Part 29 (1/2)
32. Pencilled changes altered the speakers in this pa.s.sage, but I believe that these are later. The question 'How are me to get to the turn?' is taken from Trotter and given to Merry (probably because my father had decided that Trotter was a Man), who goes on 'It is a pity Gandalf can't produce flame enough to melt us a pathway'; and it is Merry, not Boromir, who makes the remark about a tame dragon and a wild wizard. But since subsequently it is to Boromir that Gandalf apologises for his irritability, these changes were casual and not fully integrated into the narrative. Either at this time or later the remark about Gandalf's melting them a path was transferred to Legolas (cf. FR p. 305), and this is obviously a structurally irrelevant addition, like that concerning Gimli in note 26.
33. The descent of the Company through the deep snow was first told quite differently, though the version given replaced the other before it was completed. As first written, Gandalf relented at once towards Boromir (after 'It will serve you right if you meet a wild dragon') and since he appeared already tired gave him a further sip of Elrond's cordial. Boromir was to carry each hobbit down separately (cf. the preliminary sketch given in note r) and began with Frodo; at the drift he stumbled on a hidden stone and Frodo was thrown into the deep snow and disappeared, but Boromir 'soon recovered him'. Sam was brought down next ('he had disapproved greatly of his master (with the Ring) being left alone and out of reach in any sudden danger'). Boromir was then too tired to repeat the ascent and descent three times more, and this version ends with hasty notes telling that Trotter, Faramond, and Merry were put on the ponies, while Gandalf behind and Boromir ahead, carrying the baggage, 'ploughed their way down dragging and thrusting the ponies forward.'
My father then wrote: 'Or alter all above', and proposed that the whole Company should go down together. In the second version, given in the text, he neglected to mention that Boromir returned once more to bring down the baggage. The story in FR is of course entirely different since Trotter has become Aragorn.
34. Moria is translated 'Black Gulf' in the first, rejected occurrence of this pa.s.sage (note 24). An isolated note earlier in the MS has 'Moria = Black Gulf', with the etymology yago, ia; here 'Gulf' is a correction of some other word which I cannot interpret. Cf. the Etymologies, V.400, stem YAG 'yawn, gape', where Moria is translated 'Black Gulf'.
35. This is not the first use of the word Orcs in the LR papers: Gandalf refers to 'orcs and goblins' among the servants of the Dark Lord, pp. 211, 364; cf. also pp. 187, 320. But the rarity of the usage at this stage is remarkable. The word Orc goes back to the Lost Tales, and had been pervasive in all my father's subsequent writings. In the Lost Tales the two terms were used as equivalents, though sometimes apparently distinguished (see II. 364, entry Coblins). A clue may be found in a pa.s.sage that occurs in both the earlier and the later Quenta (I V.82, V.233): 'Goblins they may be called, but in ancient days they mere strong and fell.' At this stage it seems that 'Orcs' are to be regarded as a more formidable kind of 'Goblin', so in the preliminary sketch for 'The Mines of Moria' (p. 443) Gandalf says 'there are goblins - of very evil kind, larger than usual, real orcs.' - It is incidentally notable that in the first edition of The Hobbit the word Orcs is used only once (at the end of Chapter VII 'Queer Lodgings'), while in the published LR goblins is hardly ever used.
36 Strangely, this is not at all in agreement with what Gloin had said at Rivendell (p. 391): For many years things went well, and the colony throve; there was traffic once more between Moria and the Mountain, and many gifts of silver were sent to Dain.'
37 It is here that the emendation in red ink to Cla.s.smere in Dimrilldale is made (note 13). This is the first appearance of the lake in Dimrill Dale; on the contemporary map it is marked and named Mirror.
38 Gandalf's account of Moria here differs from the earlier form (see note 24) only in that here there is mention of Durin, of the peace between Elves and Dwarves, and of Orcs (see note 35) - the rejected version refers only to goblins. In that version it is said that the Dwarves of Caron-dun 'sent their goods down the Great River.'
39 'ten' changed in pencil to '20'. In FR (p. 311) Gandalf says: 'There was a door south-west of Caradhras, fifteen miles as the crow flies, and maybe twenty as the wolf runs.'
