Volume II Part 4 (1/2)
A The cast
B The arrangement of the rehearsals, at some of which I must be present
If you desire it, I am prepared to come to Berlin at the end of the theatrical season here (June 24th), in order to arrive at an understanding with you about the whole matter, which cannot be difficult
As to the honorariuner, I can assure you in advance that he will make no unreasonable demands, and I shall let you know his decision after co onceh my personal participation in the perforner would involve a stay in Berlin of about a month, and the sacrifice of tihted at the anticipated success of this matter, that I should not like to mix it up with an estimate of my own expenses
One other point I ner makes my direction of his operas an absolute condition for Berlin Highly flattered as I ner's confidence, I take the liberty, in accordance withthe question of my direction as a QUESTION RESERVEE, which I shall decide later on, ACCORDING TO CIRcuto an intrusion of myself on the Berlin artists Accept, etc, etc
Your obedient servant,
WEYMAR, MAY 20TH, 1854
NB--Be good enough to send me your final instructions as to this point, whether you want a lump sum down, or royalties, or both Write to et a PLUS or a MINUS, according to circumstances
As soon as Hulsen takes another step in the matter, you will hear of it at once, dearest friend Write to me about the money point, and let me know your other wishes as to the Berlin performance
In the meantime keep the above two letters TO YOURSELF, as too much has already been said about the Berlin affair
The arrangeelstedt has not as yet been settled, but he is co to Weymar at the end of June Probably he intends to wait till the Munich Exhibition is over and to produce ”Tannhauser” in the autumn He writes that he is sorry not to be able to comply with all your wishes as to the honorarium If you have made any special demands, let me know
I a, and transacting are intolerable to ish article about the ”Flying Dutchman”; I hope it will amuse you Brendel will publish it completely before theas a FEUILLETON in the ”Weyenstein has sent reat pleasure It is the most faithful likeness of all your portraits
In five or six days I shall visit Joachim at Hanover; he was here all last week, and showeda considerable step in advance as a cooes on like this for a few years, he will do so out of the way
God bless you, dearest friend, in joy and sorrow!
Write soon to
MAY 20TH, 1854
In a very few days I shall write to you at length, and at the same time explain to you why this letter is so short For the present only this, because itelse If these royalties are to be lucrative--IE, if er must be well and sincerely inclined to the cause Therefore ill treat him nobly You have written MOST EXCELLENTLY
In a few days more from your