Part 5 (1/2)

he whispered to the China Cat.

”That's the Policeman I was telling you about,” was the answer. ”Here he comes now!”

And suddenly the Policeman's voice went on, saying:

”Come now! Move along! Don't block up the sidewalk! Move on! Don't loiter here!”

The Nodding Donkey looked to one side and there he saw a toy Policeman, dressed just as a real one would be, with blue coat, bra.s.s b.u.t.tons, a white helmet and a club that swung on the end of a leather string. The Policeman walked along, for he could do that when a spring inside him was wound up. And as he walked he swung his club to and fro, and said, just like a real policeman:

”Come now, move along! Don't block up the sidewalk.” Then he added, in a different tone: ”There is no accident now, but if that Nodding Donkey would only fall off the shelf we might have one.”

”Indeed, and I'm not going to fall off the shelf just for fun!” brayed the Donkey.

”Oh, aren't you? Then we must make fun in some other way,” said the toy Policeman. ”How are you feeling?” and with that he jumped up on the shelf beside the Donkey and tickled him in the ribs with the club.

”Oh, don't do--ha! ha!--Don't--ha! ha!--do that!” laughed the Donkey.

”You make me feel so funny I may fall!”

[Ill.u.s.tration: The Nodding Donkey is Tickled by the Toy Policeman.

_Page 50_]

”Well, if you do, I'll pick you up,” said the Policeman, and he twisted his club around on the Donkey's ribs in such a funny way that the nodding creature laughed ”ha! ha!” and ”ho! ho!”

”I thought I'd stir things up and make them rather lively!” said the Policeman, with a jolly grin on his red face. ”How are you feeling?” he asked, turning to the China Cat.

”I feel quite good enough without having you tickle me,” she answered, as she got up to move away.

”Oh, you'll feel ever so much better after I tickle you!” cried the Policeman, and he reached out his club toward the Cat. But he was not quick enough. She slipped behind a Jack in the Box, where the Policeman could not see her.

”Well, I guess I'll tickle you again,” said the toy with the club, as he turned back toward the Nodding Donkey.

”Oh, no, don't, please!” begged the long-eared chap. ”I've had quite enough. When you tickle me I laugh, and when I laugh my head nods harder than it ought to, and maybe it might nod off.”

”Oh, I wouldn't want that to happen!” exclaimed the Policeman. ”That would be too bad an accident. I guess I'll walk down the shelf and see if there's a fire anywhere,” he went on, and away he stalked, swinging his club from side to side.

”Oh, I hope there isn't a fire here,” said the Nodding Donkey, as the China Cat came out from behind the Jack's box. ”I am not used to being hot. I came from the cold North Pole.”

”No, there isn't any fire. If there were you would soon see the toy Fireman and the Fire Engine starting out,” replied the China Cat.

”I don't like fires myself, and I detest the water they squirt on them.

We cats don't like water, you know.”

”So I have heard,” said the Nodding Donkey.

”Dear me! there's a speck of dirt on my tail,” suddenly mewed the China Cat, and she leaned over, and with her red tongue washed her tail clean.

Meanwhile the Policeman walked on down the counter, as though it were a street, and he swung his club and said:

”Move on now! Don't crowd the sidewalk! Everybody must keep moving!”

”Isn't he funny?” asked the Nodding Donkey.