Part 38 (1/2)
”I'm glad we've got rid of him,” said Susan. ”House agents are a bother. They will keep talking just when I want to do sums.”
”Ah,” said George. ”Murder in an empty shop. How exciting it would be for the pa.s.sers-by to see the dead body of a beautiful young woman displayed behind plate gla.s.s.
How they would goggle. Like goldfish.”
”There wouldn't be any reason for you to murder me, George.”
”Well, I should get a fourth part of your share of our esteemed uncle's estate. If one were sufficiently fond of money that should be a reason.”
Susan stopped taking measurements and turned to look at him. Her eyes opened a little.
”You look a different person, George. It's really--
”Different ? How different ?”
”Like an advertis.e.m.e.nt. This is the same man that you sau overleaf, but now he has taken Uppington's Health Salts.”
She sat down on another packing-case and lit a cigarette.
”You must have wanted your share of old Richard's money pretty badly, George ?”
”n.o.bod,y, could honestly say that money isn't welcome these days.
George's tone was light.
Susan said: ”You were in a jam, weren't you ?”
”Hardly your business, is it, Susan ?”
”I was just interested.”
”Are you renting this shop as0,a place of business ?”
”I'm buying the whole house. ”With possession ?”
”Yes. The two upper floors were flats. One's empty and
went with the shop. The other I'm buying the people out.”
”Nice to have money, isn't it, Susan ?”
There was a malicious tone in George's voice. But Susan merely took a deep breath and said:
”As far as I'm concerned, it's wonderful. An answer to prayer.”
”Does prayer kill off elderly relatives ?”
Susan paid no attention.
”This place is exactly right. To begin with, it's a very good piece of period architecture. I can make the living part upstairs something quite unique. There are two lovely moulded ceilings and the rooms are a beautiful shape. This part down here which has already been hacked about I shall have completely modern.”