Part 11 (1/2)

Scarcely a mile distant Jack uttered an exclamation, and, running forward, caught up the severed end of the telegraph line.

A moment's examination of the wire showed it had been cut through with a sharp file.

Yes; undoubtedly it was the work of Raub and Simpson, in an effort to keep the news from the ”Star,” and score a ”beat” for the opposition telegraph company and the ”Morning Bulletin.”

”But you haven't done it yet,” said Jack grimly, turning to look about him. How could he overcome the break in the wire? As the cut had been made close to the gla.s.s insulator on the cross-arm, only one of the two ends hung to the ground, and he saw that he could not splice them. And in any case he could not climb the pole and take that heavy stretch of wire with him.

His eyes fell on a barb-wire fence bordering the road, and like an inspiration Alex Ward's feat with the rails at Hadley Corners occurred to him. Could he not do the same thing with one of the fence wires? Connect this end of the telegraph line (and fortunately it was the Hammerton end), say to the upper strand, then run back to the office and string a wire from the fence in to the instruments?

To think was to act. Dragging the telegraph wire to the fence, Jack looped it over the topmost strand near one of the posts, and wound it about several times, to ensure a good contact. Then on the run he started back for the telegraph office.

As he neared the little building Jack saw a figure within. Thinking the ”Star” reporter had returned with further copy, he quickened his steps.

At the doorway he halted in consternation. Instead of the reporter were two desperate-looking characters, and on the table beside them a half-emptied bottle and a large revolver.

Jack hesitated a moment, then stepped inside. ”What are you men doing here?” he demanded.

”Oh, h.e.l.lo, kiddo! We are the new operators,” said one of them with tipsy humor. ”You're discharged, see? And you git, too!” he suddenly shouted, catching up the pistol. And promptly Jack ”got.” A few yards distant, however, he halted. Now what was he to do?

”Oh here you are, eh? Where have you been?” It was West, the ”Star” man, and he spoke angrily. ”I was here ten minutes ago, and found the office empty, and if the other company could have handled my stuff yours would have lost it. I've just been--”

Interrupting, Jack hastily explained, telling of the severed wire, and his plan to bridge the break. The reporter uttered an indignant exclamation. ”It's Raub's work, sure as you're born,” he said hotly.

”But say, youngster, we can't permit ourselves to be beaten this way.

Can't we do something?”

”We might get some help, and drive the roughs out,” suggested Jack.

”No; we haven't time. And then they might put up a drunken fight and shoot somebody. Come, think of something else. You surely can get over this new difficulty, after your clever idea for getting around the cut in the wire.”

”I don't know,” replied Jack doubtfully, glancing toward the office window. ”If there was any way of getting the instruments--”

”What could you do with them?”

”We could turn the barn there into an office. I'd run connections out through the back to the fence. It's just behind.”

”Say--I've an idea then! If it wouldn't take you long to remove the instruments from the table?”

”Only a couple of minutes.”

”Come on,” said West. Leading the way back toward the office, he explained, ”I'll get these beggars out, you hide round the corner, and soon as the way is clear rush in and get your instruments, and duck for the barn. I'll join you later.”

”How are you going to get them out?” whispered Jack.

”Watch,” said the reporter.

As Jack drew out of sight about the rear of the building his mystification was added to when he saw West pause before the door, stoop and pick up a handful of gravel. But immediately the reporter entered the doorway and spoke his purpose was explained.

”h.e.l.lo, you two big rummies,” he said in his most offensive tones. ”What are you doing here?”

The two men were in a momentarily genial mood, however, and missed the insult. ”Why, h.e.l.lo pard, ol' man,” responded one of them cordially.