Part 19 (1/2)
”Couldn't be better,” declared Ned. ”When can we start?”
”To-morrow if you want to, as far as I'm concerned,” put in Bart.
”It will take a couple of days to get ready,” observed Fenn. ”Suppose we say Thursday?”
This was agreed upon, and the boys separated to make arrangements for the trip. They owned, jointly, a small tent that could be used for shelter at night, and a small portable stove which they had utilized on previous camping trips.
Thursday morning saw the boat loaded until there was hardly room for the boys. The craft was heavy but they did not mind that, and there was no grumbling when it fell to the lot of Frank and Ned to do the rowing for the first stage.
”We'll stop at Riverton on our way up and hire a canoe,” said Bart. ”A fellow there has a dock and keeps good boats. We'll want to do a little paddling about and we can't, very well, if we have all our camp stuff in this heavy craft. We can tow the canoe behind us, and use it while we're in camp.”
The others agreed that this would be a good plan, and Bart, having taken a final look over the boat to see that everything was in s.h.i.+p-shape, gave the order to start.
Frank and Ned began pulling with long steady strokes. The boat with its load was not easy to propel through the water and they knew they could do better by taking it easy than by wasting their strength in useless hurry.
Up the stream they went, past Darewell, under the bridge spanning the stream just above the dock, and so on beyond the outskirts of the town until they were out into the country district surrounding the place. It was a pleasant suns.h.i.+ny day, just warm enough to be comfortable, and with a little breeze blowing.
”I wish this could go on forever,” spoke Fenn, from where he was resting comfortably on the folded tent in the bow of the craft.
”Wait until it comes your turn to row,” said Ned.
They reached Riverton, the next town above Darewell about eleven o'clock and hired the canoe, a large green one, but very light to paddle.
”Shall we get dinner here?” asked Bart.
”If we're going to camp let's camp from the start,” suggested Fenn.
”What's the fun of going to a restaurant for your meals? Anyone can do that, but it isn't everyone who can have theirs in the woods as we can.
Let's go up a few miles more and get dinner on sh.o.r.e.”
The others decided this would be the most fun, and the trip was resumed with Bart and Fenn at the oars. They made three miles before twelve o'clock and then, finding a shady, level spot near sh.o.r.e, tied the boat, and got out the portable stove.
”Now, Stumpy,” said Bart, who had been elected camp manager, ”you get the wood. Ned, you dig some worms and catch fish, and Frank and I will get the meal ready.”
The little temporary camp was soon a busy place. Fenn had a fire going in the stove in short order as he found plenty of dry wood, and Ned, going up stream, to a quiet spot, in a little while had caught several fish. They were soon cleaned and put on to fry with the bacon. An appetizing odor filled the little glade in the woods and the boys began to sniff hungrily.
”When will they be done?” asked Frank, as Bart bent over the pan.
”About ten minutes. You can make the coffee if you want to. Ned, you open a can of condensed milk and Fenn, you get out the salt and pepper.”
”Everything but the salt,” announced Fenn a few moments later. ”Here's the box but there's none in it.”
The others looked surprised and disappointed.
”By Jimminites: I forgot to put it in,” he added ”I bought all the other things but I left the salt to the last and it slipped my mind.”