Part 45 (2/2)

After the first greetings were over, candles were lighted, and the three men stood on the hearth-rug together--a very remarkable group, as you would have said, had you seen them. You might go a long while in any country without seeing three such men in company.

Captain Brentwood, of Artillery renown, was a square, powerfully built man, say five-foot-ten in height. His face, at first sight, appeared rather a stupid one beside the Major's, expressing rather determination than intelligence; but once engage him in a conversation which interested him, and you would be surprised to see how animated it could become. Then the man, usually so silent, would open up the store-house of his mind, speaking with an eloquence and a force which would surprise one who did not know him, and which made the Doctor often take the losing side of an argument for the purpose of making him speak. Add to this that he was a thoroughly amiable man, and, as Jim would tell you (in spite of a certain severe whipping you wot of), a most indulgent and excellent father.

Major Buckley's shadow had grown no less,--nay, rather greater, since first we knew him. In other respects, very little alteration, except that his curling brown hair had grown thinner about the temples, and was receding a little from his forehead. But what cared he for that! He was not the last of the Buckleys.

One remarks now, as the two stand together, that Sam, though but nineteen, is very nearly as tall as his father, and promises to be as broad across the shoulders some day, being an exception to colonially-bred men in general, who are long and narrow. He is standing and talking to his father.

”Well, Sam,” said the Major, ”so you're back safe,--eh, my boy! A rough time, I don't doubt. Strange store-cattle are queer to drive at any time, particularly such weather as you have had.”

”And such a lot, too!” said Sam. ”Tell you what, father: it's lucky you've got them cheap, for the half of them are off the ranges.”

”Scrubbers, eh?” said the Major; ”well, we must take what we can catch, with this Port Phillip rush. Let's sit down to dinner; I've got some news that will please you. Fish, eh? See there, Brentwood! What do you think of that for a blackfish? (What was his weight, my dear?)”

”Seven pounds and a half, as the black fellows brought him in,” said Mrs. Buckley.

”A very pretty fish,” said the Major. ”My dear, what is the news?”

”Why, the Donovans have sold their station.”

”Ha! ha!” laughed the Major. ”Why, we have come from there to-day. Why, we were there last night at a grand party. All the Irishmen in the country side. Such a turmoil I haven't seen since I was quartered at Cove. So that's your news,--eh?”

”And so you stepped on there without calling at home, did you?” said Mrs. Buckley. ”And perhaps you know who the purchaser is.”

”Don't you know, my love?”

”No, indeed!” said Mrs. Buckley. ”I have been trying to find out these two days. It would be very pleasant to have a good neighbour there,--not that I wish to speak evil of the Donovans; but really they did go on in such terrible style, you know, that one could not go there. Now, tell me who has bought Garoopna.”

”One Brentwood, captain of Artillery.”

”Nonsense!” said Mrs. Buckley. ”Is he not joking now, Captain Brentwood? That is far too good news to be true.”

”It is true, nevertheless, madam,” said Captain Brentwood. ”I thought it would meet with your approval, and I can see by Sam's face that it meets with his. You see, my dear lady, Buckley has got to be rather necessary to me. I miss him when he is absent, and I want to be more with him. Again, I am very fond of my son Jim, and my son Jim is very fond of your son Sam, and is always coming here after him when he ought to be at home. So I think I shall see more of him when we are ten miles apart than when we are fifty. And, once more, my daughter Alice, now completing her education in Sydney, comes home to keep house for me in a few months, and I wish her to have the advantage of the society of the lady whom I honour and respect above all others. So I have bought Garoopna.”

”If that courtly bow is intended for me, my dear Captain,” said Mrs.

Buckley, ”as I cannot but think it is, believe me that your daughter shall be as my daughter.”

”Teach her to be in some slight degree like yourself, Mrs. Buckley,”

said the Captain, ”and you will put me under obligations which I can never repay.”

”Altogether, wife,” said the Major, ”it is the most glorious arrangement that ever was come to. Let us take a gla.s.s of sherry all round on it. Sam, my lad, your hand! Brentwood, we have none of us ever seen your daughter. She should be handsome.”

”You remember her mother?” said the Captain.

”Who could ever forget Lady Kate who had once seen her?” said the Major.
