Part 19 (1/2)
3. What simple ways of living did Franklin adopt when he was trying hard to pay his debts?
4. Memorize the ”Rules of Conduct” and the six homely maxims.
5. Tell about Franklin's experiment with the kite. What great discovery did he make at this time?
6. What did Franklin have to do with the following: the Stamp Act; the Declaration of Independence; securing aid from France?
7. How was he treated by the French people and their King?
George Was.h.i.+ngton the Virginia Planter and the Revolutionary Soldier
[Ill.u.s.tration: George Was.h.i.+ngton.]
We left George Was.h.i.+ngton at Mount Vernon, his extensive plantation on the Virginia bank of the Potomac River. After his marriage with Mrs.
Custis, who had large property of her own, Was.h.i.+ngton became a man of much wealth. He was at one time one of the largest landholders in America. As a manager of all this property, he had much to do. Let us delay our story a little to get a glimpse of the life led by him and other Virginia planters of his time.
The plantations were scattered along the rivers, sometimes many miles apart, with densely wooded stretches of land lying between. Each planter had his own wharf whence vessels, once a year, carried away his tobacco to England, and brought back in exchange whatever manufactured goods he required.
Nearly all his needs could be supplied at his wharf or on his plantation. His slaves included not only workers in large tobacco-fields, but such skilled workmen as millers, weavers, tailors, wheelwrights, coopers, shoemakers, and carpenters. Was.h.i.+ngton said to his overseers, ”Buy nothing that you can make within yourselves.”
Indeed, each plantation was a little world in itself. Hence towns containing shops with goods and supplies of various kinds did not spring up much in Virginia.
The mansion of the planter, built of brick or wood and having at either end a huge chimney, was two stories high, with a large veranda outside and a wide hall-way inside. Near by were the storehouses, barns, workshops, and slave quarters. These last consisted of simple wooden cabins surrounded by gardens, where the negroes raised such things as vegetables and water-melons for their own use. In fact, the mansion and all the buildings cl.u.s.tered about it looked like a village. Here we could have seen, at all hours of the day, swarms of negro children playing happily together.
The planter spent most of his time in the open air, with his dogs and his horses. Was.h.i.+ngton gave to his horses rather fanciful names, such as Ajax, Blueskin, Valiant, and Magnolia, and to his dogs, Vulcan, Sweetlips, Ringwood, Forrester, and Rockwood. Out-door recreations included fis.h.i.+ng, shooting, and horse-racing.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Was.h.i.+ngton's Coach.]
Although life on the plantation was without luxury, there was everywhere a plain and homely abundance. Visitors were sure to meet a cordial welcome. It was no uncommon thing for a planter to entertain an entire family for weeks, and then to pay a similar visit in return with his own family. Social life absorbed much of Was.h.i.+ngton's time at Mount Vernon, where visitors were nearly always present. The planter, often living many miles away from any other human habitation, was only too glad to have a traveller spend the night with him and give news of the outside world. Such a visit was somewhat like the coming of the newspaper into our homes to-day.
[Ill.u.s.tration: A Stage Coach of the Eighteenth Century.]
We must remember that travelling was no such simple and easy matter then as it is now. As the planters in Virginia usually lived on the banks of one of the many rivers, the simplest method of travel was by boat, up or down stream. There were cross-country roads, but these at best were rough, and sometimes full of roots and stumps. Often they were nothing more than forest paths. In trying to follow such roads the traveller at times lost his way and occasionally had to spend a night in the woods.
But with even such makes.h.i.+fts for roads, the planter had his lumbering old coach to which, on state occasions, he harnessed six horses and drove in great style.
Was.h.i.+ngton was in full sympathy with this life, and threw himself heartily into the work of managing his immense property. He lived up to his favorite motto, ”If you want a thing done, do it yourself.” He kept his own books, and looked with exactness after the smallest details.
He was indeed one of the most methodical of men, and thus accomplished a marvellous amount of work. By habit an early riser, he was often up before daylight in winter. On such occasions he kindled his own fire and read or worked by the light of a candle. At seven in summer and at eight in winter he sat down to a simple breakfast, consisting of two cups of tea, and hoe-cakes made of Indian meal. After breakfast he rode on horseback over his plantation to look after his slaves, often spending much of the day in the saddle superintending the work. At two he ate dinner, early in the evening he took tea, and at nine o'clock went to bed.
As he did not spare himself, he expected faithful service from everyone.
But to his many slaves he was a kind master, and he took good care of the sick or feeble. It may be a comfort to some of us to learn that Was.h.i.+ngton was fonder of active life than of reading books, for which he never seemed to get much time. But he was even less fond of public speaking. Like some other great men, he found it difficult to stand up before a body of people and make a speech. After his term of service in the French and Indian War he was elected to the House of Burgesses, where he received a vote of thanks for his brave military services.
Rising to reply, Was.h.i.+ngton stood blus.h.i.+ng and stammering, without being able to say a word. The Speaker, equal to the occasion, said with much grace, ”Sit down, Mr. Was.h.i.+ngton, your modesty equals your valor, and that the power of any language to express.”
While for many years after the close of the Last French War this modest, home-loving man was living the life of a high-bred Virginia gentleman, the exciting events which finally brought on the Revolution were stirring men's souls to heroic action. It was natural, in these trying days, that his countrymen should look for guidance and inspiration to George Was.h.i.+ngton, who had been so conspicuous a leader in the Last French War.