Part 14 (1/2)

1-200 1856 201-450 1857 451-700 1858 701-950 1859 951-1500 1860 1501-3000 1861 3001-5000 1862 5001-7000 1863 7001-9000 1864 9001-11000 1865 11001-13000 1866 13001-15490 1867 15491-17490 1868 17491-18830 1869 18831-21250 1870 21251-28890 1871 28891-40790 1872 40791-48240 1873 48241-53530 1874 53531-59635 1875 59636-65385 1876

No estimates are available for the years 1877 to 1890 (Smithsonian photo 48216-A)]


[Illustration: Figure 83--FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE The Florence don, whose first patent was obtained in 1855 Langdon sewing machines were manufactured by the inventor for a few years It was his patent of March 20, 1860, that was the immediate forerunner of the Florence machine, whose name was derived from the city of manufacture, Florence, Massachusetts The Howe royalty records of 1860 listed the Florence Sewing Machine Co as one that took out a license that year Langdon's patent of July 14, 1863, was incorporated into the machines manufactured after that date; however, the date is always incorrectly stamped ”July 18, 1863” In 1865, the machine won a silver medal at the Tenth Exhibition of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics association

Over 100,000 Florence machines were ed the name of the machine to Crown Improvements led to the naht to use the na machine was purchased by a midwestern firm for an entirely different an tostoves and shortly thereafter they discontinued thethe serial numbers, Florence machines can be dated approximately as follows:

_Serial Number_ _Year_

1-500 1860 501-2000 1861 2001-8000 1862 8001-20000 1863 20001-35000 1864 35001-50000 1865 50001-60000 1866 60001-70534 1867 70535-82534 1868 82535-96195 1869 96196-113855 1870 113856-129802 1871 129803-145592 1872 145593-154555 1873 154556-160072 1874 160073-164964 1875 164965-167942 1876

No record of the number of machines produced each year between 1877 and 1885 is available

The machine shown here, serial number 49131, waspatent dates: ”Oct 30, 1855, Mar 20, 1860, Jan 22, 1861, and July 18, 1863” and the Wilson patent date ”Nov

12, 1850” The don patents, excluding the 1863 one, and they have the additional patent dates of Howe and others: ”Sept 10, 1846, Nov 12, 1850, Aug 12, 1851, May 30, 1854, Dec 19, 1854, Nov 4, 1856” (Sure 84--GLOBE SEWING MACHINE J G Folson patents in 1864, one on March 1 for a spool holder and one on May 17 for the basic style of the machine Also in the same year, he arded a mechanical patent for an adjuste in needle size Using these patents, he le-thread, chainstitch machine, the Globe Folsom also exhibited his machines at the Tenth Exhibition of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics association in 1865 The Globe attracted particular attention and arded a silver medal]

In 1866 Folsom devised a new treadle attachment for hand-operated machines; the invention was featured in _Scientific American_, voluain exhibited at the Massachusetts Mechanics exhibition in 1869 In addition to an ile-thread Globe, he also showed a double-thread, elastic-stitch (double chainstitch) machine for which he received a silver medal

Folsom machines were manufactured until 1871; 280 machines weremachine illustrated is stamped ”J G Folsom, Maker, Winchendon, Mass Patented April 28, 1863 [Ketchum's patent], Mar 1, 1864 May 17, 1864” The machine was manufactured before November 1864 or it would include the patent for the lower loop adjustment

(S h in appearance to cause son steure 85--GLOBE SEWING MACHINE with treadle attachment as illustrated in _Scientific American_, April 21, 1866 (Sure 86--EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE, late 1860s Although an E Machine Co existed in New York in the 1860s (the predecessor of the Reton-Empire Co), it is not knohether this machine was manufactured by that sa shuttle machines This chainstitch machine is marked ”Eain to Ketchum's patent It is very similar to Folsom's Globe, except that it has claw feet rather than a closed base; the painted designs on the base of both are almost identical to those on the Monitor Its spool holder, mounted in reverse, is a crude imitation of the Folsom patent

The Empire machines were probably manufactured about the same time as the Wilson machine (_Photo courtesy of The Henry Ford Museuan_)]

[Illustration: Figure 87--AtwatER SEWING MACHINE, 1858 Atwater machines, based on the patent of B Atwater, issued May 5, 1857, were manufactured from 1857 to about 1860 The ned to be operated by a hand-turned wheel, has an upper forked dog feed, and its horizontally supported spool is directly over the stitching area Like the others, it has a striated pillar and claw feet

The manufacturer is unknown (Sure 88--MONITOR SEWING MACHINE, 1860-1866 The Monitor machines of this style were not marked by their manufacturers, Shaw & Clark of Biddeford, Maine Later the company was forced by the ”Coanits

119 for copy of seal) The Monitor, which employed the conventional vertical spindle to hold the spool of thread, had a top feed in the for presser Its striated pillar was similar to that of the Atwater machine, and both featured the same claw feet and urn-like top

Unlike the Atwater, however, the Monitor had a double drive frorooved for operation with belt and treadle (Sure 89--WILSON SEWING MACHINE, late 1860s to early 1870s In addition to the Buckeye (see fig 77), W G Wilsonstyles of the earlier pillar eneral style of the spool holder patented by Folsom The pillar is not striated, but the machine does repeat the claw feet of the Atwater and MonitorMach Manuf'g Co Cleveland, Ohio, Ketchum's Patent April 28, 1863” The latter name and/or patent date are found on eneral construction The patent is that issued to Stephen C Ketchu rotary motion into reciprocal motion (_Photo courtesy of The Henry Ford Museuan_)]

[Illustration: Figure 90--GRANT BROTHERS SEWING MACHINE, 1867 This machine was one of several styles that utilized Raymond's 1861 patented chainstitch method This machine, however, used an under feed rather than a top feed

Neither a name nor a date appears on theMachine Times_ it was called the Common Sense machine, but detailed research has turned up no evidence to substantiate this na the Grant BrothersaMachine Times_ has been found The brochure states that the machine made an elastic lockstitch; this was not a true lockstitch, however, but was in fact a simple chainstitch

Grant Brothers sold their s, for 18; the price included hee, and four silver needles An additional charge of 12 was made for a table and treadle Coh, and the company was short-lived