40. See note 23. In the margin, probably made at the time of writing of the ma.n.u.script, is a note: 'Trotter was caught there.' This contrasts with what was said earlier, at the Council of Elrond (p. 401): 'Thus it was that Frodo learned how Trotter had tracked Gollum as he wandered southwards, through Fangorn Forest, and past the Dead Marshes, until he had himself been caught and imprisoned by the Dark Lord.'
Note on the Geography and the contemporary Map.
The extremely rapid, rough, and now tattered map reproduced on p. 439 can with complete certainty, I think, be ascribed to the time of the original writing of this chapter. It was my father's first representation of Middle-earth south of the Map of Wilderland in The Hobbit - which he had before him, as the courses of the rivers show.
Going from North to South on the map, there is Carrock at the top; and Gladden (River) and Gl[adden] Fields (see p. 416 and note 4). Hollin is named and roughly marked with a broken line; and the names, struck out, to the right of the mountains are Taragaer, Caradras (with the final form Caradras beside it in pencil), Carnbeleg, and Rhascarn (see note 11). The pa.s.s is called Dimrill, with (probably) Cris-caron struck out (note 14); and Mirrormere is marked, the first occurrence of the name (see note 37). West of the mere Moria is marked; below are two illegible names and below them Bliscarn (note 11) and again Carnbeleg, all struck out.
The division of the Misty Mountains into two arms here, referred to by Gandalf in the present text (pp. 419, 429) and by Gimli in FR (p. 296), is shown far more markedly on this original map than it is on my father's later ones - where the eastern arm is shown as actually less extensive than it is on mine published in LR. For the names of the valley between the arms of the mountains see note 13.
The vast westward swing of the Great River {marked great bend) is already in being, but the placing of Fangorn Forest (in which my father's writing of the word Forest is a sample of his more rapid script) would later be wholly changed. That the Great River flowed through the midst of Fangorn is stated by Gandalf (p. 419 and note 16). The name Belfalas in the North-east of Fangorn is in red ink (the only item that is); afterwards Belfalas was a coastal region of Gondor, and since falas ('sh.o.r.e') was one of the most ancient of Elvish words (see 1.253) it is hard to see how it could be used to refer to a region of forest far inland. I suspect that my father wrote it on the page after, or before, the making of this extremely rapid map and without any reference to it, so that it has no significance in this context.
For the various proposed names of the river Redway in the text see note 15; among them is Caradras, which is written on the map (but struck through in pencil).
Across the Misty Mountains further south is written 'Place this pa.s.s into Rohan further south' (on over the Mountains south of Caradras see note 22). At the bottom of the map on the left is written: (The earliest map of the lands south of the Map of Wilderland in The Hobbit.) 'Rohan. Horsekings land Hippa.n.a.letians... [possibly kn standing for kingdom] Anaxippians Rohiroth Rochiroth.' The Hippa.n.a.letians and Anaxippians ('Horse-lords') are surprising.
At the right-hand corner is: Below here are the Blue Mts. Compare Gandalf's words in the first sketching of 'The Council of Elrond' (p. 397): 'Giant Treebeard, who haunts the Forest between the River and the South Mountains'; the outline given on p. 410 in which it is said that Fangorn Forest runs up into the Blue (> Black) Mountains; and the rejected note to the present text in which it was said that Boromir was 'born a mountaineer' in the Black Mountains (note 31).
A question arises concerning the line of the Misty Mountains. In this original text it is said (p. 418), as in FR (p. 295), that south of Rivendell the mountains bent westward; and this is shown on the Map of the Wilderland in The Hobbit. It will be seen that if the line of the mountains where it leaves that map, some distance south of the sources of the Gladden, be continued without further westward curving, a track running south from the Ford of Rivendell will strike the mountain chain somewhere near Caradhras. This is in fact precisely what is shown on my father's three maps that exhibit the whole range of the Misty Mountains. On two of them the mountains run in a straight line from about the lat.i.tude of Rivendell (as also on my map published in LR); on one of them (the earliest) the line curves very slightly westward from some way north of Hollin; but on all three a line drawn south from the Ford must cut the mountains at an acute angle in the region of Hollin, simply because the line of the mountains is south-south-west.
