Part 28 (1/2)

Ruadh frowned. ”From here or from Creiddylad?”

”From here, of course. It would be a waste of time to return to Creiddylad. We can surely provision ourselves locally.”

”You heard the Osraed, cousin Daimhin; the trail is impa.s.sable. That western approach is difficult in fine weather. In snow-”

”Are you so dim you don't see that the Osraed of Halig-liath will say whatever they must to protect their Wickish mistress? The”

”Are closed, Daimhin Feich. Even as Osraed Saxan said.”

Feich turned the full force of his gaze on Iobert Claeg, who looked back at him with veiled . . . amus.e.m.e.nt! He read it as clearly as if the man had laughed aloud. A wave of mixed pleasure and annoyance washed through him.

”And how is it you are so certain of this?”

”We came down from Hrofceaster not a month past. The trail was barely pa.s.sable then. Since then it has snowed a good deal more-according to the report from Claeg.”

”For what reason were you up at Hrofceaster not a month past, Iobert?”

”That, Regent, is a matter of House business. Our lands brush the hem of the Gyldan-baenn. It is in our best interest to have certain treaties and agreements with the Ren Catahn.”

”Agreements that include treason against our ruling House?”

The clink of cutlery, soft as it had been, ceased altogether.

Iobert Claeg leaned back in his chair and regarded Feich with sudden and frustrating opacity. ”I will take it that this latest set-back has left you emotionally distraught, Regent, and ignore the challenge in that question. The Claeg have not always been faithful to the House of Malcuim-”

”To say the least.”

”Neither have the Feich,” Iobert reminded him. ”But I swear upon my House's honor that we are loyal to Airleas Malcuim in all things. I give my personal pledge that I will defend him with my life.”

”Did you know Airleas was at Hrofceaster, then?”

”If I did, would I have expected to find him here?”

Feich smiled, cursing his capricious aidan; he could no longer read the other man at all. He scanned the stern, bearded face without success and suspected he was being intentionally blocked.

”Then you will ride beside me into the Gyldan-baenn to bring him home?”

”No sir, I will not. Nor shall any man of my House. The are deadly. I will not sacrifice my men on a fool's errand. Airleas Malcuim is safe at Hrofceaster until spring.”

”Safe? In the hands of Evil? Among apostate Osraed and Wicke and Hillwild traitors? You underestimate the danger of his situation.”

”You underestimate the danger of the trail to Airdnasheen. The Claeg withdraw from your company.”

”Aye, and the Graegam,” said that Elder.

”And the Jura.”

”And the Gilleas.”

In the silence that followed that string of p.r.o.nouncements, Daimhin Feich thought he could hear his own blood boil. He turned his head so as not to touch the curious eyes of the young Deasach Marschal, and addressed his own allies.

”Will you, too, join these men in their cowardice?”

The Dearg, a boulder of a man with flaming red hair, scowled so deeply his brush of brow obscured his eyes. ”The Dearg join none in cowardice. We pledged to you. We stand by you. To Hrofceaster!” He raised his cup and drank of it, but his challenge was echoed only by his own kinsman.

Across from him, The Teallach was shaking his head. ”I find myself of a mind wi' t'Claeg. 'Tis a foolhardy idea. Morose for us, who're used to milder climes and terrain. My men are untried a'the sort of campaign you propose, Daimhin. The journey alone is near impossible, ne'er mind that you'd have 'em wage war at its end. The boy's no doubt safe up there.” He jerked his chin at the Gyldan-baenn, whose oppressive presence Feich could feel through the very walls. ”If they'd meant to kill 'im, they'd've done't. I pledge you, if you but wait till spring, the Teallach'll be with you.”

Frustrated, enraged, Feich smote the table with the flat of his hand, making crockery and cutlery leap. ”Spring will be too late! Do you not understand the danger of leaving the Cyneric in the hands of that Wicke? She perverts him! Even as we sit here debating, she bends him to her evil will-as she bent his mother, as she bent his father. She aims to make a puppet of him-a tool for her own purposes. If we wait till spring to reach him, Airleas Malcuim will be fit only for the fire. More to the point, Caraid-land may be in a similar condition. If we are not to put Airleas Malcuim on the Throne, then who shall we put there?”

The room went silent again save for the creak of leather and the crackle of flame. Then Iobert Claeg rose.

”If you contemplate setting yourself up as Cyneric, I and mine will resist you to the last man. Be a.s.sured our allied Houses will offer similar resistance.”

He glanced down the table at Mortain Jura and the Elders of the Houses Graegam and Gilleas. They gave a.s.sent without hesitation.

”If it is anarchy you dread, Regent Feich,” The Claeg continued, ”if it is disunity you fear, making yourself Cyneric without public abdication by The Malcuim would be . . . ill-advised. I return to Creiddylad tomorrow, my men with me. If you desire provisions for your . . . mission, Claeg will supply you with what it can.”

He left the room, his supper all but untouched. Mortain Jura and the Elders of the Houses Graegam and Gilleas trailed him like a pack of trained dogs. Feich watched them through a hot, black swell of hatred. They had checked him while he had sat back in false confidence, antic.i.p.ating anything but this.

The Teallach and Dearg Chieftains and Elders had stayed to finish their meal; it was to these allies that Feich now turned his attention. ”What say you, gentlemen? Is Caraid-land to be leaderless until The Claeg and his allies see fit to aid me in returning Airleas Malcuim to the Throne?”

The Teallach finished off his wine and cleared his throat. ”Again, I'm forced to agree wi' Iobert. You are Airleas's Regent, Daimhin. If you do your job well, Caraid-land should not suffer. We need no Cyneric. We have one, though he seems t'ave been misplaced.”

He patted at his beard with a crumpled towel, then left the table, taking his own Elders with him.

At length, The Dearg spoke. ”Perhaps we should make our plans tomorrow. Surely, sleep would be the best medicine tonight.”

Feich shook his head. ”No, Eadrig. Thought is the medicine this situation needs-meditation upon our next course of action, upon our resources.”

”You'd do well,” offered Blair Dearg, pride soaking every word, ”to consort with my wife on these matters. She has sharp sight, that one.”

Feich growled. ”And yet did not see this!” He smote the table again, making the Elder jump right along with the tableware. ”Rest a.s.sured, I will consort with her, Elder. Indeed, you may go to her this moment and send her to me.”

Blair Dearg glanced at his Chieftain, who answered him with a bare raising of one garish brow. The Elder left immediately on his errand.

”I, too, will give this matter some thought,” The Dearg remarked and removed himself from the table as well. ”In the morning we'll hold council.”

”By morning, I will be in need of no man's counsel,” Feich murmured as the door closed at his ally's broad back.

”What do you intend to do?” Ruadh asked. ”Iobert Claeg is right about those Winter is come early this year. A small party might make it along those narrow trails, but a battle company-and with that cannon . . .” He shook his head. ”If we were to try to go up now, our losses would be too great to bear. It would not be a fighting force that arrived at Airdnasheen, but a funeral procession.”

Feich eyed his cousin with disgust. ”You too? I never thought you a coward, Ruadh.”

The young man colored deeply. ”I am not a coward. But my men come first in my estimation. I'll not sacrifice even one of them to your . . . ambition.”

Feich became suddenly aware that this interchange was being watched on by another pair of eyes. Alien eyes. In the moment he recalled Sorn Saba's presence, the young Deasach said, ”There may be an alternative to this suicide, Regent Feich.”

Whatever else Saba had been going to say was interrupted by a knock at the chamber door. Feich scowled. Could Coinich Mor be here so soon? But the nervous energies that leaked from beyond the portal were not Coinich Mor's. They belonged to an unknown.