Part 15 (1/2)
HAVERILL. [_Sighing._] A--h.
BARKET. [_Coming down stone steps._] It is reported that Captain Heartsease was shot dead at his side.
KERCHIVAL. Heartsease dead!
LIEUTENANT OF SIGNAL CORPS. [_Reading signals._]
BARKET. Begorra! I forgot the Sintinil entirely, but he didn't forget me. [_Holding his left arm._
HAVERILL. Colonel West! We must make every possible sacrifice for the immediate exchange of Lieutenant Bedloe, if he is still living. It is due to him. Colonel Robert Ellingham is a prisoner in this camp; offer him his own exchange for young Bedloe.
KERCHIVAL. He will accept, of course. I will ride to the front with him myself, General, and show him through the lines.
HAVERILL. At once! [KERCHIVAL _crosses front and exit on veranda._ HAVERILL _crosses._] Can you follow the despatch, Captain?
LOCKWOOD. Perfectly; everything is here
LIEUTENANT OF SIGNAL CORPS. Eleven--Twenty-two--One--Twelve.
LOCKWOOD. [_From book._] ”General Longstreet is coming with--”
HAVERILL. Longstreet!
LOCKWOOD. ”With eighteen thousand men.”
LIEUTENANT OF SIGNAL CORPS. Two--Eleven--Twenty-two.
LOCKWOOD. ”Sheridan is away!”
HAVERILL. They have discovered his absence!
LIEUTENANT OF SIGNAL CORPS. Two--Twenty-two--Eleven--One--Twelve--One.
LOCKWOOD. ”We will crush the Union Army before he can return.”
HAVERILL. Signal that despatch from here to our Station at Front Royal. [_Pointing._] Tell them to send it after General Sheridan--and ride for their lives. [LOCKWOOD _hurries out._] Major Burton! We will ride to General Wright's headquarters at once--our horses! [_Noise of a struggle without._
BARKET. [_Looking._] What the devil is the row out there? [_Exit. Also one of the_ STAFF OFFICERS.
HAVERILL. [_Looking off._] What is this? Colonel West wounded!
_Enter_ KERCHIVAL WEST, _his coat thrown open, with_ ELLINGHAM, BARKET _a.s.sisting._
ELLINGHAM. Steady, Kerchival, old boy! You should have let us carry you.