Part 21 (1/2)
”What's the matter, did you fall in?” called Bart.
”No, but the can of condensed milk did, and it's the only one we have.”
”Oh, hang it!” exclaimed Ned. ”I can't drink coffee without milk. What's the matter with you, Stumpy?”
”I couldn't help it. It slipped.”
”I'm thirsty for coffee, too,” went on Ned.
”Use it without milk,” suggested Bart.
”Can't. Never could.”
”'One should get accustomed to doing without salt, or other things he can't have. I believe I could get used to anything,'” spoke Frank solemnly.
”What do you--Oh!” exclaimed Ned. He recalled that those were the very words he had spoken a little while before.
”'It takes strength of character,'” quoted Bart, still from the maxim Ned had laid down so recently.
”Oh well, of course I didn't mean it just that way,” replied Ned, laughing at the trap he had fallen into. ”I meant--”
”You don't know what you meant,” replied Bart. ”Come now, drink your coffee black, as the swells do when they go out to dinner. You'll get used to it.”
”Have to, I s'pose,” replied Ned, and he tried it, but made a wry face.
However there was no help for it, and the boys were so hungry they didn't mind it much, after the first sip.
Supper over, the dishes and food were put away, and, on Bart's suggestion, they cut a quant.i.ty of wood to have in readiness for the camp fire.
”I don't know's we'll need it,” he said. ”There aren't any animals but foxes, rabbits and c.o.o.ns in these woods. Still a fire looks cheerful, and it may be cold toward morning. Besides, it doesn't seem like camping unless you have a fire.”
As it grew dark the boys looked to the fastenings of the boats for a wind might spring up and set them adrift. Then, starting a blaze between two big green logs, they got their blankets ready for bed.
They cut some cedar boughs which they laid on the ground to keep off the dampness, making several layers until Fenn, who tried it, said it was every bit as good as his spring bed at home.
”Going to stand watch?” inquired Ned.
”What's the use?” asked Bart. ”No one's going to steal us. Besides I'm too sleepy. Let's all go to bed. If any one happens to wake up and sees the fire is low, why he can throw a log on that will be all that's necessary.”
They did not undress, but stretching out on the cedar boughs pulled the blankets over them and prepared to sleep. The fire cast a ruddy glow on the trees and shone into the tent which was placed near the blaze.
Ned, who was a light sleeper, was suddenly awakened, some time after midnight, by hearing a stick break. It sounded just back of him. He raised his head and listened. Behind the tent he could hear the cautious tread of some person or some animal. He was about to awaken Bart, who was sleeping next to him, when he saw a shadow cast by the fire, inside the tent, on the rear wall of the canvas. He looked out and was startled to see a figure between the tent and the camp fire. It appeared to be looking in on the boys. Ned stretched out his hand and touched Bart.
”Some one is in the camp!” he whispered in his companion's ear, as Bart stirred.