Part 22 (1/2)
Feich quickly regained his composure. ”A Taminist idea that, isn't it-to accord the right of succession to a woman?”
”An Osraed idea, Regent. The Meri decreed that a woman may now became Osraed. If that is so, surely she may also be a House Elder, or even a Chieftain.”
Feich let that pa.s.s and, apparently satisfied that the four Houses had drifted from Taminy's influence, sent to Ochanshrine for a cleirach to draw up an agreement and an Osraed to witness it. It was the Osraed Ladhar, himself, who appeared, the Minister Cadder in tow.
Saefren was much impressed-Feich seemed to hold some sway with the ill.u.s.trious Abbod. He was impressed with something else, as well-the Abbod's Meri Kiss. Where the Taminist Osraed wore stars of the brightest emerald or gold, Osraed Ladhar's glimmered a reluctant peridot. He wasn't sure what that meant, precisely, but suspected it spoke of Taminy's power and the Covenanter Osraed's lack.
Before the Abbod, the Chieftains once more stated their loyalty to the House Malcuim and disavowed their Taminist leanings. The Abbod was clearly unconvinced. Further, he raised objections Feich had not.
”The boy is a Taminist. How can you contemplate putting him in a position of power?”
”He is a boy, Abbod,” The Jura told him mildly. ”His education is far from complete.”
”The Jura is right,” Feich a.s.sured him. ”Airleas is not lost. Frankly, I doubt the child gave willing consent to his abduction.”
Ladhar glanced at him sharply. ”Abduction?”
”Surely you don't believe a twelve year old boy is to be held responsible for decisions made under duress. He did not ally himself with Taminy, but with his own mother. What else could be expected of a child?”
Ladhar's expression was sour. ”He will turn thirteen before long. Malcuims that age have ruled this country.”
”If Airleas has grown in maturity, he may be quite ready to be reunited with his heritage.”
”And if he's not ready?”
Feich looked to the Chieftains. ”These gentlemen will a.s.sist me in readying him.”
The agreement was haggled over and, some hours later, signed by all present either as party or witness. Feich agreed to dispatch a message to Halig-liath, disclosing the nature of the agreement to Airleas and offering him safe pa.s.sage to Mertuile.
A last minute stipulation had it that, except for a small contingent from each House, which would accompany Daimhin Feich to retrieve Colfre's heir, their forces would disperse to House-held lands.
Saefren didn't like that stipulation. He liked little about this agreement.
”You changed your pet.i.tion,” he observed as he and his uncle rode side by side through Creiddylad to their hillside camp.
Iobert nodded. ”Aye. Madaidh is a fool to eschew Taminy, but he is no fool when it comes to reading Feich. Nor are you. You were both right-now is not the time to antagonize.”
”Do you trust him?”
”Does rain fall up? He will serve his own interests, not the Malcuim's. I trust him to do that.”
”So, you let him believe the Cyneric is still at Halig-liath.”
”Even so.”
”Even so . . . you lied.”
Iobert scowled. ”I did not.”
Saefren laughed. ”Come, Uncle. 'Taminy is as the air-she is as nothing.' I heard The Jura.”
”Aye, but did not understand him. How long, Saefren, would any of us survive without air? How precious is that invisible substance?”
Saefren had to smile at that. ”Clever. A riddle.”
”Aye. And is it not true that we wors.h.i.+p the Spirit, serve the Meri, revere Her Chosen and obey Her commandments?”
”As you perceive them.”
”Of course.”
”You denied being a Taminist.”
”I'm not a Taminist, Nephew, nor do I know what that is. I am waljan.”
He lifted his left hand from its resting place on the pommel of his saddle and turned the palm to Saefren's gaze. He only offered a glimpse, but a glimpse was enough.
Saefren's heart stuttered in his breast. There was no doubt -Iobert Claeg belonged completely to Taminy-Osmaer.
”We will post troops here, here and here.” Ruadh's finger found the ridge-back road up the Holy Hill, the river below Nairne, the quay beneath the Halig-liath's ma.s.sive flank. ”The main force will follow your mighty cannon to the gates of the Fortress.”
Daimhin Feich had scarcely heard his cousin's words. In his mind a variety of battles played out. The battle for Halig-liath was the least of them; with the combined forces of the four Houses arrayed behind Iobert Claeg, he'd have the little Malcuim back in no time. It was the matter of a triune Regency that disturbed him. It couldn't happen, of course. It was out of the question. Airleas would be in his power alone or Airleas would be dead-it was that simple.
The key to that was Taminy. Despite the Chieftain's protestations to the contrary, he knew where their allegiance really lay-his Gift told him that much. He would never confront them with it, of course-not as long as he could string them along, manipulate them to his own ends. Besides that, the last thing he wanted or needed was an all-out war.
It was clear to Daimhin Feich that, in addition to Airleas Malcuim, Taminy controlled at least four Chieftains. Therefore, he must control Taminy.
He realized, suddenly, that his cousin had stopped speaking and was staring at him.
”Did you hear me, Daimhin?”
”Yes. Yes, I heard you. A good plan, Ruadh.”
”With one flaw. Your wonderful cannon is nowhere in sight. Will we wait for it, or will we simply have our men clamber over Halig-liath's walls?”
”The cannon will be here in a matter of days. It will take that long to a.s.semble our forces and brief the House Marschals on the plan.”
”Aren't you forgetting something?”
”And what might that be, dear cousin?”
”That Halig-liath is protected by magic as well as stone.”
Feich smiled. ”No cousin, I have not forgotten. That, too, is being taken care of.”
”This is the place!” Gwynet clambered down over the rocks to the pool, evidently mindless of the chill. Airleas followed, reluctantly at first then, realizing the rocks cut the buffeting wind, with more enthusiasm. By the time they reached the pool, he was warm with exertion. The sun penetrated this little grotto, the wind did not.