Part 4 (1/2)
”Let's take the short cut,” suggested Frank. ”Right through the woods.”
”Do you know it?” asked Ned. ”I nearly got lost once, going that way.”
”I guess I can pick it out.”
So they began their tramp. But they had not gone more than a mile along the half-discernable path before Frank, who was in the lead, uttered an exclamation.
”See a snake?” asked Bart.
”No, but here's a hut that I never noticed before,” was Frank's answer.
”I wonder if I am on the wrong path. It looks right but I never saw this shack.”
The boys gathered around him. On one side of the path, in a little clearing, half hidden among the trees, was a small log cabin. It looked as though it had always been there, but the boys were sure it must have been erected recently.
”There's something painted over the door,” said Bart.
The boys looked. There, in brilliant red letters, were the words:
”Well what do you think of that?” asked Ned. ”Talk about queer coincidences, here's one! Now if only the crazy man would appear we--”
”Some one is coming,” exclaimed Frank, as a noise was heard near the hut.
The next instant a short stout man, with black hair and a blacker moustache, came around the corner of the hut. On his head he wore a little gilt crown.
”There's the King of Paprica!” whispered Bart, but not so low as to prevent the man hearing him.
”At your service,” replied the man, with a bow.
For a few seconds the boys did not know whether to laugh or run. It was certainly a very strange affair, coupled with what the old man had said to them.
”Are you really--” began Fenn, when the man held up a warning hand.
”Please don't speak of it,” he said in a mild voice. ”I am here for a certain purpose. Have you seen an old man in these woods? Rather a strange character.”
”Something like yourself,” said Ned, but in the faintest whisper.
”Yes, we did,” replied Frank, who seemed somewhat excited over the sight of the man with the gilt crown. ”He said you would know he was on guard.
He also--”
”Yes, I know all about it,” was the quick answer. ”It's very unfortunate.
I beg of you not to mention it to any one. I may rely upon you?”