and Edinburgh), with a chapter on ”The Primitive Fish-Hook,” by Barnet Phillips; Dr.R. Munro, _Lake Dwellings of Europe_ (London, 1890), with many ill.u.s.trations and descriptions of early fish-books, &c.; H.

Cholmondeley Pennell and others, _Fis.h.i.+ng Gossip_ (Edinburgh, 1866), contains a paper on ”Fis.h.i.+ng and Fish-Hooks of the Earliest Date,” by Jonathan Couch; C.D. Badham, _Prose Halieutics_ (London, 1854), full of curious lore, relating, however, more to ichthyophagy than angling; _The Angler's Note-Book and Naturalist's Record_ (London, 1st series 1881, 2nd series 1888), edited by T. Satch.e.l.l, the two volumes containing much valuable matter on angling history, literature, and other topics; R. Blakey, _Angling Literature_ (London, 1856), inaccurate and badly arranged, but containing a good deal of curious matter not to be found elsewhere; O. Lambert, _Angling Literature in England_ (London, 1881), a good little general survey; J.J.

Manley, _Fish and Fis.h.i.+ng_ (London, 1881), with chapters on fis.h.i.+ng literature, &c.; R.B. Marston, _Walton and Some Earlier Writers on Fish and Fis.h.i.+ng_ (London and New York, 1894); _Piscatorial Society's Papers_ (vol. i. London, 1890), contains a paper on ”The Useful and Fine Arts in their Relation to Fish and Fis.h.i.+ng,” by S.C. Harding; _Super Flumina_ (Anon.; London, 1904), gives _pa.s.sim_ useful information on fis.h.i.+ng literature; T. Westwood and T. Satch.e.l.l, _Bibliotheca Piscatoria_ (London, 1883) an admirable bibliography of the sport: together with the supplement prepared by R.B. Marston, 1901, it may be considered wonderfully complete.

_Methods and Practice._--General Fresh-water Fis.h.i.+ng: F. Francis, _A Book on Angling_ (London, 1885), though old, a thoroughly sound text-book, particularly good on salmon fis.h.i.+ng; H.C. Pennell and others, _Fis.h.i.+ng--Salmon and Trout and Pike and Coa.r.s.e Fish_ (Badminton Library, 2 vols., London, 1904); John Bickerd.y.k.e, _The Book of the All-Round Angler_ (London, 1900); Horace G. Hutchinson and others, _Fis.h.i.+ng (Country Life_ Series, 2 vols., London, 1904), contains useful ichthyological notes by G.A. Boulenger, a chapter on ”The Feeding of Salmon in Fresh-Water,” by Dr.J. Kingston Barton, and a detailed account of the princ.i.p.al salmon rivers of Norway, by C.E.


_Salmon and Trout._--Major J.P. Traherne, _The Habits of the Salmon_ (London, 1889); G.M. Kelson, _The Salmon Fly_ (London, 1895), contains instructions on dressing salmon-flies; A.E. Gathorne Hardy, _The Salmon_ (”Fur, Feather and Fin Series,” London, 1898); Sir H. Maxwell, Bt., _Salmon and Sea Trout_ (Angler's Library, London, 1898); Sir E.

Grey, Bt., _Fly Fis.h.i.+ng_ (Haddon Hall Library, London and New York, 1899); W. Earl Hodgson, _Salmon Fis.h.i.+ng_ (London, 1906), contains a series of coloured plates of salmon flies; Marquis of Granby, _The Trout_ (”Fur, Feather and Fin Series,” London, 1898). Wet Fly Fis.h.i.+ng: W.C. Stewart, _The Practical Angler_ (London, 1905), a new edition of an old but still valuable work; E.M. Tod, _Wet Fly Fis.h.i.+ng_ (London, 1903); W. Earl Hodgson, _Trout Fis.h.i.+ng_ (London, 1905), contains a series of admirable coloured plates of artificial flies. Dry Fly Fis.h.i.+ng: F.M. Halford, _Dry-Fly Fis.h.i.+ng in Theory and Practice_ (London, 1902), the standard work on the subject; G.A.B. Dewar, _The Book of the Dry Fly_ (London, 1897). Grayling: T.E. Pritt, The Book of the Grayling (Leeds, 1888); H.A. Rolt, _Grayling Fis.h.i.+ng in South Country Streams_ (London, 1905).

