Part 86 (2/2)
The piece of road alluded to was about two miles off, and winding round a steep hill among trees. Only one turn in it was visible, and over this, as they watched, they saw a dark spot pa.s.s, followed by a crowd of others.
”There they go,” said Sam. ”The madmen are safe now. See, there comes Desborough, and all of them; let us go down.”
They turned to go, and saw Jim coming towards them, by the route that Sam had come, all bespattered with clay, limping and leading his new grey horse, dead lame.
He threw up his hat when he saw them, and gave a feeble hurrah! but even then a twinge of pain shot across his face, and, when he was close, they saw he was badly hurt.
”G.o.d save you, my dear sister,” he said; ”I have been in such a state of mind; G.o.d forgive me, I have been cursing the day I was born. Sam, I started about three minutes after you, and had very nearly succeeded in overhauling the Doctor, about two miles from here, when this brute put his foot in a crab hole, and came down, rolling on my leg. I was so bruised I couldn't mount again, and so I have walked. I see you are all right though, and that is enough for me. Oh my sister--my darling Alice! Think what we have escaped!”
So they went towards the house. And when Major Buckley caught sight of Alice, riding between Doctor Mulhaus and Sam, he gave such a stentorian cheer that the retreating bushrangers must have heard it.
”Well ridden, gentlemen,” he said. ”And who won the race? Was it Widderin, or the Arabian, or the nondescript Sydney importation?”
”The Sydney importation, sir, would have beaten the Arabian, barring accident,” said Jim. ”But, seriously speaking, I should have been far too late to be of any service.”
”And I,” said the Doctor, ”also. Sam won the race, and has got the prize. Now, let us look forward, and not backward.”
They communicated to Desborough all particulars, and told him of the way they had seen the bushrangers go. Every one was struck with the change in him. No merry stories now. The laughing Irishman was gone, and a stern gloomy man, more like an Englishman, stood in his place. I heard after, that he deeply blamed himself for what had occurred (though no one else thought of doing so), and thought he had not taken full precautions. On the present occasion, he said,--
”Well, gentlemen, night is closing in. Major Buckley, I think you will agree with me that we should act more effectually if we waited till daylight, and refresh both horses and men. More particularly as the enemy in their drunken madness have hampered themselves in the mountains. Major, Doctor Mulhaus, and Mr. Halbert, you are military men--what do you say?”
They agreed that there was no doubt. It would be much the best plan.
”I would sooner he'd have gone to-night and got it over,” said Charles Hawker, taking Sam's arm. ”Oh! Sam, Sam! Think of poor Cecil! Think of poor Ellen, when she hears what has happened. She must know by now!”
”Poor Charley,” said Sam, ”I am so sorry for you. Lie down, and get to sleep; the sun is going down.”
He lay down as he was bid, somewhere out of the way. He was crushed and stunned. He hardly seemed to know at present what he was doing. After a time, Sam went in and found him sleeping uneasily.
But Alice was in sad tribulation at the mischief done. All her pretty little womanly ornaments overturned and broken, her piano battered to pieces, and, worst of all, her poor kangaroo shot dead, lying in the verandah. ”Oh!” said she to Major Buckley, ”you must think me very wicked to think of such things at a time like this, but I cannot help it. There is something so shocking to me in such a sudden BOULEVERs.e.m.e.nT of old order. Yet, if it shocks me to see my piano broken, how terrible must a visitation like the Mayfords' be. These are not the times for moralizing, however. I must see about entertaining the garrison.”
Eleanor, the cook, had come back from her lair, quite unconcerned. She informed the company, in a nonchalant sort of way, that this was the third adventure of the kind she had been engaged in, and, although they seemed to make a great fuss about it; on the other side (Van Diemen's Land), it was considered a mere necessary nuisance; and so proceeded to prepare such supper as she could. In the same off-hand way she remarked to Sam, when he went into the kitchen to get a light for his pipe, that, if it was true that Mike Howe had crossed and was among them, they had better look out for squalls; for that he was a devil, and no mistake.
Desborough determined to set a watch out on the road towards the mouth of the gully, where they were supposed to be. ”We shall have them in the morning,” said he. ”Let every one get to sleep who can sleep, for I expect every one to follow me to morrow.”
Charles Hawker had laid down in an inner room, and was sleeping uneasily, when he was awakened by some one, and, looking up, saw Major Buckley, with a light in his hand, bending over him. He started up.
”What is the matter, sir?” he asked. ”Why do you look at me so strangely? Is there any new misfortune?”
”Charles,” said the Major, ”you have no older friend than me.”
”I know it, sir. What do you want me to do?”
”I want you to stay at home to-morrow.”
”Anything but that, sir. They will call me a coward.”