Part 37 (2/2)
Miss Thornton put another question which I did not catch, and the sense of which I could not supply, but I heard his answer plainly: it was,--
”Of course I did, my dear lady, and, just as you may suppose, when I walked up the Ritter Saal, there was a buzz and giggle, and not one held out his hand save n.o.ble Von H----; long life to him!”
”But--?” said Miss Thornton, mentioning somebody, whose name I could not catch.
”I saw him bend over to M---- as I came up to the Presence, and they both laughed. I saw a slight was intended, made my devoirs, and backed off. The next day he sent for me, but I was off and away. I heard of it before I left England.”
”And will you never go back?” she said.
”When I can with honour, not before; and that will never be till he is dead, I fear; and his life is as good as mine. So, hey for natural history, and quiet domestic life, and happiness with my English friends! Now, am I wise or not?”
”I fear not,” she said.
The Doctor laughed, and taking her hand, kissed it gallantly; by this time we had all turned round, and were coming in.
”Now, Doctor,” said the Major, ”If you have done flirting with Miss Thornton, look at this snake.”
”A n.o.ble beast, indeed,” said the Doctor. ”Friend,” he added to Lee, ”if you don't want him, I will take him off your hands for a sum of money. He shall be pickled, as I live.”
”He is very venomous, sir,” said Lee. ”The blacks eat 'em, it's true, but they always cut the head off first. I'd take the head off, sir, before I ventured to taste him.”
We all laughed at Lee's supposing that the Doctor meant to make a meal of the deadly serpent, and Lee laughed as loudly as anybody.
”You see, sir,” he said, ”I've always heard that you French gents ate frogs, so I didn't know as snakes would come amiss.”
”Pray, don't take me for a Frenchman, my good lad,” said the Doctor; ”and as for frogs, they are as good as chickens.”
”Well, I've eaten guaners myself,” said Lee, ”though I can't say much for them. They're uglier than snakes any way.”
Lee was made to sit down and take a gla.s.s of grog. So, very shortly, the conversation flowed on into its old channel, and, after spending a long and pleasant evening, we all went to bed.
James and I slept in the same room; and, when we were going to bed, I said,--
”James, if that fellow were to die, there would be a chance for you yet.”
”With regard to what?” he asked.
”You know well enough, you old humbug,” I said; ”with regard to Mary Hawker,--NEE Thornton!”
”I doubt it, my lad,” he said. ”I very much doubt it indeed; and, perhaps, you have heard that there must be two parties to a bargain, so that even if she were willing to take me, I very much doubt if I would ask her.”
”No one could blame you for that,” I said, ”after what has happened.
There are but few men who would like to marry the widow of a coiner.”
”You mistake me, Jeff. You mistake me altogether,” he answered, walking up and down the room, with one boot off. ”That would make but little difference to me. I've no relations to sing out about a mesalliance, you know. No, my dear old fellow, not that; but--Jeff, Jeff! You are the dearest friend I have in the world.”