Part 42 (2/2)
VILLEHARDOUIN. La Conquete de Constantinople.
VOGue DE. La Syrie centrale.
WULFF, O. Die Koimisiskirche in Nikaia. Strasburg, 1903.
Atti della R. Accademia di archeologia, lettere, e belle arte, vol. xx.
Napoli, 1900.
Revue Archeologique.
Byzantinische Zeitschrift.
Bulletin de correspondance h.e.l.lenique.
Annual of the British School at Athens.
Proceedings of the Greek Syllogos of Constantinople.
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Excursions-Club, Konstantinopel.
English Historical Review.
Constantine I. the Great 306-337
Constantius II. 337-361
Julian 361-363
Jovian 363-364
Valens 364-378
Theodosius I. the Great 378-395
Arcadius 395-408
Theodosius II. 408-450
Marcian 450-457
Leo I. 457-474