It is therefore curious that the original sketch-map discussed here does not really agree with the original text (p. 418). The travellers went south from the Ford; and on the borders of Hollin 'far away south Frodo saw the dim shapes of mountains, that seemed now to lie across their path. To the left of this distant range a tall peak stood up like a tooth': that was Taragaer, the Redhorn (Caradhras). And when Faramond said that he thought that they must have turned east, since the mountains were now in front of them, Gandalf said No, it is the mountains that have turned. But on the old map, a line drawn south from the Ford would only strike the mountains far south of Moria and the Red Pa.s.s; and this is because my father bent the mountain-line almost due south in the region of Hollin, so that the course from the Ford and the mountain-line then become nearly parallel. This is possibly no more than a consequence of the speed and roughness with which the map was made - the merest guide; but it is curious that the dotted line marking the route of the travellers does actually turn strongly south-east towards the pa.s.s - as Faramond thought that it had!
Barbara Strachey, writing on this question in Journeys of Frodo (Map 17), remarks: 'The mountains bent westward as they went; more so, in my opinion, than appears in the maps of Middle-earth, especially south of the Redhorn Pa.s.s. Frodo said that they then seemed to ”stand across the path” that the Companions were taking' (FR p. 295). This is arguable; but the point is strengthened by Gandalf's reply to Pippin, who has said that they must have turned east: 'No, but you see further ahead in the clear light. Beyond those peaks [i.e. the Mountains of Moria] the range bends round south-west' (FR p. 296). On none of my father's maps is there a change in the direction of the main mountain-chain south of Caradhras. But all show some degree of mountainous extension westwards from the main chain at the point where the Glanduin flows down towards Greyflood: very slight in one (and so represented on my map in LR), more marked on a second, and on the third (the earliest) amounting to a virtual division of the range, with a broad arm of mountains running southwest. On the elaborate map in coloured chalks that I made in 1943 (see p. zoo) this is again a strongly marked feature.* It may be that it was to this that Gandalf was referring.
In this connection it may be mentioned that on my map published in LR the mountainous heights shown extending from the main range westwards north of Hollin are badly exaggerated from what my father intended: 'about the feet of the main range there was tumbled an ever wider land of bleak hills, and deep valleys filled with turbulent water' (FR p. 295).
(* The map referred to here as 'the earliest' (cf. also p. 202) is my father's original elaborate working map of The Lord of the Rings (on which my 1943 map was closely based). This map will be studied in Vol, VII.)
I have little doubt that the first draft of this chapter was written continuously from the end of 'The Ring Goes South', both from internal evidence and external (the nature of the ma.n.u.script). But there is also a very interesting two-page 'Sketch of the Mines of Moria chapter' which, I think, immediately preceded the writing of it. This 'Sketch' is extremely difficult to read, and some words can only be guessed at.
Their adventures must be made different from Lonely Mountain. Tunnels leading in every direction, sloping up and running steeply down. stairs. pits. noise of water in darkness.
Gandalf guided mainly by the general sense of direction. They had brought one bundle of torches in case of need, 2 each. Gandalf i won't use them until necessary. Faint spark from his staff. Glamdring does not glow, therefore no goblins near.
How far to go. How long will it take. Gandalf reckons at least 2 days, perhaps more. Thought of a night (or two!) in Moria terrifies them. Frodo feels dread growing. Perhaps his adventures with the Ring have made him sensitive. While others are keeping up spirits with hopeful talk he feels the certainty of evil creeping over him, but says nothing. He constantly fancies he hears patter of feet of [?some creature] behind - [? this] is Gollum as it proves long after.
It was about ten o'clock in the morning when they entered. They had had little rest. They went on (with z halts) until too weary to go much further. They came to a dark arch leading to 3 pa.s.sages all leading in same general direction, but the left down, the right up, the centre (apparently) level. Gandalf unable to choose: he does not remember the place.
They halt for the night in a small chamber (almost like a guardroom watching the entrances) just to [?their] left. A deep pit to right. A loose stone falls in. Several minutes before they hear a noise of it reach bottom. After that some of them fancy a far off echo of small knocks at intervals (like signals?). But nothing further happens that night. Gandalf sleeps little trying to choose the road. [? In end] chooses the right hand upward way. They go for nearly 8 hours exclusive of halts.'(1) Come to a great chamber. Door in [?south] wall. Dim light - a [!high?huge] chimney like shaft slanting up. Far up a gleam of daylight. The gleam falls on a great square table of stone [written above: a tomb].
There is another door in west [written above: east] wall. There are lances and swords and [? broken lying] by both doors.
