Part 93 (2/2)

But that night, after dark, when Sam and Alice were taking one of those agreeable nocturnal walks, which all young lovers are to, they came smoothly gliding over the lawn close up to the house, and then, unseen and unheard, they saw Captain Brentwood with his arm round Jim's neck, and heard him say,--

”O James! James! why did you want to leave me?”

And Jim answered. ”Father, I didn't know. I didn't know my own mind.

But I can't call back now.”

Sam and Alice slipt back again, and continued their walk. Let us hear what conversation they had been holding together before this little interruption.

”Alice, my darling, my love, you are more beautiful than ever!”

”Thanks to your absence, my dear Sam. You see how well I thrive without you.”

”Then when we are----”

”Well?” said Alice. For this was eight o'clock in the evening, you know, and the moon being four days past the full, it was pitch dark.

”Well?” says she.

”When we are married,” says Sam, audaciously, ”I suppose you will pine away to nothing.”

”Good gracious me!” she answered. ”Married? Why surely we are well enough as we are.”

”Most excellently well, my darling,” said Sam. ”I wish it could last for ever.”

”Oh, indeed!” said Alice, almost inaudibly though.

”Alice, my love,” said Sam, ”have you thought of one thing? Have you thought that I must make a start in life for myself?”

No, she hadn't thought of that. Didn't see why Baroona wasn't good enough for him.

”My dear!” he said. ”Baroona is a fine property, but it is not mine. I want money for a set purpose. For a glorious purpose, my love! I will not tell you yet, not for years perhaps, what that purpose is. But I want fifty thousand pounds of my own. And fifty thousand pounds I will have.”

Good gracious! What an avaricious creature. Such a quant.i.ty of money.

And so she wasn't to hear what he was going to do with it, for ever so many years. Wouldn't he tell her now? She would so like to know. Would nothing induce him?

Yes, there was something. Nay, what harm! Only an honest lover's kiss, among the ripening grapes. In the dark, you say. My dear madam, you would not have them kiss one another in broad day, with the cook watching them out of the kitchen window?

”Alice,” he said, ”I have had one object before me from my boyhood, and since you told me that I was to be your husband, that object has grown from a vague intention to a fixed purpose. Alice, I want to buy back the acres of my forefathers; I wish, I intend, that another Buckley shall be the master of Clere, and that you shall be his wife.”

”Sam, my love!” she said, turning on him suddenly. ”What a magnificent idea. Is it possible?”

”Easy,” said Sam. ”My father could do it, but will not. He and my mother have severed every tie with the old country, and it would be at their time of life only painful to go back to the old scenes and interests. But with me it is different. Think of you and I taking the place we are ent.i.tled to by birth and education, in the splendid society of that n.o.ble island. Don't let me hear all that balderdash about the founding of new empires. Empires take too long in growing for me. What honours, what society, has this little colony to give, compared to those open to a fourth-rate gentleman in England? I want to be a real Englishman, not half a one. I want to throw in my lot heart and hand with the greatest nation in the world. I don't want to be young Sam Buckley of Baroona. I want to be the Buckley of Clere. Is not that a n.o.ble ambition?”

”My whole soul goes with you, Sam,” said Alice. ”My whole heart and soul. Let us consult, and see how this is to be done.”

”This is the way the thing stands,” said Sam. ”The house and park at Clere, were sold by my father for 12,000L. to a brewer. Since then, this brewer, a most excellent fellow by all accounts, has bought back, acre by acre, nearly half the old original property as it existed in my great grandfather's time, so that now Clere must be worth fifty thousand pounds at least. This man's children are all dead; and as far as Captain Brentwood has been able to find out for me, no one knows exactly how the property is going. The present owner is the same age as my father; and at his death, should an advantageous offer be made, there would be a good chance of getting the heirs to sell the property.

We should have to pay very highly for it, but consider what a position we should buy with it. The county would receive us with open arms. That is all I know at present.”
