Volume II Part 25 (1/2)


May 19th, 1857


I received today the enclosed letter from the Hartels In it they refer to a letter addressed to you, and in case this latter contains any indications as to how the business ht be settled, I should like you to send it to me Otherwise it would be of no use tothat, in order to have a CERTAIN income for the next few years, I am compelled to offer my work for sale in this manner, and in different circumstances I should calmly bide my time in the firm hope that people would co, so as to tempt the Hartels to this purchase Above all, I perceive that your tientlehly with my music I have, therefore, invited them to come here this summer, and to meet Klindworth, who has announced his visit to en,” which will give theh, therefore, to return to old,” which we shall want for that purpose

Delight me soon with satisfactory news of you; you knohat I reeted a thousand times



(I want Hartels' letter back again)


[Here, Wagner illustrates with a 4-bar musical score example]

[Musical score example continued] You wicked friend! Let n, how you are, and whether you forgive me for , after a good night



WEYMAR, June 9th, 1857


I returned fro a little pain in both my feet, which requires soo to ivesatisfied your friendly anxiety about my health before this; the fact is, I must endure what is destined to me for your sake and th or a certain tough equanimity

H wrote to you about the Aix Musical Festival, which, upon the whole, was satisfactory, both in arrangeh OUR FRIEND Hiller may demonstrate in the COLOGNE GAZETTE that I have no talent either as a conductor or a composer The TANNHAUSER overture went splendidly, and your autogragh ”ich lieg und besitze,--lasstto the severe illness of the Princess, my frame of mind has been sad and anxious for more than nine weeks At my return I found her on the way to recovery, but several ain At present she can scarcely sit up for half an hour every day

Forgivebut sad news to tell you, and the poor Princess caused me so much anxiety that I scarcely kne to bear it

At last you have found a comfortable habitation which has been prepared for you by tender friendshi+p, and must be all the more pleasant and beneficial to you on that account I cordially participate in this essential iive yourself up to your genius, and coe of your NIBELUNGEN, without disturbance fro smiths and pianists Have the W's moved into their villa yet? Convey reet W most cordially I hope I shall be able to visit you in the autuust It will be celebrated here on September 3rd, 4th, and 5th, on which occasion I shall perform my FAUST symphony and a new symphonic poem THE IDEALS