Volume II Part 18 (1/2)
At last I am able to tell you that you will receive one thousand francs at the BEGINNING of May When you wrote to me at Vienna about thisdefinite, and even now I aation
I areeable, and for that reason I waited for the moment when I should be able to state that the aforesaid sum would be sent to you I have more than once explained to you my difficult pecuniary situation, which simply amounts to this, that my mother and my three children are decently provided for by e on my salary as Capellmeister of one thousand thalers, and three hundred thalers more by way of a present for the court concerts For many years, since I became firmly resolved to live up to my artistic vocation, I have not been able to count upon any additional money from the music publishers My Symphonic Poeht's ti, but, on the contrary, cost me a considerable sum, which I have to spend on the purchase of copies for distribution ast my friends My Mass and my ”Faust” symphony, etc, are also entirely USELESS works, and for several years to co ood deal and have to be careful not to get into any trouble, which ry, therefore, dearest Richard, if I do not enter upon your proposal, because for the present I can really not undertake any regular obligations If, which is not quite impossible, my circumstances should improve later on, it will be a pleasure to me to relieve your position
Aboutuntil I knohen the consecration of the Gran cathedral is to take place
Some papers state that this solemnity will come off in the course of Septeinning of August As soon as I have official news I shall write to you In the meantime I must stay here On April 8th, the birthday of the Grand duchess, I have to conduct ”I due Foscari”
by Verdi, and at the end of April the performances of your niece Johanna
Unfortunately I one to Gotha for that day to hear the Duke's opera ”Tony” Carl For the title part I hope I shall see Carl at Zurich Reh his sister Erin” perforrin” much better than it had been heard here before The Princess of Prussia had asked for the performance, and for want of a local Ortrud (Frau Knopp, who used to sing the part here, has given up her engage) we had to write for Madame Marx, of Darmstadt, in all haste An overcrowded house and a one conclusions Berlioz was present
Do you correspond with Counsellor Muller? He is sincerely devoted to you, and well intentioned
Dingelstedt, as here lately, intends to give ”Lohengrin”
next winter, and NOT BEFORE Of the very DECIDED success of the perforhter of theOrtrud, and wrote me a letter full of enthusiasm about the enthusiased at Weymar until last season
Farewell, and be patient, dearest friend, and write soon to
March 25th, 1856
Your letter has grieved me very much Do you really think it necessary to explain to me by an exact description of your situation why you cannot comply with my request for new pecuniary assistance? If you only kne ashamed and humiliated I feel!
It is true that I applied elsewhere first, and then ca to accept benefits from less intimate friends frequently becomes absolutely unbearable to me
This induced me to apply for assistance to you, who never allow ht, of course, more of your protection and intercession than of a sacrifice of your personal income, because I know sufficiently well how limited your resources are That I spoke in so deter to the eccentric nature oftake a violent form
About this also I feel the absolute necessity of personal co here is so delicate, so finely threaded, that it cannot be explained by letter I want so e and love of work in my precarious position, that in e in spite of ain a few et all around me
The reason is that delusive possibilities of escape continually haunt ination But about this we must have some definite conversation
Your offer of help in the circumstances in which you make it to me has placed me in a painful position, and so much is certain, that I cannot accept the sum which you promise to me for May in order to make my life more pleasant I must put my income on a different basis, that is understood, and you will understand me if I say so If, on the other hand, you contrive to dispose of that sum in my favour under conditions less troubleso the expenses of the copying of ements, which is very expensive here I have already spent some money on it, and the hole this has o on paying for the copying with my own money
I therefore undertake, for the sue” dramas copied, and to place the copies at your disposal as your property, assu at the same time that you will kindly lend them to me, as soon and as often as I want theold” is quite ready, and I expect it back froement This therefore, would be at your disposal at once Of the pianoforte arrangement of the ”Valkyrie,” the first two acts will be finished very soon; the third act I recently sent to Klindworth