Part 42 (1/2)
And now, in a year or two, it began to be very difficult to keep Master Charley in order. When he was about thirteen, there was a regular guerilla-war between him and his mother, on the subject of learning, which ended, ultimately, in the boy flatly refusing to learn anything.
His natural capacities were but small, and, under any circ.u.mstances, knowledge would only have been acquired by him with infinite pains.
But, as it was, with his selfishness fostered so excessively by his mother's indulgence, and Tom's good-humoured carelessness, it became totally impossible to teach him anything. In vain his mother scolded and wept, in vain Tom represented to him the beauties and excellences of learning--learn the boy would not; so that at fourteen he was given up in despair by his mother, having learnt nearly enough of reading, writing, and ciphering, to carry on the most ordinary business of life, a most lamentable state of things for a lad who, in after life, would be a rich man, and who, in a young and rapidly-rising country, might become, by the help of education, politically influential.
I think that when Samuel Buckley and James Brentwood were grown to be young men of eighteen or nineteen, and he was about seventeen or so, a stranger would have seen a great deal of difference between the two former and the latter, and would, probably, have remarked that James and Sam spoke and behaved like two gentlemen, but that Charles did not, but seemed as though he had come from a lower grade in society,--with some truth too, for there was a circ.u.mstance in his bringing up which brought him more harm than all his neglect of learning, and all his mother's foolish indulgences.
Both Major Buckley and Captain Brentwood made it a law of the Medes and Persians that neither of their sons should hold any conversation with the convict servants, save in the presence of competent authorities; and, indeed, they both, as soon as increased emigration enabled them, removed their old household servants, and replaced them by free men, newly arrived: a lazy independent cla.s.s, certainly, with exaggerated notions of their own importance in this new phase of their life, but without the worse vices of the convicts. This rule, even in such well-regulated households, was a very hard one to get observed, even under flogging penalties; and, indeed, formed the staple affliction of poor thoughtless Jim's early life, as this little anecdote will show:--
One day going to see Captain Brentwood, when Jim was about ten years old, I met that young gentleman (looking, I thought, a little out of sorts) about two hundred yards from the house. He turned with me to go back, and, after the first salutations, I said,--
”Well, Jim, my boy, I hope you've been good since I saw you last?”
”Oh dear, no,” was the answer, with a shake of the head that meant volumes.
”I'm sorry to hear that; what is the matter?”
”I've been CATCHING it,” said Jim, in a whisper, coming close alongside of me. ”A tea-stick as thick as my forefinger all over.”--Here he entered into particulars, which, however harmless in themselves, were not of a sort usually written in books.
”That's a bad job,” I said; ”what was it for?”
”Why, I slipped off with Jerry to look after some colts on the black swamp, and was gone all the afternoon; and so Dad missed me; and when I got home didn't I CATCH IT! Oh lord, I'm all over blue wales; but that ain't the worst.”
”What's the next misfortune?” I inquired.
”Why, when he got hold of me he said, 'Is this the first time you have been away with Jerry, sir?' and I said, 'Yes' (which was the awfullest lie ever you heard, for I went over to Barker's with him two days before); then he said, 'Well, I must believe you if you say so. I shall not disgrace you by making inquiries among the men;' and then he gave it to me for going that time, and since then I've felt like Cain and Abel for telling him such a lie. What would you do,--eh?”
”I should tell him all about it,” I said.
”Ah, but then I shall catch it again, don't you see! Hadn't I better wait till these wales are gone down?”
”I wouldn't, if I were you,” I answered; ”I'd tell him at once.”
”I wonder why he is so particular,” said Jim; ”the Delisles and the Donovans spend as much of their time in the huts as they do in the house.”
”And fine young blackguards they'll turn out,” I said; in which I was right in those two instances. And although I have seen young fellows brought up among convicts who have turned out respectable in the end, yet it is not a promising school for good citizens.
But at Toonarbin no such precautions as these were taken with regard to Charles. Tom was too careless, and Mary too indulgent. It was hard enough to restrain the boy during the lesson hours, falsely so called.
After that he was allowed to go where he liked, and even his mother sometimes felt relieved by his absence; so that he was continually in the men's huts, listening to their yarns--sometimes harmless bush adventures, sometimes, perhaps, ribald stories which he could not understand; but one day Tom Troubridge coming by the hut looked in quietly, and saw master Charles smoking a black pipe, (he was not more than fourteen,) and heard such a conversation going on that he advanced suddenly upon them, and ordered the boy home in a sterner tone than he had ever used to him before, and looked out of the door till he had disappeared. Then he turned round to the men.
There were three of them, all convicts, one of whom, the one he had heard talking when he came in, was a large, desperate-looking fellow.
When these men mean to deprecate your anger, I have remarked they always look you blankly in the face; but if they mean to defy you and be impudent, they never look at you, but always begin fumbling and fidgetting with something. So when Tom saw that the big man before mentioned (Daniel Harvey by name) was stooping down before the fire, he knew he was going to have a row, and waited.
”So boss,” began the ruffian, not looking at him, ”we ain't fit company for the likes of that kinchin,--eh?”
”You're not fit company for any man except the hangman,” said Tom, looking more like six-foot-six than six-foot-three.
”Oh my---- (colonial oath!)” said the other; ”oh my---- 'cabbage tree!'
So there's going to be a coil about that scrubby little myrnonger; eh?