Part 39 (1/2)

19. In the centre of the arch: the Head of Christ in a medallion.

The Western Bay.

20. At the south-western corner where the wall is much damaged, a saint.

21. Above No. 20, to the west of the window: Christ appearing to His disciples.

22. To the east of the window, an indistinct scene, perhaps the Entombment.

23. At the north-western corner: S. Samona.

24. A saint, not named.

25. Over the door two saints, one of whom holds a cross.

26. The northern archway: In the centre is the door to the narrow pa.s.sage between the parecclesion and the church. To the left, Jacob's Ladder; to the right, Moses at the Burning Bush. In the bush is a medallion of the Virgin and Child, and from the bush an angel addresses Moses, who holds his veil in his hand.

27, 28, 29, 30. In the pendentives of the dome: the Four Evangelists sitting at desks.

31. The dome is divided into twelve segments by ribs, and is pierced by twelve windows. Above each window is an angel holding a spear, and below him is the legend 'Holy.' In the crown are the Virgin and Child in a medallion.

32. A saint holding a small cross; below, in the south wall, the archivolt with the epitaph to Tornikes above it.

33. A warrior saint with his sword and s.h.i.+eld.

34. Above Nos. 32 and 33 on the arch, a figure, clad in a white mantle and blue robe with a scroll in his hand, points to an angel, who holds his drawn sword in the right hand and the scabbard in the left hand, and seems to be attacking several persons in the right-hand corner. Behind him is a walled and fortified city, probably Jericho.

35. On the north wall: S. Eutadius.

36. The Adoration by the magi.

37, 38. On the west wall: the figures of two saints, not named.

Epitaph in honour of Tornikes:--

[Greek: hosous an hathroizoi tis enthade krotous nekrous ho tapheis exelenxei Tornikes, ho tris aristeus e konstaulos megas, hosper mimous, beltiste, pithekous leon.

hos, basilikon apotechtheis haimaton, 5 pareschen autois prosphye kai ton tropon.

poion gar ouk en aretes eidos pheron, hos ho prepon hekaston ezetei chronos?

boulephoros d' oun, kai pro tes helikias kai demagogos, kai krites en anchinous. 10 kai pros men echthrous taktiken epnei phloga, keraunos on aphyktos autois athroois, te de stratia patrikos epestatei, phrouron ta koina, me klape to sympheron.

kedous de tychon eugenous kai kosmiou 15 kai basilikon proslabon authis genos kai lamp.r.o.n hypodeigma pareis ton bion, keitai monastes euteles en osteois.

helie kai ge kai teleutaioi krotoi.

penthei de mikrou pan to Rhomaion genos, 20 hoson per auton agnooun ou tynchanei.

all' o mone, zon kai methiston tas physeis, ei pou ti kai peprachen auto me prepon lysin paraschon ten Eden kleron didou.]

In line 7 the inscription reads *[Greek: phcron]* instead of [Greek: pheron]; in line 23 *[Greek: propon]* for [Greek: prepon].

Good Friend! However many dead applauses (celebrities) One may collect here, The entombed Tornikes, who was thrice a foremost man or Grand Constable, Will put them to shame as a lion will put to shame mimicking apes.

He who was by birth of royal blood, Presented also a manner of life conformed to that descent.