Volume II Part 30 (1/2)
I should, of course, nota few days with you Trips of pleasure or recreation are not er, and I could not consent to one On the other hand, I shall be genuinely pleased to see you again
August 6th, 1858
GENEVA, August 20th, 1858
Kindly ht stay a short ti to the Ger claimed, extradited and otherwise ot from the Austrian minister without any difficulty
I daresay the Saxon et hold of er, kindly let the Grand Duke intercede forbothered
I should be very thankful to hireatly I shall delay my departure till I hear from you; in any case I must wait till the heat is over
Farewell, and be thanked for all your friendshi+p
GENEVA, August, 24th, 1858
Best thanks for your reply It soh a friend in Berne of the Austrian minister there I enclose his answer, fro to fear at Venice Whether they will allow th of tireat i in strict seclusion for some considerable period, in order to devoterun, do for this, and in an indifferent town Iacquaintance with commonplace people-- the worst of all evils One of the interesting, large cities of Italy is exactly what I want In such surroundings one can most easily keep to oneself, for every walk presents objects of an is But in large towns the noise of carriages is absolutely unbearable to me; it drives me wild Venice is notoriously the quietest, ie, most noiseless city in the world, which has decided iven me the most attractive accounts of life in Venice; the latter will spend the winter there Finally, Venice is more convenient for my frequent communications with Germany than any other Italian toould be; by way of Vienna my letters, etc, will reach the centre of Germany in no time In short, I am obstinately fixed on Venice, and do not want to think of any other choice, because it is not travelling about, but settling down as soon as possible that I care for
Listen, therefore Kindly ask the Grand Duke infor me, by his intercession in Vienna, an undisturbed sojourn in Venice This is indispensable for my future, for such a permission would perenerally Let therefore the Grand Duke show himself my well-inclined protector, and do all in his power to comply with my wish
It will further be necessary that your friend should graciously take the necessary steps as soon as possible If, in the et into difficulties, I should at once claio to court at once! Help ain; till then continue to love me