_Coa.r.s.e Fish._--C.H. Wheeley, _Coa.r.s.e Fish_ (Angler's Library, London, 1897); J.W. Martin, _Practical Fis.h.i.+ng_ (London); _Float-fis.h.i.+ng and Spinning_ (London, 1885); W. Senior and others, _Pike and Perch_ (”Fur, Feather and Fin Series,” London, 1900); A.J. Jardine, _Pike and Perch_ (Angler's Library, London, 1898); H.C. Pennell, _The Book of the Pike_ (London, 1884); Greville Fennell, _The Book of the Roach_ (London, 1884).

_Sea Fis.h.i.+ng._--J.C. Wilc.o.c.ks, _The Sea Fisherman_ (London, 1884); John Bickerd.y.k.e (and others), _Sea Fis.h.i.+ng_ (Badminton Library, London, 1895); _Practical Letters to Sea Fishers_ (London, 1902); F.G.

Aflalo, _Sea Fish_ (Angler's Library, London, 1897); P.L. Haslope, _Practical Sea Fis.h.i.+ng_ (London, 1905).

_Tackle, Flies, &c._--H.C. Pennell, _Modern Improvements in Fis.h.i.+ng Tackle_ (London, 1887); H.P. Wells, _Fly Rods and Fly Tackle_ (New York and London, 1901); A. Ronalds, _The Fly-Fisher's Entomology_ (London, 1883); F.M. Halford, _Dry Fly Entomology_ (London, 1902); _Floating Flies and How to Dress them_ (London, 1886); T.E. Pritt, _North Country Flies_ (London, 1886); H.G. M'Clelland, _How to tie Flies for Trout and Grayling_ (London, 1905); Capt. J.H. Hale, _How to tie Salmon Flies_ (London, 1892); F.G. Aflalo, John Bickerd.y.k.e and C.H. Wheeley. How to buy Fis.h.i.+ng Tackle (London).

_Ichthyology, Fisheries, Fish-Culture, &c._--Dr. Francis Day, _Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland_ (2 vols., London, 1889); _British and Irish Salmonidae_ (London, 1887); Dr. A.C.L.G. Gunther, _Introduction to the Study of Fishes_ (London, 1880); Dr. D.S. Jordan, _A Guide to the Study of Fishes_ (2 vols., New York and London, 1905); F. Francis, _Practical Management of Fisheries_ (London, 1883); _Fish Culture_ (London, 1865); F.M. Halford, _Making a Fishery_ (London, 1902); J.J.

Armistead, _An Angler's Paradise_ (Dumfries, 1902); F. Mather, _Modern Fish-Culture_ (New York, 1899); Livingstone Stone, _Domesticated Trout_ (Charlestown and London, 1896).

_Angling Guide Books, Geographical Information, &c._--Great Britain: _The Angler's Diary_ (London), gives information about most important waters in the British Isles, and about some foreign waters, published annually; _The Sportsman's and Tourist's Guide to Scotland_ (London), a good guide to angling in Scotland, published twice a year; Augustus Grimble, _The Salmon Rivers of Scotland_ (London, 1900, 4 vols.); _The Salmon Rivers of Ireland_ (London, 1903); _The Salmon and Sea Trout Rivers of England and Wales_ (London, 1904, 2 vols.), this fine series gives minute information as to salmon pools, flies, seasons, history, catches, &c.; W.M. Gallichan, _Fis.h.i.+ng in Wales_ (London, 1903); _Fis.h.i.+ng in Derbys.h.i.+re_ (London, 1905); J. Watson, _English Lake District Fisheries_ (London, 1899); C. Wade, _Exmoor Streams_ (London, 1903); G.A.B. Dewar, _South Country Trout Streams_ (London, 1899); ”Hi Regan,” _How and Where to Fish in Ireland_ (London, 1900); E.S.