The gleam of light shows carved letters. Here lies Balin son of Burin, Lord of Moria. In the recesses are chests and a few swords and s.h.i.+elds. Chests empty except one. Here is a book with some dwarf writing.
Tells how Balin came to Moria. Then hand changes and tells how he died - of [?an] arrow that came unawares. Then how 'enemies' invaded the east gates. We cannot get out of the west gates because of the 'dweller in the water'. Brief account of siege. Last scrawl says 'they are coming'.
I think we had better be going, said Gandalf. At that moment there is a noise like a great boom far underneath. Then a terrible noise like a horn echoed endlessly. Gandalf springs to door. Noise like goblin feet.
Gandalf lets out a blinding flash and cries Who comes there? Ripple of..... laughter - and some deep voices.
Gandalf says there are goblins - of very evil kind, larger than usual, real orcs.(2) Also certainly some kind of troll is leading them. Plan of defence. They gather at east door. But [?south] door is propped ajar with wedges. Great arm and shoulder appear by the..... door. Gandalf hews it with Glamdring. Frodo stabs foot with Sting. Horrible cry. Arrows whistle in through crack.
Orcs leap in but are killed. [? Boom] as great rocks. .h.i.t door.
They rush out through east door - opens outwards - and slam it. [?They Ay] up a long wide tunnel Noise soon shows east door is broken down. Pursuit is after them.
Here follows the loss of Gandalf.
In pencil in the margin against the account of the attack on the chamber is written: Black-mailed orc leaps in and goes for Frodo with spear - he is saved by the elfmail and strikes down the orc.
This is a very striking example of an important narrative pa.s.sage in The Lord of the Rings at its actual moment of emergence. Here as elsewhere many of the most essential elements were present from the first: the junction of three roads, Gandalf's doubt, the guardroom, the falling stone and the subterranean tapping that followed, the chamber of Balin's tomb, the writing in the book, the troll, and much else. That Gollum should be following them in Moria had been proposed in the outline given on p. 410: 'Gollum must reappear at or after Moria. Frodo hears patter.'
Gandalf's sword Glamdring (Foe-hammer), which he took from the trolls' lair and which (so Elrond told him) 'the king of Gondolin once wore', now reappears from The Hobbit.
Balin's father (Fundin in The Hobbit as in LR) is here surprisingly Burin; this dwarf-name (found in Old Norse) had previously been given to Balin's son, in the first drafts for 'The Council of Elrond' (pp. 395, 397), before he was replaced by Gimli son of Gloin (p. 400).
The story that Bilbo gave Sting and his 'elf-mail' to Frodo before he left Rivendell (FR pp. 290 - 1) entered in the sketch given on p. 397. This is not the first reference to the loss of Gandalf; see p. 381, and for the first sketch of the event see p. 462.
This 'Sketch' begins when the Company is already inside Moria. For the story of their approach to the West Gate and the opening of the door there seems to be only the following by way of preparatory outline (though the 'dweller in the water' before the West Gate appears in the 'Sketch', p.443, in the words of the book found in the chamber of Balin's tomb). It follows and was written at the same time as the sketch of the descent from the Red Pa.s.s in the snow (p. 431, note 1).
Moria's west gates are dwarf-gates (closed like the Lonely Mountain); but openable not at a set time but by a [?special ?speech] spell. Gandalf knows or [?thinks] it must be one of [? three] in ancient tongue - for the Elves of Hollin wrought the spell.
Holly bushes grow before these gates. Then Gandalf knows it is an elf-spell.
I give now the first draft text of the chapter. It was numbered from the outset 'XIV', presumably because my father had decided that 'The Ring Goes South' was a separate chapter and so should be numbered 'XIII', though he never wrote that number on the ma.n.u.script. My description of the text of 'The Ring Goes South' (p. 415) can be repeated here still more emphatically. The writing, again in ink not pencil, is even faster and more often indecipherable, the amount of rejected material (often not struck out) even greater; many pa.s.sages are chaotic. There is also a certain amount of pencilled correction, probably made at different times, and some of it obviously belonging to a later stage. In one case, my father made a quite careful insertion in ink, saying that Gimli was of little help to Gandalf in finding a way through Moria (cf. FR p. 324), though he put in no montion of Gimli anywhere else. The text is thus difficult to interpret and still more difficult to represent.
It will be seen that the entire story of the attack by the Wargs in the night after the Company came down from the pa.s.s (FR pp. 310 - 13) is absent.