Isekai ni kanaderu densetsu ~toki wo tomeru mono~ Chapter 20 (1/2)

The demon eyes of the demon king

Renoir has begun to talk about her circ.u.mstances little by little.

「I’m hated by everybody…… That’s why, desu. I’m…… bringing misfortune to the people around me…… desu. Therefore, in reality, Miss Lexa, Mr. Sou…… It’s not good to stay together with me! To be able to ordinarily talk with two people makes me happy. I’m the worst…… desu.」(Runoir)

「Runo-chan, calm down. That’s a bulls.h.i.+t reason to dislike you! I’ll send any misfortune flying, right Sou?」(Lexa)

Lexa is really humane. One can yearn to be like her.

Seriously, I can’t hate Runoir yet. I just met her. She is such a beautiful catgirl, but has such a stiff look on her face. There is probably a good reason for that. If I see the guy how made her have such a sad face, I smack him with the goblin club.

「Of course. A Cat gi…… It’s impossible to hate Runoir. Lexa is way too narrow-minded to hate you.」(Sou)

「The second half was unnecessary!  There was no need to break the serious air!」(Lexa)

「Hihi, to be able to meet you two is really good…… desu. Sou-san, did you change the atmosphere to a calmer state on purpose….. desu?」(Runoir)

「….. Sort of.」(Sou)

「Was it!? I’m sorry, my remark was kind of stupid. It’s because you made that joke with a poker-face.」(Runoir)

I’m misunderstood! I only wanted to break the serious atmosphere with a poor joke. I can’t say that I was making a serious joke now. I’ll take it to my grave.

「No, that’s okay. My expressionless face is the reason that this tragedy happened. Let’s forgive each other and move on.」(Sou)

「Okay….. But please consider the place next time… (He’s cool!) 」(Runoir)

What did you say at the end?

Well, whatever.

That’s not the problem. The problem is with Runoir.

「Runoir, do you know the cause of your misfortune?」(Sou)

「When I…… from the moment I got a certain t.i.tle, my luck became extremely low…… desu. It’s called “Unfortunate”……」(Runoir)

The moment Runoir begun talking about her t.i.tle she looks really sad.

「Did the misfortune begun because of the “Unfortunate”-t.i.tle?」(Sou)

「Yes, the moment I got the t.i.tle…… my luck was reduced by 10…… desu. My luck is only 5 at the moment……」(Runoir)

After all it seems to be certain that her luck fell down because of the t.i.tle. When I looked at her status it seems to unnatural.

「5!? That’s unbelievable! To get -10……」(Lexa)

「I wonder, Runoir. Do you remember how you got the t.i.tle?」(Sou)

「Yes, 3 years ago, the demon king…… after walking into the line of sight of his demon eyes…… desu.」(Runoir)

「「!?」」(Lexa & Sou)

Lexa and I found no words to say. We never expected to hear about the demon king at this point. Lexa looks different than usual.

「It was his demon eyes!? It’s a characteristic of demon eyes! I never heard about a demon king on this continent? Where did you met him, Runo-chan?」(Lexa)

「In a dungeon of a graveyard in the holy country Gurabatos desu…… The demon king was surrounded by a black aura I discovered him…… desu.」(Runoir)

Huh, are the people of this world cla.s.sifying someone as the demon king by his dark aura? That’s easy to understand.

But it’s not like there is no harm. It’s unfortunate that you encounter such misfortune if you met him, but at least there is no physical harm. Does the great demon king has such an aura? And where lies the holy country Gurabatos…? The way the conversation is going it’ll be talked about.

Well, after using 〈Identify〉certain Information flow into my head.

『Demon King』

The person who got the demon king t.i.tle will be taken over by abnormal malice and even his appearance changes. Wherever the demon kings walks all vegetation will wither by his dark red aura. This indicates the pure evilness of his aura. The demon king that appeared 1000 years ago was overthrown by a brave hero under unknown circ.u.mstances.

『Holy Country Gurabatos』

The country is approximately 1000km northeast of the Garuzo Kingdom and rules at least twice as much territory. As a country that is wors.h.i.+ping only one G.o.d it has a high number of believers.

『Demon Eyes』