Part 6 (1/2)
[39] _Paschal Chronicle_, p. 726.
[40] Constantine Porphyrogenitus, _De ceremoniis_, pp. 462-3.
[41] P. 175. But according to Epigram 4 in the _Anthologia Graeca epigrammatum_ (Stadt-Mueller, 1894) Studius became consul after the erection of the church and as a reward for its erection. Under the heading [Greek: eis ton naon tou Prodromou en tois Stoudiou] it says [Greek: touton Ioanne, Christou megalo theraponti, Stoudios aglaon oikon edeimato. karpalimos de ton kamon heureto misthon helon hypateida rhabdon.] In Suidas is a similar epigram in honour of the erection by Studius of another church; [Greek: tou archistrategou Nakoleias] in Phrygia.
[42] _Theodori Studitae vita_, Migne, _Patrologia Graeca_, tome 99.
[43] _Pasch. Chron._ p. 591.
[44] Banduri, i. p. 54. In the recent excavations carried on in the Studion by the Russian Archaeological Inst.i.tute of Constantinople, the foundations of an earlier building were discovered below the floor of the church. The line of the foundations ran through the church from north-east to south-west, parallel to the wall of the cistern to the south-west of the church. Perhaps it is too soon to determine the character of the earlier building.
[45] S.V.: [Greek: he ton Stouditon mone proteron kai katholikes ekklesias en, hysteron de metelthen eis monen.] The reading is doubtful. A proposed emendation is, [Greek: ton katholikon ekklesia en.]
[46] Codinus, _De aed._ p. 102.
[47] Theophanes, pp. 187, 218; Evagrius, cc. 18, 19, 21. In the list of the abbots who subscribed one of the doc.u.ments connected with the Synod held at Constantinople in 536, the two establishments are clearly distinguished. They are distinguished also by Antony of Novgorod in 1200, _Itin. russes_, pp. 97, 100.
[48] Seylitzes, p. 650.
[49] Nicephorus Bryennius, p. 181.
[50] Cedrenus, ii. p. 650.
[51] Nicephorus Gregoras, i. p. 190; Stephen of Novgorod, who saw the church in 1350, refers to its 'very lofty roof,' _Itin. russes_, p.
[52] Theoph. p. 747; _Life of S. Theodore_, Migne, P.G. tome 99.
[53] The modern Touzla at the northern head of the gulf of Nicomedia.
See the articles by Mr. Siderides and Mr. Meliopoulos in the _Proceedings of the Greek Syllogos of Constantinople_, vol. x.x.xi., 1907-8.
[54] The English reader should consult the _Life of Theodore of Studium_, by Miss Alice Gardner, for an excellent presentation of the man and his work.
[55] According to Stephen of Novgorod (_Itin. russes_, p. 121) the refectory was an unusually fine hall, situated near the sea.
[56] At a short distance beyond the north-eastern end of the church are some ruined vaults which the Turks have named Kietab Hane, the library. See Plate III.
[57] For the Const.i.tution and _Epitamia_ of the Studion, see Migne, _P.G._ tome 99.
[58] _Itin. russes_, p. 136.
[59] _Ibid._ p. 122 'on envoyait beaucoup de livres de ce couvent en Russie, des reglements, des triodions et autres livres.' Many members of the Studion were Russians.
[60] Marin, _De Studio_, p. 11. See Marin, _Les Moines de Constantinople_, for the monastic inst.i.tutions of the city in general.
[61] Cedren. ii. p. 147.