Vol 1 Chapter 3 (1/2)

Chapter 3


This time I don’t look bored, instead I look like I’m dying.

After experiencing the “Change to a Loli~ One Night Trip”, I was already very tired, now I’m experiencing “Get hungry! No Breakfast No Lunch No Dinner, ‘Stomach Dying’ One Day Trip!”, I can’t anymore…

“Ahhhh… So hungry…”

I’m hungry like a zombie, I don’t even know how many times my stomach has complained to me. There hasn’t been anything in my stomach for a long time, not even water.


I’m complaining from the bottom of my heart, the reason is because Rin-ichi didn’t prepare breakfast for me, not even lunch.

It is only morning, and I’m already like this. Don’t even talk about the whole day, I don't think I can even live past noon… I’ve finally felt how homeless people feel.


Whatever, at least I live in a family where I can never starve to death. I can endure a few days of hunger.

I can do it.


I can’t do it…

How is this possible! I’m a young teenager! It’s illegal to intentionally let an underage person starve! Do you not even care that your son is about to die in the hands of your daughter? Mom, dad…

Rin-ichi, do you even care that your brother is about to starve to death?



Rin-ichi has just appeared next to me and made me jump, again.

“You know how to read minds?!”

“Just a little.”


Jabbing at my sister has became my daily routine. Is Rin-ichi even tired of it? It’s like this everyday, I can’t even anymore…

“It’s already recess.”

And I was just lying on the table because of hunger, now it’s already recess.

“What? Did you hallucinate because you are too hungry, Jin-ichi?”

“And who’s fault is that!?”

“Looks like Jin-ichi and his sister’s relations.h.i.+p is as good as always.”

“Does this look good to you?! ...Huh?”

I just found out that a girl was standing next to me.

She has long hair, but it’s tied into a twintail style, and each tail has a ribbon tied on it. She’s just a little taller than Rin-ichi, but she’s also very cute.

She’s Fuyaha’s sister, Sasayama Yuka.

“So Yuka came too.”

“Yup, Jin-ichi-kun.”

“Tsk, your att.i.tude just change when you saw Yu-chan.”

Rin-ichi turned her head, complaining because of G.o.d-knows-what reason.

“Jin-ichi has always been a twintail-con, right, Yu-chan?”

Rin-ichi and Yuka are best friends, probably because Fuyaha and I are best friends too. Because of that, Rin-ichi and Yuka’s relations.h.i.+p is really good.

And, Rin-ichi like to call Yuka “Yu-chan”.

“How can I possibly be a twintail-con!”

“If Jin-ichi is a twintail-con, then having this hairstyle is not a waste after all, heh heh~”

“I told you I’m not a twintail-con… By the way Yuka, is there a reason why you came over to my cla.s.s?”

If it keeps going on like this, I don’t think it’ll end well, I should probable change up the conversation a bit.

“I actually came here looking for onii-chan.”

“Really, Fuyaha was like a completely different person this morning, he was s.p.a.cing out from time to time, G.o.d knows what he was thinking about.”

When I said hi to Fuyaha this morning.

“Good morning, Fuyaha.”


Fuyaha is using one hand to support his head, staring at the blackboard, with his expressionless face.

“Fuyaha? h.e.l.lo h.e.l.lo~”

“Ah? Oh hey, good morning, Jin-ichi.”

And that was 10 seconds later.

That reaction was very rare for Fuyaha.

Speaking of which, there was only one other time when Fuyaha was like this. That was when we were still young, I brought Rin-ichi over to Fuyaha’s house. That was my first time bringing my sister in front of Fuyaha, and the next day he was just like now, s.p.a.cing out. But it wasn’t as bad as today.

“Is onii-chan still like that?”


I peeked at Fuyaha, he’s still sitting on the chair, one hand supporting his head, s.p.a.cing out while staring at the blackboard. Seems like his soul is already in Las Vegas.

“Onii-chan has been like this since last night.”

“What happened?”

Can it be that, because I transformed into a loli last night, I ran to Fuyaha’s house, then Fuyaha just randomly started shaking. Is he having a rare disease?

No way?...

“Oh, it’s probably because there was a cute girl came to my house yesterday.”

What? It was my fault? I’m the cute girl she’s talking about?

“Wha… What cute girl?...”

“Oh, that, her blue hair is so long it can touch her knees, and it's straight too. She was very cute, and I think she know my brother, she also called my brother by his first name.”

Yup, she’s definitely talking about me…

“But how does that relate to Fuyaha’s condition right now?”

Is he allergic to long hair? …Yea, I don’t think that’s possible…

Maybe blue long hair? ...There can’t be such a weird allergy…

Allergic to lolis? ...when...There are so many lolis around Fuyaha, no way, no way.

So what’s the reason? Ahh I don’t understand…

“You don’t know?”

“Know what?”

Yuka looked at me with a face of surprise. It seems like I should know this. But I really don’t, Fuyaha never told me anything.

“Onii-chan… Didn’t tell you guys?

“Tell us what?”

Yuka looked at Rin-ichi, Rin-ichi just shaked her head.

There’s no leads to anything about this weird case. I’m just very confused right now.

“So he didn’t tell you… Well whatever, let’s just let him tell you himself in the future.”

“Oh… OK then…”

Rin-ichi answered that, I still don’t get it, what did Yuka want to tell us?

“Right, I won’t ask more then.”

Well, asking too much about other people’s privacy is not cool anyway.

“Oh no, cla.s.s is about to start, lets go, Yu-chan.”

“Alright, bye, Jin-ichi kun.”

“See ya, Rin-ichi, Yuka.”



Dammit Rin-ichi, you came over to talk for the whole recess, and still didn’t even bring me anything to eat.

Oh G.o.d, please just let me live through today…

Lunch break.

Of course, this is usually my happiest time.

But… Now it’s the worst time.



My stomach is starting to complain again. But I have no way to satisfy it. I don’t even have a cent on me, so buying food from the cafeteria is impossible. Because this morning, Rin- ichi took all my money.

“I need… Fooood…”

Every other student brought out their lunch, bento or bread from the cafeteria.