Part 27 (1/2)
1. What do the following topics suggest to you concerning the boyhood experiences of Daniel Webster; Daniel and the old English soldier and sailor; Daniel's reading habits; his power as a reader; his deficiency in declamation?
2. What was Daniel Webster's idea of the Union? Tell what you can about ”Webster's Reply to Hayne.”
3. What picture have you of Webster's personal appearance? What is there in Webster's character that you admire?
Samuel Finley Breese Morse and the Electric Telegraph
[Ill.u.s.tration: S. F. B. Morse.]
Great as was the power of the steamboat and the railroad in quickening the social life of mankind, of still greater influence in binding together remote communities was the invention of the electric telegraph.
The steamboat and the railroad made travel and transportation easier, and frequent intercourse by letters and newspapers possible; but the electric telegraph enabled men to flash their thoughts thousands of miles in a few seconds. The inventor of this wonderful mechanism was Samuel Finley Breese Morse.
He was born, in 1791, in a house standing at the foot of Breed's Hill, Charlestown, Ma.s.s. His father was a learned minister who, as Daniel Webster said, ”was always thinking, always writing, always talking, always acting”; and his mother a woman of n.o.ble character, who inspired her son with manly purpose.
When Finley was only four years of age he was sent to a school kept by an elderly woman known as ”Old Ma'am Rand.” She was lame, but nowise halting in discipline, for she kept near at hand a long rattan stick by means of which, when necessary, she could quickly reach her pupils in any part of the room.
He did not remain long under ”Old Ma'am Rand's” tuition, for when he was seven he went to school at Andover, and still later entered Phillips Academy in the same town. At fourteen he entered Yale College, where from the first he was a thoughtful and diligent student.
Very soon Finley's two brothers joined him at college. As their father was poor, the boys had to help themselves along. Finley turned to account his talent for drawing. He made considerable money by painting on ivory likenesses of his cla.s.smates and professors, receiving for a miniature $5, and for a profile $1.
At the end of his college course he made painting his chosen profession, and planned to get the best instruction for his life work.
Having made a friend of the great artist, Was.h.i.+ngton Allston, Morse went with him to London, and there studied under Benjamin West who, as you remember, was Robert Fulton's teacher. Morse was at this time a young man of modest, gentle, and sunny manner, and easily won the affection of his new teacher.
West held his pupils to high standards, as the following instance shows.
Upon one occasion, after spending much time in making what he considered to be a finished drawing, Morse laid it before West for criticism. Upon careful examination the master praised it highly, and then added:
”Very well, sir, very well; go on and finish it.”
”It is finished,” was Morse's reply.
”Oh, no,” said Mr. West, ”look here, and here, and here,” pointing to defects in the drawing.
After spending another week upon it, Morse took it to his teacher. Again Mr. West praised it and added:
”Very well, indeed, sir; go on and finish it.”
”Is it not finished?” Morse asked with surprise and disappointment in his voice.
”Not yet,” said his critic.