Part 54 (1/2)
”No publicity?”
”None. I give you my word on it.”
”Well,” muttered the old man, ”I guess it's coming to her. I'll see.” He paused helplessly. ”A million dollars! That's a big sum to get together.
A big price--but not too big to clear this load off my conscience.”
”Good. I'm glad you see it in this way.”
The old man turned shrewdly. ”But I've got to have the proofs----”
”Very well. If you're honest in your intentions you'll help me confirm the evidence.”
”Yes,” said the other slowly. ”I'll do what I can.”
”Then perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me what Ben Cameron looked like----”
”I've told you as near as I can remember,” muttered McGuire.
”Had the murdered man, for instance, lost the little finger of his left hand?” asked Peter, coolly concealing the anxiety which lay behind his question.
But he had his reward, for McGuire shot a quick glance at him, his heavy jowl sagging. And as he didn't reply, Peter urged him triumphantly.
”You promised to help. Will you answer me truthfully? It will save asking a lot of questions.”
At last McGuire threw up his hands.
”Yes,” he muttered, ”that was Ben Cameron. One of his little fingers was missing all right enough.”
”Thanks,” said Peter, with an air of closing the interview. ”If you want this proof that the murdered man was Beth's father, ask Mrs. Bergen.”
There was a silence. Peter had won. McGuire gathered up his hat with the mien of a broken man and moved toward the door.
”All right, Nichols. I guess there's no doubt of it. I'll admit the proof's strong enough. It can be further verified, I suppose, but I'd rather no questions were asked. You do your part and I--I'll do mine.”
”Very good, sir. You can count on me. If that fake agreement is still in existence, I'll get it for you. If it has been destroyed----”
”I'll have to have proof of that----”
”Won't you leave that in my hands?”
McGuire nodded, shook Peter's hand and wandered out up the path in the direction of Black Rock House.
From the first, Peter had had no doubt that the murdered man was Beth's father, but he had to admit under McGuire's questioning that there might still be a difficulty in tracing the vagrant from the meager history of his peregrinations that Mrs. Bergen had been able to provide. McGuire's att.i.tude in regard to the absent little finger had been really admirable. Peter was thankful for that little finger, and for McGuire's honesty. There was no doubt in his mind now--if any had existed--who Ben Cameron's murderer was. The affair was simplified amazingly. With Beth's claim recognized, Peter could now enter heart and soul into the interesting business of beating Hawk Kennedy at his own game. He would win--he must win, for the pitiful millionaire and for Beth.
And so, jubilantly, he made his way to Black Rock village to fill a very agreeable engagement that he had, to take supper (cooked and served by her own hands) with Miss Beth Cameron. He found that Beth had tried to prevail upon Aunt Tillie to be present but that the arrival of the McGuire family at Black Rock House had definitely prevented the appearance of their chaperon. Peter's appet.i.te, however, suffered little diminution upon that account and he learned that singing was not Beth's only accomplishment. The rolls, as light as feathers and steaming hot, were eloquent of her skill, the chicken was broiled to a turn, the creamed potatoes delicious, and the apple pie of puff-paste provoked memories of the Paris Ritz. Aunt Tillie's best tablecloth and family silver--old, by the looks of it--had been brought into requisition and a bunch of goldenrod and purple asters graced the centerpiece. And above it all presided Beth, her face aflame from the cookstove, gracious and more than lovable in her pride and self-consciousness.
When the supper was finished, Peter helped her to clear away the things and insisted on being allowed to help wash the dishes. But to this Beth demurred for they were of Aunt Tillie's blue colonial china set and not to be trusted to impious hands. But she let Peter sit in the kitchen and watch her (which was quite satisfactory) and even spared him a kiss or two at propitious intervals.
Then when all things had been set to rights they went into the little parlor and sat on the worn Victorian plush-covered sofa. There was much to talk about, matters of grave importance that concerned themselves alone, explanations to be made, hopes to be expressed, and Beth's affair with McGuire to be discussed in all its phases. Peter told her nothing of his rank or station in life, saving that revelation for a later moment. Was not the present all-sufficient? And hadn't Beth told him and didn't she tell him again now that she believed in him and that ”no matter what” she loved him and was his, for ever after, Amen. She didn't care who he was, you see.