Part 8 (1/2)

”Well, how do you like it here?” asked the toy Fireman of the toy train, when the house was all quiet and still and the toys were allowed to do as they pleased.

”I think I shall like it very much,” was the Donkey's answer.

”I would give you a ride on this toy train,” said the Engineer in the cab across from the Fireman, ”but you are too large to get in any of the cars.”

”But we aren't!” cried the Tiger. ”Come on, Mr. Lion, let's go for a ride while we have the chance!”

”All right!” agreed the Lion from the Noah's Ark.

So then, in the closet where they had been put away for the night, the small animals rode up and down the floor in the toy train. The Fireman made believe piles of coal under the boiler, and the Engineer turned on the steam and made the cars go. The Fireman rang the bell, and the Engineer tooted the whistle.

The Nodding Donkey, being rather large, could not fit in the train, but the other toys were just right, and they had a fine time.

”Perhaps if you climbed up on top of the cars I might give you a ride,”

said the Engineer after he had taken all the Noah's Ark animals on short trips around the closet floor.

”Oh, thank you; but I might fall off and get my head out of order so it would not nod,” answered the Donkey. ”I think I'll just keep quiet this evening.”

”Perhaps you could tell us a story,” suggested the Camel. ”Tell us the latest news from North Pole Land, where Santa Claus lives. It is a long time since we were there.”

”Yes, I could do that,” agreed the Nodding Donkey. ”And I'll tell you how we ran into a snow bank.”

So the Nodding Donkey did this, telling the Noah's Ark animals the same story that I have told you, thus far, in this book. The night pa.s.sed very happily for the toys in the closet.

When morning came the toys had to become quiet, for it was not allowed for them to be heard talking or to be seen at their make believe fun.

Then began many happy days for the Nodding Donkey. Joe, the lame boy, made a little stable for his new toy, building it out of pieces of wood.

He put some straw from the chicken coop in it, so the Donkey would have a soft bed on which to sleep.

Joe played all sorts of games with his new toy. Sometimes it would be a circus game, and again the lame boy would tie little bundles of wood on his Donkey's back, making believe they were gold and diamonds which the animal was carrying down out of pretend mines.

One day Arnold and Sidney, two boys who lived not very far from the home of Joe, came over with their playthings. Arnold brought his Bold Tin Soldier and his company and Sidney his Calico Clown. The three boys looked at the Nodding Donkey and admired him very much, and Joe had fun playing with the Soldier and the Clown.

After a while Mrs. Richmond called to Joe and his chums:

”Come out into the kitchen, boys, and I'll give you some bread and jam,”

and you can easily believe the boys did not take long to hurry out, Joe stumping along on his crutches.

Meanwhile the Donkey, the Clown, and the Soldier and his men, being left by themselves in the other room, had a chance to talk.

”I am so glad to meet you,” brayed the Donkey. ”I have heard so much about you.”

”Did you hear how once I burned my trousers?” asked the Calico Clown.

”I heard it mentioned,” the Donkey said; ”but I should like to hear more about it.”

”I'll tell you,” offered the funny chap. So he related that tale, just as it is told in another of these books.